Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hi just want to thank you for the people that comment. So far there is a lot of nice things being said and honestly y'alls comments make my day! And thanks for understanding that I have a lot going on right now. Also just an FYI I'm writing this book on my phone. I use to have a laptop but it broke down so now I use my phone. So there will be grammer mistake and spelling errors. I will go back eventually and fix things. Either way thanks for the love y'all are showing me! 5.16k likes and 175 comments! Thanks!!!

"So you heard what the doctor said. You have to take it easy." I tell Rey as we enter the kitchen.
"Yeah, but she also said that working out can help me. What do you want to eat?" She asks me opening the fridge.
"Yeah, but more rest. And let's go out." I say standing behind her. She turns and faces me.
"I will work out as much I think that I can take. Were wasting money going out. I can cook." She says putting her hands on my chest.
"Woah there don't start anything you can't finish." I tell her with a wink. She laughs and leans into me.
"Well the doctor did give us the all clear. Just as long as were careful."
"Hmmm, I like that idea and then maybe-"
"Will you two get a room!" I growl when that annoying voice interrupts us.
Rey tries to pull away but I hold on to her waist and keep her against me.
"Newsflash free loader," I say and Rey frowns at me telling me to shush. "All these rooms are my rooms. You don't like it get the hell out."
"Christopher stop." Rey says angrily. She pushes me away and turns to her friend Alexis.
"Sorry he's a little grouchy. So what's up?" Rey asks her.
"Its fine I'm use to his bitchyness." Alexis says with a glare.
"Alexis that wasn't nice. Y'all need to learn how to get along. I love both of y'all a great deal so I'd like for y'all to get along. For me?" Rey asks turning to me with a pout.
"Im going to take a fuckkmg cold shower. We can go out after I'm done. See you later bff Alexis." I say the last part with so much sarcasm.
"Whatever." Alexis mummers.
As I head toward my bedroom I hear Rey say.
"Alexis stop being a bitch, this is Christopher's house. He's being nice enough letting you stay here." My baby has a point. But this isn't just my house this is our home....


"Oh come on, Rey!" Alexis says as she sits on one of the stools. "You know I'm joking with him. That's how I am." She shrugs nonchalantly.
"Well lately Alexis, you've been pushing it. Christopher isn't a bad guy. He makes me happy. I'd though you would see that and be happy for me, but instead your just being mean."
"Rey, he stopped you from your dream future! How can you be okay with that?!" She says loudly.
"Alexis he didn't stop me from anything. He was okay with me leaving. He didn't hold me back he was letting me go. He's not a bad guy. Please Alexis be nice to him. He's not making it easy for you to like him but I'll talk to him. You need to make the effort as well though. Can you do that for me?" Alexis looks at me and sighs loudly. "Okay I guess I can be a little nicer to him. But if he says something mean I'll say something right back. But I'll do it for you." She says with a small smile.
"Okay thank you." I tell her with a smile as I go around the bar and hug her.
"So what's for breakfast?" She asks me. "Cause I'm sure these little babies are hungry." She says rubbing my stomach. I smack her hand away.
"Dont touch my stomach! That's weird. And I don't know. Christopher wants to take me out."
"So were going out to eat?" I turn to see Rick walking in and rubbing his stomach dramatically. "Good cause I'm hungry!"
"Actually me and my wife are going out." Christopher states as he enters the kitchen. He is now wearing blue jeans and I tight white falling in reverse band tee. Its so tight that while he walks you can see his muscles move. I find myself hitting my lip at this image, at my walking perfection. He makes his way next to me and kiss my lips biting my bottom lip in the process.
"So I heard were going out?" Ann asks as she enters the room with Greg behind her.
"Who said that?" Christopher asks her.
"Lily did she over heard it going to her room. She'll be down in a few so we can leave." Greg says as he pours himself a cup of water.
"Well you heard wrong its just me and my wife." Chris tells them and Ann in response rolls her eyes.
"Okay were ready!" Says Lily as she walks into the kitchen with my grandparents behind her. They are dressed causally which is surprising.
"What the hell Lily! Your not invited Nobody is! Its just me, my wife and my unborn children going!" Christopher's says loudly throwing his hands in the air. He looks so funny that I have to bust our laughing.
"Its okay, we can all go. We'll be a big family breakfast. Right Chris?" I ask him. He turns to me and frowns. I get on my tippy toes and give him a quick peck on the lips.
He pouts but nods his head.
"Your so damn whopped!" Rick says with a laugh.
"Shut thr fuck up. Your just jealous that I have a mate." Christopher tells him and Rick quickly shuts up.

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