Chapter Eight

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Eight days later......


"Babe you're gonna come to my house right? Or you want to go out and eat?" Christopher asks me. Uhhh that word babe...I'll never get tired of hearing it. Its funny how I was against dating Christopher but now I'm glad to be with him. My uncle loves him! He thinks Christopher is an amazing guy. Yes he's a few years older then me but hey I'm 18 and he's only 22! That's not a huge difference.

I also met his family and let me tell you my shock when I found out Christopher's sister is Lily! She was very nice to me the whole time I was there which surprised the hell out of me. But oh my gawd I love Christopher's house! He's always wanting to come to my house which I don't understand why if he's is so amazing! A huge three story house. Christopher is helping his dad run the family business. I don't know what that is, every time I ask him what it is he changes the subject. That concerns me a little, but whatever he'll tell me when he's ready.

"Rey?" Chris ask.

"Oh sorry. I was just off in my own little world." I tell him as I turn to look at him. "Yeah I'm gonna go to your house. After you drop me off for my last check up at the hospital." I tell him.

"Okay." He says as he heads to the hospital.

"And I bet I've gained weight thanks to you always taking me out and feeding me all this food!" I tell him as I poke his ribs.

"Well last time I checked I never made you eat. You pretty much stuffed your face with that Blueberry cheesecake waffle!" He says as he chuckles.

"Yeah well still if they say I'm to fat and that stops me from getting in I'm gonna make your life hell!" I joke with him.

"Please, Rey you need some meat on those scrawny little bones. I like you tough and all that but your can't starve yourself, you're perfect just the way you are." He says as he kisses my hand. He pulls up to the hospital and cuts the engine. "Well we're here." He says.

"Okay see you in a few Christopher." I tell him as I unbuckle my seat belt. He leans over and kisses me. "Goddess I love it when you say my full name..." He groans.

Yes he said goddess Christopher is from some other religion where they worship a goddess. Not much a god.

I pull away from him and get out the truck.

"Laters babe..." I tell him as I close the door walking toward the entrance of the clinic he gives two honks out before driving away.


"Chris we have caught scent of two rouges over by the west side of the border. We believe they're the same ones from last month." My beta Mike tells me.

"Okay, we need to find out what keeps bringing them back every month. Do y'all know if they're mates or if they're related?" I ask him as I head of into the woods. I shift instantly and so does Mike following me as I head off to where they caught the scent.

"We think their related. And we know that their not mates. Ones a female and the other is male. Something times them together." He let's me know through the wolf link.

"Okay. Do you know if they have family inside the border?" I ask as I jump over a log.

"No...well I haven't checked." He admits shyly.

"Dammit Mike, what have you been doing? These two rouges should have been caught already!" I roar at him

"I'm sorry. They just seem to know where we are and how close we are to them all the time. I'm guessing they have someone in the inside. We might have a trader amoung us." When he says that I feel my anger over spill I speed up and dig my paws into the ground. The ground seems to be melting with every step I take. I know I'm picking up dirt. If I have a spy in my own pack, that is not good for the traitor because once I find out who it is they'll be sorry...

I'm gonna make them sorry....


"Okay we'll call you in a few days to confirm your blood test and make sure your ready to go this Sunday." Doctor Tracy tells me.

I stand up thank her and make my way out of the clinic. Getting into the elevator I text Christopher that I'm on my way down. So as I guessed I have gained weight only nine pounds but still that's to much for me. So I have to work out more and stop eating out so much! Ugh but food is sooo good!!! Oh well.

I get into Christopher's truck and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Hello Christopher!" I say as I buckle up.

"Good afternoon, love." He says as he pulls off to his house. "So how was the check-up?"

I glare at him. "I gained nine pounds! And no muscle but for fat!" I tell him.

"And let me guess...its my fault!" He says mocking me. I glare at him. 

"I was gonna say no....but now I'm doubting it..." I say as I stick my tongue out at him.  He chuckles and just shakes his head. "I'm sorry. So was that the only bad thing?"

"Well I don't know. They said they'll call me to tell me the all clear for Sunday." I whisper the last part.

"Yeah Sunday, are you ready Rey?" He asks me.




I glance at Rey's direction.

"Yeah I've been ready since I turned seventeen. Are you ready?" She asks me.

"Of course. Just because you won't be here doesn't mean I'm gonna stop loving you. I will always love you. No matter where you are." I tell her as I kiss her hand. I stop in the front of my house and get out and head to her door. I help her down from the truck and pull the velvet box from my back pocket. Rey looks down at her shoes and ties her shoe. When she stands up straight, I open the box and hand it to her. Her eyes pop open and she stares at the ring. She looks at me and her eyes are misty.

"Rey this ring is a promise ring. By promise ring I mean I promise not to cheat on you, stop loving you, or stop worrying about you. I will think of you everyday that you are gone and I'll count the days till you get here. I'm gonna get a ring too so girls can see I'm taken. Is that okay with you?" I ask her as I grab her chin and peck her lips.

"Christopher its so beautiful! Yeah I-I love it and,... And YES!"

Hey sorry if I sped it up just had to get it shaken lol vote and comment please?!?

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