Chapter Fourteen

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Where is she!? I called her friend and not even Alexis her best friend knows where she is! I checked her house and she wasn't there either. It seems like she hasn't been there for three days. She told her uncle she would be gone for three days its been six! And she won't answer her phone!

I try calling her again and instead I get her voicemail, I crumble the phone out of frustration.

“Will you stop! This is the second phone you've broken!" My beta says as he walks in with a box in his hand.

"Shut up! Shut up! And leave me alone!" I order him as I look at him.

"Hey there don't get mad, damn here's another phone. And I'm telling you to stop breaking your phone because what if Rey is trying to call you but like an idiot you broke your phone and you don't answer and then she'll think your ignoring her. I'm trying to help you out. Okay?" Mike says as he hands me the phone.

I can't get mad because Mike is right. I turn the phone on and see its already programed with all my previous numbers and files from my last phone.

I look at it and still no messages....


I look up out to the clear water of Daytona Beach. Its been six days since I've talked to anyone. My phone keeps buzzing every minute. I got easily five hundred missed calls from Christopher. And three hundred text from him. I want to call him. But I don't know what to say. I ran away like an idiot. Im not sure I can stay with him. Yes I'm pregnant with his child but that doesn't mean we have to stay together. But you love him! My feelings yell at me. I do but I don't know what to do. I don't notice that I'm crying until I'm curled up in a ball again.

"Excuse me miss, are you okay?" I hear someone say. I look up and find a guy around my age ask me. I try to smile around my tears but fail miserable.

" don't know!" I cry out and fall back into my ball of sadness. I feel warm hands on my back. I look up and see that the young man is trying to soothe me.

"What's wrong? My names Rick by the way. Are you here alone?" He asks me. I stand up and he does also keeping his hand on my back. "I'm Rey, yeah I'm here alone." I tell him. He drops his hand.

" you need anything? A place to stay? A shoulder to cry on? What can I help you with?" He says as he fidgets with his hands.

I smile at him. "Why are you nice to me, even though you don't know me?" I ask him.

"I don't like seeing people cry. Especially girls." He says as he gives me a concerned look.

"I'm sorry. Thank you Rick. I should get going." I tell him as I wipe my face on my long sleeve shirt.

"Its okay. Are you sure your okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. I....I'm just trying to solve some things out."

"Well not trying to be nosey but what things?" He says as he looks at me. "I'm a certified therapist. I actually just graduated a few months ago. And all thanks to the Navy's wonderful help for my education." He says with a smile. That's when I notice he's wearing a Navy hoodie. Just to hear he had the chance to go to the Navy-and I never will be able to go- makes me cry.

"That should have been me." I cry.

He huhs me gently and I hold on to him wondering why my life ended up this way?....

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