Chapter Three

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I look up and see a very attractive guy staring at me, making my face instantly go red. I quickly hide my face behind my hair. I hope Lily didn't see, she'd probably go flirt with the guy just to prove to me that I'm not attractive enough to be with him.

Lily Sullivan is the most popular girl in school and for some very good reasons. She is very gorgeous, her family is very rich. So rich that she has escorts drive her to school and when ever she needs or wants something it some how magically appears, and it seems any guy is always willing to risk their life to be with her. This year for promposals some guy jumped out of a plane and landed in the middle of the football field where he'd organized the marching band, color guard and cheerleaders to ask her to prom and sadly she said no to him, he was the number one target for pranksters and bullies after that embarrassing fiasco. But back to what I was originally talking about Lily's only flaw is that she's a bully, like the worst of them all and she knew this, knowing it made her thrive to keep the post of most beautiful yet curliest bully. Every since I was little she's always picked on me. Why? I honestly don't know. I really can't remember being mean or rude to her. But either way her three goons shared one goal throughout my school years. That goal being making my school life a living hell.

I ignored it the best I could but at one point in my life where it seemed everything was going wrong, it got to be so much that in the tenth grade I tried to commit suicide. But for some reason I survived. I shouldn't  have survived but I did. The doctors said I was really lucky.

But today I will try to ignore her and her friends because this will be the last time I have to see them. The last time I have to put up with any of their crap.

I notice the guy is still looking at me and before I close the door to the auditorium I look back and smile at him. He simply looks frozen in place...


Where is she going? I want to follow her. How can she just ignore her mate!? Especially me the Alpha? I get up to follow here but Lily suddenly calls me over to  the corner of the auditorium. I make way over.

"Tell me your mate isn't Rey Galvina?!" she screeches.

"That is none of your business." I growl at her.

"Whoa boy enough with the growling. And yes it is. She can't be my Luna! I mean come on she's a loser! She will never-"

"Lily shut up and watch your mouth, I will not allow you to talk about my mate in that way." I snap at her.

 "You just don't understand. She's not even a wolf!" She retorts. 

"Yes she is I can feel her wolf. How else would she be my mate if she isn't a wolf?" I ask her. Lily just storms away from me. I go take my seat waiting for the ceremony  to begin....


I can do this I tell myself as I walk up to the podium. I have my speech memorized so that's half of the battle now all I have to do is just say it in front of hundreds of people. No big deal right? As I stand in front of the class of 2014 and all of their family members I began to regret not bringing a copy of the speech. I clear my throat before speaking.

"Good morning, I believe that when I say that this day brings many emotions to all of us, it is simply the truth. This day brings happiness to us students because we can finally leave our some of our embarrassing high school years, happiness to our families because they see that we have made it and hopefully we will continue to succeed in this great journey that we call life. And as proven today we can continue to achieve greatness as we have with the end of this chapter. But all of this also brings sadness, because graduating means we have to leave those we grew up calling friends and even family behind, you know the ones that we first sat down next to on the first day of school, the ones that were brave enough to welcome some of us to a new school. The friends we stayed up with late at night to binge watch some ridiculous shows or movies because we thought we had all the time in the world to do homework, and then instantly regretted staying up late when we could barley stay awake through your class presentation the next day. Looking back at it now you don't regret it though because those are some memories you will hold onto for a good while but most importantly those memories remind you that if you could get through what you thought was a bad day then you can make it through whatever this world has in store for us. Because we know have to motivate ourselves like we did all those times we thought we couldn't make it. We have to become independent and find our own solutions to the many mistakes we are going to make, because believe me when I say we will make some along the way. But as the class of 2014 we've already accomplished and found solutions to a lot of our schools problems. We have graduated with the highest scores ever in our school history 98% of our class graduated not only that but we have just recently been informed that out of that percentage  98% of our class is going to college. That breaks two of our greatest records ever. So we already know we are wonderful and capable of only greatness. And I'm proud to be representing our class. But more importantly I'm proud of us all. If no one has told you this yet you must be proud of your self too. Because we have finally made it. All those days of waking up early when we didn't want to payed off. Those late night studying for the quiz we had the next day, just to find out the test was really next week not that day, payed off! We've made it class of 2014. So be proud of this and remember this day because this is just the beginning of all those wonderful finish lines you will come to reach. Leave today knowing that you are greatness, you are the best class this whole district has seen. And that is what counts the most because we will always be number one." They begin to clap and soon quite down "But for now let us just party for a little while. Cause growing up can wait just a little bit more!" Some of my friends shout and my best friend Alexis shouts out "HELLS YEAH!!!" that makes some people laugh and they all begin to clap. I walk back to my seat and sit down next to the principal. Mr. Smith (the principle) goes back to the podium.

"Thank Ms. Galvina. Now I ask that we all thank our man and women that have served our country. So the people that are in the audience if you have served may you please stand." I see my uncle stand and I begin to clap. About 50 people stand old and young. "Now I ask that the graduates of today if your joining a military branch to pleases stand." I and some other students stand. Instantly I hear my uncle holler my name and begin to applaud. I look down to find the sexy guy from earlier staring very hard at me.....


Hey its me. Just want to let y'all know I'll try to update everyday. I just want to make sure the chapters are longer. Lol please comment and vote ☺❤

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