Chapter Twenty-Four

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So yes as a werewolf we are strong. But that doesn't mean getting shot in the head doesn't hurt like shit! And a injury like this is gonna take a little longer then usual to heal. But honestly how would it not?
I feel someone move me and then I feel pain shoot through me. I still hear ringing in my ears, and its annoying the hell out of me.
"Rey he's okay. Calm down. By the time we get home he'll be good as new." I hear Mike tell Rey.
"How do you know? Are you sure?" I hear the fear in her voice. I want to wake up and tell her I'm fine, but of course I can't.

"Yes I'm sure. Trust me I wouldn't lie to you." I hear Mike tell Rey.

"Okay, I'm gonna believe you but if your lying I will never believe you again." she says as she snuffles.

"Here you can stay with him tell he wakes up. I'm just wanting him to come outside so he can cool down." Mike says as he lays me down on the grass. I feel Rey come close to me and also feel her tears drip on me.

"You better wake up, I can't do this alone I need you here. I need you. I don't know if Mike is telling me the truth. But if he is then you should be able to hear me. So I ask you Chris to come back to me, I need you but more importently our unborn child needs you." I feel her kiss my forehead, "I love you Christopher, come back to me."

My eyes snap open and I take a deep breath....


"I was so scared. I heard the gunshots but I wasn't sure what to do, then Mike and seven other wolfs appear and Mike runs into the house. That's when I went to go see what was going on then....then you get shoot in the head and all blood." I can't keep talking because my body is shaking and the tears keep coming.
"Please don't cry. Nothing happened I'm fine." Chris says as he trys to pull me closer to him but hen winces. "Shit." He mummers under his breath from the pain.
"Are you okay? Should I go get a nurse? Did I hurt you?" I ask him.
"Im fine. Just a little tender. But I'll feel even better if you stop crying." He says as he cups my cheek in his hand. His big thumb rubs up and down my cheek.
"I thought I lost you." I whisper to him as I turn my face to kiss his palm. His eyes widen and a flash of fear appears in his eyes before quickly vanishing.
"I thought I lost you. You and my child. But I didn't go because I kept thinking of you and the baby. I can't leave you yet." He says as I lean my head toward him. I rest my forehead against him so our nose's are touching.
"I love you Christopher. I love you so much that sometimes I can't believe its that possible to love anyone else. It scares me to love you this much. It scares me because, if you were ever taken from me or you leave me. I know I wouldn't be able to live on. To continue. You are my other half. Without you there is no future." I tell him and honestly and its at that moment that I really understand how deeply in love I am with this man. I have nothing without him. He is my family now, along with his whole pack. When I saw his blood I felt black and empty. I though I was alone and I was actually thinking of ending my life.
"You can't think like that Rey." He says as he pulls himself away.
"What do you mean?" I ask him confused.
"You have to think of our baby. It would still need someone here. If I go you have to stay with him or her. Promise me you'll never think like that again." He says strongly.
"I...I promise." I tell him. I snuggle more closer to him and listen to the beating of his heart. Making me drift off to sleep.....

**5 days later***


"Sir, we have one of Roberto's men caught. He's in the chambers right now. We caught him sneaking into the woods." Says Mike as he barges into my office.
"When did y'all catch him?" I ask him as I stand from my desk.
"About five minutes ago." He says as weakr our way to the chambers.
"Did he have others with him? Did he saying anything of why he came here?"
"No sir. He just laughed when we caught him. He..." Mike stops and grimaces.
"He what?" I ask him as I put in the code to enter the chambers.
"He said and I quote. 'You better watch her, y'all think she's safe but she's not'" Mike says. I don't need to ask him who she is because I already know its Rey. I have to control my wolf from trying to burst out.
"Where is Rey?" I ask him.
"Shes in the Guarding room. We have our top fifteen warriors inside with her. And fifteen more outside."
"Does she know what's going on, why she's in there?"
"She asked and we told her it was just a test. For the wolfs to see if they could protect her good." he says. I'm honestly surprised that he came up with a very good lie.
"Did she believe you?" I ask him. I want to keep this from Rey because she has already asked that when the time came and we caught someone that worked for her dad she wanted to be there to ask questions. But I'm not going to let her be near anyone like that.
"Yeah, she seemed to hesitate but then she chuckled and said shed only stay in there if we brought her some chocolate cheese cake from Olive Garden. We have someone getting it for her. So she's okay." He says with a fond smile on his face. I chuckle and shake my head.
I see two guards and they nod at me and open the door...


"So when is this suppose training over?" I ask one of the guards that are inside with me.
Its been five days since Christopher's accident. He is a lot better now but he has seemed to maximized security. He is using all of his men to patrol every acre of this huge land. He himself will go out there with them. I on the other hand have to stay home and be babysat by many of the other female she wolfs. I don't like it but I keep quite. Mainly because I don't want to have Chris worrying about my safety and well being.
"Only a couple more minutes Luna." The guard replies.
"Call me Rey, Luna makes me sound stuck up. I don't like it. What's your name?" I ask him. He seems familiar.
"My name is John." He says curtly.
"How long have you been able to shift John."
"About ten years Luna." He says.
"But I thought that only new shifters would be in here. After all it is a training for younger wolfs right?"
"Yes ma'am, but I'm here supervising."
I see him second guess himself then his face gets hard and he avoids eye contact.
"Where is Christopher at right now?" I ask him.
"I have no idea ma'am."
"Do you think its smart to lie to me? I know when someone is lying. And you are lying." I tell him sternly.
"Ma'am its for your safety." He says calmly.
"Whats for my safety?"
"That you are in here and not out there. He's integrating one of your fathers men. There might be more we don't know."
I knew Christopher was up to something but I didn't think he'd do this. He had promised me that I'd be able to be there when and if he caught someone.
Damn you Christopher!
"Let him know I'm coming. And make sure he knows I'm pissed off at him for this. I don't need babysitters. I'm to grown for this." I tell him as I make my way to the door. As I get closer the two guards block the door.
"Get out of my way..." I tell them sourly.
"We can't do that." One of them says.
"Get out of my way!" I repeat my self as I push my way through them.
"Let her go. Christopher will be more mad if we don't let her go." John says. The two guards nod and move away. As I make my way don't to the cellar I know I'm about to kill Christopher for looking me inside a room and not thinking that I would find out.
"Ugh, men." I scowl as I continue to walk....

Hey sorry took me a while to update! Thanks for all the votes and comments! I had a little writers block but I got over it. And sorry to keep y'all wondering if Christopher was alive! Mwhahahahaha
Don't forget to vote and comment! ❤

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