Chapter Twenty-Six

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“Hey mom, have you seen Rey?" I ask my mom as I enter the kitchen. I have just finished working out and some paper work Mike said I had to do.
“No dear, I thought she went to talk to you. I haven't seen since this morning after you managed to piss her off." She says as she takes a bite from her sandwich.
“So I guess she told you."
“Yeah, and surprisingly she only came to me because Lily brought her to me."
“What? What the hell do Lily do now?" I ask her as I take a seat on a stool.
“Ann is it true that pur grandchild was moving and you didn't even think about calling me?" My dad asks my mom as he enters the kitchen.
“Wait the baby moved?!?" I ask my mom as I stand up.
“Yes. That's why Lily was with Rey. Actually Lily was the first person, besides Rey of course, to feel the baby move." My mom says with a small nod.
What the hell? Why is Lily even near Rey? Don't they hate each other?
“Isnt it too soon though?" I ask my mom.
“Yeah, but Rey's mom did have Rey very quickly. So it's not much of a surprise that it's happening this soon. I think the baby could be born probably in less ten five months. Rey's stomach is already growing again. Haven't you noticed? I mean you two do sleep in Tue same bed. And obviously have to do... Well you know." My mom says with a face.
“Well to be honest we haven't done that since she got pregnant. And can we please not talk about my sex life. You two are my parents. That's weird."
“Wow son, didn't think you'd be in a ‘dry’ spell." My dad says with a smirk.
“And that is my que to leave." My mom says as she takes her sandwich  and exits the kitchen.
“Dad stop. Have you seen Rey?" I ask him trying to change the subject.
“Nope, I think I saw her leave though. She was on her phone.” he says calmly.
“Was she with anyone?"
“Nope. So do you think you'll get some this weekend after your wedding?" He asks as he nudges my arm. I take a step away from and look at him odly.
“Dad stop. This is a weird conversation to have with you." I say as I try to exit the kitchen.
“You make it seem as if you don't talk about this with your friends." He says with a shrug.
“Im not that kind of guy. So sorry no. Bye now."
“Okay." He says as he heads to the fridge.
I pull my phone out and call Rey. No surprise she didn't answer. I leave her a voicemail telling her to call me back.
“Alpha Chris." I turn around and see John making his way to me. “There is a pack of rouges in the western front. All females are in their houses along with the children. It seems to be a huge group of them though sir."
“Is Mike over there?" I ask him as I begin to exit the house.
“Yes, sir."
“Is everyone okay?" I run towards the west side of the trees.
“Only one of the younger fighters is slightly injured." He says quietly.
“Has he been brought to the medical area?" I hit the trees and I shift quickly. John does as well. I here the others thoughts right away.
“And why the hell not?" I growl at him as I zoom through the woods trying to get to the front.
“All men are there sir. There is to many rouges."
“All the other men have abounded their forts?" I hear the growls, yelps, howls and ripping of wolf flesh up head.
“Yes sir." He says as we enter the fight.
“You and five others go scout the area. This might be an ambush. Circle the whole grounds. Get five others and make sure they get all the women and children into the Pack house and make sure they stay outside around the house. The rest of us will fight them off."
“Yes sir." He says as he's about to head off.
“And don't let my parents come out here. And call Rey and tell her to stay where ever the hell she's at. Tell her not to come here. Try to explain everything to her in a calm way. And tell her I'm sorry and I love her." He nods and heads off to get ten of our fighters. I see Mike killing a rouge so I know I don't have to worry about him.
I see and hear Collin one of my newest fighters struggling with an older looking rouge. I burst out from the bushes and dash off to help him....

  I cut the engine off and before I can get out the truck Alexis is already opening her front door. I take in a deep breath as I open my door and make my way to her door.
“Oh my gosh Rey! We have a lot to talk about. How do you feel?" She asks me as she takes me into a huge hug.
“Im okay. I'm just pregnant but I'm good." I tell her with a smile as I hug her back.
“You scared me I though you had already left to the base. I call them trying to see if your okay. And they tell me you aren't their. That you decided to not go! Then I go by your house to find it empty! I though you had gone missing. I call you and you never answered. What the hell have you been up to?" She says all this in one breath and I shake my head at her. We enter her kitchen and we sit in the chairs.
“You worry to much. I'm okay. I'm sorry I never told you about me being pregnant. But I didn't want you to think so little of me. I tried to go away for a while but that didn't work out well."
“Rey I will always have your back. I'm not a judging person and you know that. So how far along are you?" She asks as she looks down at my stomach. I still ha e the baggy shirt on over my other tight shirt.
“Well I had sex only once and haven't since then so since graduation day. Well I got pregnant on graduation day. So almost a month. It will be a month this Saturday. Speaking if which I want to invite you to my wedding." I tell her with a smile.
“Your getting married?!?"
“Yes, we want to get married before the baby is born." I explain to her.
“Yeah that's good. So then that means your sister in law will be Lily!" She says with a face.
“Well honestly she's not that bad. She changed after I slapped her. I think this baby is making her nicer."
“Lily Sullivan not a mean person? Please!" She snorts.
“Really Alexis. Plus Christopher told her to be nice or she's out of the house." I say with a smile.
“Christopher can't do that. Its his parents house. What does he work at?" She asks.
“Honestly he has many occupations." I tell her, which in a way isn't a lie he does a lot of stuff in the pack.
“Are you in love with him?"
“Yeah, he sure as hell can get me mad. But he is the sweetest guy ever. He's my soul mate." I tell her as I put my hand on my stomach.
“That's good." She says just as the door bell rings. “Oh ordered some pizzas from Pizza Hut. I got your favorite pizza and many other things." She says as she runs to the door.
Alexis comes back a few minutes with two huge boxes and three little ones. She goes to her fridge and gets some water bottles. I get up and get plates and napkins for me and her.
“So are you living with him now? Like in his parents house?" She asks me as she opens the boxes. She has my Pepperoni, mushroom and bacon pizza with stuffed crust. She got a plan Pepperoni for her. The other boxes contains some sort of pasta, bread sticks and a big fat Hersey Cookie cake.
“Yeah. Well its more his house then theirs. He pays it and all the bills." I try telling her.
“Okay well what exactly does he work in?" She asks again for the second time.
“Well I already told you he does a lot of things." I say as I take a bite from the pizza slice.
“He doesn't work in something illegal does he?" She asks as she looks at my face for any slight confirmation of her crazy question.
“No Alexis. He doesn't. Or else I wouldn't be with him, you know how I am with that kind of things." I tell her as I smack her arm playfully. “Look Alexis right now I can't tell you much. And not because I don't want to but because it isn't my place to say what he does. You'll understand one day, hopefully. So can we drop this little integration of yours, and try to catch up?" I ask her ready for her to go crazy but instead she surprises me by nodding her head.

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