Chapter Fourty

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"So what did you do to the body?" I ask.
"There were only pieces of him. Wasn't much we could do. We gave him to his parents." Mike says sadly.
"Is there not going to be a funeral?"
"Christopher says a mole doesn't deserve a funeral."
"He's still shaken about this, huh?" I ask.
"We all are. The way your dad-"
I quickly cut him off before he can finish what he's about to say. "We don't know if it was my dad."
"Rey, darling you keep standing up for him, how do you know it wasn't him? Has he communicated with you?" He asks me.
"No. But it couldn't have been him. He's not like that. He wants to be here for me but he knows Chris won't stand for it."
"Yeah and neither will we."
"I still can't get those images out of my head." I tell Mike as tears come to my eyes. He hugs me and let's me cry on his shoulder.
"Neither can any of us..."

"Come on Chris you know it wasn't that bad!" I tell Chris as he continues to pout. "My grandparents aren't that bad. Their just very very old." I say with a smile.
"That they are. Every time they move I swear I hear their bones creaking in protest!"
"Okay their not that old." I say making a face at his comment.
"Hey you said it I just added on to it."
"Yeah but still their okay. I like Stefano more. I don't know about Margo though. She's still kinda weird."
"Well I'm just glad we're almost home."
"Here here!" I say as turn to look out of the window.
As we pull into the garage Mike quickly comes out. His face pale and his eyes wide open.
"Hey Chris we need to talk about something." He says with a shaky breath.
"Mike what's wrong?" I ask him.
"Nothing I just need to talk to Chris."
"Dude what's worng?" Chris asks.
"I'd rather talk to you about this alone." He says urgently.
"Okay, yeah that's fine." Chris assures him before turning to look at me. "Babe you can go take a shower or do whatever you want. I'll find you when I'm done talking to Mike. Okay?"
"Yeah sure. I'll be upstairs." I say as I leave them alone making my way towards our room.
I stop at the stairs and see Mike leading Chris out of the house towards the underground chambers. Did they catch someone else?
I don't know, Mike was really keeping his thoughts to himself.
I want to go and follow them. But what if its nothing and I'm just overreacting?
Well there's only one way to find out...
But what if they get mad?
Your Luna. They can't get mad at you!
Well that's true...
We'll just get a peek then we can come back.
Okay... Just a peek though.
I made my way towards the chambers. While walking there I noticed a lot of the guards in their wolf forms in the woods. They seemed to be trying to smell for something. They were so busy doing this that they didn't even notice me. That's how I got to the chambers without anyone noticing.
Before entering the chambers I heard a lot of voices. I also smelled something revolting that began to make my stomach to turn. I made my way down the stairs and noticed claw marks along the stair walls that weren't there the last time I came down here. I also noticed that some of the light bulbs were busted. The smell began to get stronger.
I knew something was wrong but what I saw wasn't at all what I was expecting.
All along the walls were pieces of red and light pink stuff. I saw Chris in one of the cells his and Mikes back to me. They were so concentrated on something that they didn't even notice me coming behind them. I walk toward them and before I could see what they were looking at Chris turned around. His eyes wide with...with fear?
"Rey don't look." He said but it seems that when people tell you not to do something it just makes you do it. I looked down and saw the mangled half top body of Jason, the kid that had begged us to let him go.
I felt my knees go weak and I began to fall as everything that I had seen came to mind. The red and light pink stuff I had seen where part of his body the smell was the smell of his decomposed body. Before I could hit the floor Chris had caught me. My hands dangled to the ground and I felt them touch something wet but as I lifted my hands I noticed it was blood. Jasons blood....

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