Chapter Fourty-Two

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"I can't wait until these kids are out of me!" I exclaim as we exit Hot topic. "They keep playing with my bladder as if its a squeaky toy!"
"You are pretty big already. Dang I can't believe your pregnant Rey." Alexis says and I frown at her then look down at my huge stomach. "Okay that sounded stupid but what I mean is, I can't believe your pregnant. You had your life planned out. You don't regret any of this?" She asks.
"I know I had my life planned out, and its a little crazy right now but no. I don't regret anything. If I had to do it again I would. In a freaking heart beat, I'd do it all again."
"So are you ready to be a mom?"
"Honestly? I'm freaking out about that. I don't have a point of reference for that. I didn't have my mom in my life so I'm lost in that department. But I think I can get the hang of it. I know Chris is ready to be a dad." I smile remembering what he told me at our cabin.
"Well he is older." She mummers.
"Not by much. He's older by a few years." I remind her.
"Okay my bad. Let's just go get you to get a potty break and then to the food court!" She says after she picks up my annoyance.


"So what do you think mom?" I ask.
"It looks lovely. I'm sure Rey will love it!"
"That's what I'm hoping will happen. I'm just scared this won't be enough."
"Christopher Sullivan! You know Rey isn't about all the high and mighty life! And you also know that Rey loves everything you do. Well not everything. Not the things you do when your being an idiot."
"Hey! Your my mom be on my side!"
"I always am Chris. Just not when you act stupid. I'm thankful she's giving me grand babies! Something you don't have the ability to do." She says.
"Well mom if you want to get technical if I didn't slip-"
"Christopher Sullivan!" She says cutting me off. "What you and your mate did to get her pregnant is something I don't want to hear."
"Okay, mom." I say with a grin as I look around my new house. "And thank you for always having my back."
"Your my son. I have to have your back." She says as she makes her way to each room. "Is it almost time to pick Rey up?"
"I don't know. She hasn't contacted me. But I think I should drop you off and then go pick her up. Is that okay?"
My mom frowns but then nods.

Rey: Srry I'm already eating with Alexis. We can meet at her house or at the pack house.

I read the text as my mom collect her bag. She turns and smiles.
"Rey's already eating. If you want we can go eat and then I can drop you off." I explain as I get my keys and reply to Rey.

Its fine. Her house is perfect. Let me know when you get there.


I frown at her reply. My mom exits the house and I follow locking the door.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah Mom, anything specific you want to eat?" I ask putting some soft Bach music on.
"Okie dokie."


"Is all good in the hood?" Rick asks as we enter the house.
"Here." Alexis says handing him a to go bag and drink. She dashes off to her room probably to change.
"Good afternoon Rick." I say with a smile.
"Wha'cha bring me?" He asks heading toward the kitchen.
"Look in there and you'll see." I say following him.
"Okay. Thank you for picking me something up." He says opening the Panda Express box.
"Thank me butt head, I paid for it." Alexis says coming down the stairs in a long shirt and very short shorts.
"No you didn't." I say as Rick takes a bite out of his egg roll.
"Okay, well I drove it home." She says sitting on the counter.
"That is very true." I say nodding. "Okay then thank you Alexis." He says stuffing orange chicken into his mouth.
"Any time hot stuff." She says with a wink.
"Okay enough, I'm here." I remind her. "Rick get ready Chris is gonna be here to pick me up. Did you find out why he called my grandpa?"
"Nope but I'm sure we'll find out soon." He says and I nod.
"Why don't you stay with me?" Alexis asks.
"Because I'm married and should be with my husband."
"That's what people did back in the old days. Its the twenty first century, we don't have to follow the old rules."
"Married couples live together especially when the wife is pregnant." I say rolling my eyes at her.
"That's not always true." She says.
"Well I want to be with my husband. Even if I'm lonely sometimes."
"More of a reason to stay here with me." Alexis says with a smile.
"Alexis I love you dear, but I can't stay here. I have to be with my other half. My husband. Plus when these babies come there will be so much noise that you'll want me out of here!"
"Well we need to hang out more. I miss you. Oh and I'm throwing you a baby shower!" She says with a huge grin.
"No, no baby shower." I say shaking my head. "You known I don't like being the center of attention."
"Well suck it up butter cup, cause your getting a baby shower. And your gonna love it."
"Alexis...." I whine.
"Its happening. So get ready."
"Rey," Rick says as he finishes his food. "I think Chris is here."
I get up and go look through the front window to see if he's here.
"I didn't text him yet," I mummer. I look and see two blue trucks outside. "Rick its not Chris." I say as a man steps out of one of the trucks and begins to make it to the front door. Six men come out behind him and scatter around.
"Who is it then?" Rick asks as he comes to the front.
I don't answer as I swing the door open and there in front stands the man that walked out of my life many years ago...
"Robertó what are you doing here?" I ask him.
"I came to see you, my daughter."

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