Chapter Twenty-Five

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“Well that went well..." I tell Mike as we make our way to my office.
“I guess," He says with a chuckle. “Poor guy just thinks everyone is bluffing."
“Yeah well I sure as hell wasn't." I tell him as I remember the lifeless body.
“You do know that now we have nothing, right? You need to stop killing them. We need a live one or we will never get nowhere." He explains as he looks at me.
“Dont you think I know that Mike? I understand that but I can't...let them live. What if one of them escapes and goes after Rey? Or worse! Goes and tells her father where she is? You think I'm being harsh and irrational but I'm not. I will not let anything ever hurt her. Even if that means I have to kill these men than that's exactly what I will do."  
He looks at me then nods. “I see your point. But have you told her what's been going on?"
“No, she'd probably kill me. And anyways I don't think she'll figure it out. She's more worried about the wedding this weekend." I tell as we go up the stairs that lead to my office.
“Oh yeah! That is this Saturday? You ready?"
“Ive been ready all my life. I finally found her and now I can complete my soul. She is my other half."
“Well if I were you I'd tell my other half about these little integrations."
“Rey is fine, the less she knows the better." I say as I open my door.
“Yes because apparently Rey is stupid. Right dear?" I hear Rey's voice cut through the silence as I open the door all the way. She is sitting on my chair behind my desk. “I mean that's the reason why you though you could get  away with it right? Don't you agree Mike?" She says as she turns to glare at him.
“Ummmm.... Well Rey to be honest, I told him to tell you. And he ignored me." I turn and glare at him as well. “That being said, I'm leaving because this seems to be more of a private chat. Yeah, okay so bye!" He said as he quickly exited the room.

“Guess your back up is gone." I tell him as in lean back on his chair. “So enlighten me Christopher and explain."
“Well I was protecting you."
“Protecting me? Or making me look like an idiot? Or maybe not wanting me to know what goes on in your life? Do you not trust me-"
“Rey," he cuts me off with a sigh. “I trust in you. I really do. I just don't want those people near you."
“I don't believe you. I think your just over protective and instead of admitting that your making up stupid lies. Just an FYI Christopher if your going to do a “practice test" for the new wolfs in training, at least but people in the room that I have never seen here. Instead you put a guy I see everyday! Not that bright for a genius, huh? If you trust me as you say you do, you would have told me the truth! I don't like to find out your secrets from other people Christopher." I tell him through clenched teeth. “Just like I'm sure you wouldn't like that!"
on't lie to me! We are suppose to be getting married in two days! We are suppose to be able to talk to each other! Not hide things from each other. You and me have to be a team, Christopher. Were not suppose to fight. We should be over that. I'm having our baby. Don't I deserve the truth from you? This makes me sad when you break a promise. Even if you think it's to protect me." I tell him as I get up and make my way to the office door. “Im glad and I understand you trying and wanting to protect me. But I will not allow you to lie or make me look like an idiot." I tell him before I exit the office. I make my way down the grand stairway and out the house.
As I walk towards the woods area Mike comes out of nowhere.
“Hey Rey, I just want to say to not be so hard on him. He's doing this for a good reason. You might not understand it now but hopefully you will one day." He says as he looks down to his feet.
“Well Mike he shouldn't lie to me." I tell him as I sit against a fallen tree trunk, a tear slipping down my cheek.
Mike plops himself down next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder in a friendly way. He sighs loudly.
“Don't cry Rey. Trust me he means well. He just has a horrible way of going about it. As you know Christopher isn't that really good with words. He has his moments with his good way of communication but those are very rare." He says with a snickers as I chuckle. “But do not doubt for a minute that, that man is deeply in love with you. He will go to the extreme to protect you. And yeah he'll mess up and probably get you pissed at him along the way. But he does it out of love. Just try to understand him in his own crazy way. Give him time to get use to the fact that not everything will hurt you. Kay?" He asks as he lifts my chin.
“Okay. I'll think about it." I tell him with a small smile.
“Well don't forget y'all have a wedding in two days. So y'all have much to talk about by then." He says as he gets up and holds out his hand to me.
“I think I'm going to stay out here for a while." I tell him as I squint up at him thanks to all the bright Texan sunlight.
“Okay, and also Rick called and said he'll be back by the day of the wedding. And he said your grandparents were wondering I'd they could come to the wedding." He tells me as he wipes off the grass and little amount of dirt from his butt.
“Okay. And I'll call them to tell them they can. You don't think Chris would mind?" I ask him.
“Not at all. Be careful out here. I'll see you at dinner.”
“Of course, see you there." I tell him as he walks off.
After a minute of sitting there I stand up and head to my room.
“Hey you." I hear someone say behind me. I turn around you and see Lily walking toward me.
“Hi," I tell her as I frown.
“So your really pregnant with my nephew or niece?" She asks as she looks down at my stomach.
“Yeah, I am."
“And y'all are for sure getting married this weekend?"
“And your not just doing this to get money?"
“Gosh Lily, no! I'm your brothers Mate. Future Luna. Granted I'm not that excited to be a leader or whatever but I can't fight or stop that from happening. But I'm not that kind of girl."
“Well I didn't think you were the kind of girl to get knocked up right out of High School either but I guess I was wrong there. But I'm not here to fight. I'm here to say I'm sorry about how was mean to you and how I treated and what I said about your baby." She says lowly. Barley able to be heard. My eyes go wide for a second.
“Your sorry? Wow! Never thought I'd hear you say that. But thank you. That takes a lot for someone to say that." I tell her as I take a step closer to her. I feel a quick flutter of movement in my stomach and my eyes buldge. I put a hand against my stomach and feel movement. Its impossible but yet its happening.
“Are you okay?" She asks.
“Yeah,, I'm not sure if I lost my mind or something." I feel the movement continue. “Here give me your hand." I tell her. She hesitates so I grab her hand and push it on my stomach. At first she pulls back but then she stops and looks up at me with big eyes.
“Is that?.... Is it moving?" She asks.
“Yeah, I believe so." I tell her glad I'm not the only none that feels that.
“But its to soon for it to be doing that." She says exactly with I was thinking not to long ago. “I think we should go ask my mom how this is even possible." She says as she grabs my hand and leads me through the big house.

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