Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Glad you made it out of there alive!" Is the first thing I hear as I step into my dream.
I turn and see my birth father coming at me with open arms. Before I can put some distance between us, he pulls me into a hug.
"Woah there, old man." I say as I push him away.
"Hey I might be old but I do look good for my age." He says as he gives me a small tight squeeze and then releases me.
"Sure, but thank you for the warning. It helped. Christopher would thank you. But he has a huge pride for his ego, so he never will say that." I tell him with a small smile.
"That's understandable, I'm just like him. In a way me and him aren't so diffrent-"
"Please," I cut him off quickly. "don't compare yourself to my husband. That's... Well just creepy."
He just nods his head. "So your okay right? The babies are okay as well?"
"Yeah. Everyone is fine."
"Good. That's good."
"So what do you want?" I ask him.
"Well I was just wanting to make sure that your okay." He says as he sits on a chair that appeared out of nowhere.
"How did you do that?" I ask pointing at the chair.
"You just have to picture it and it appears." He says.
"Okay. So, your like a vamp king?" I ask him sitting on the floor.
"Vamp king?" He says with a chuckle.
"Yeah, ruler of blood drinkers?" And with that he starts laughing.
"Oh sweetie, that's funny. I'm not king. But I am the leader of a group. I guess kind of...kind of like a clan. But not king. There isn't a king for us vampires. Were all nomads, but sometimes we created groups or families if you want to say. Whoever told you that?"
"Well Chris did. You threatened a war."
"I did that out of anger. I mean I do have the largest clan. And yeah other vampires would call us evil. But if you ever got to know us you wouldn't think so. At least I think were okay people."
"Well of course you'd think that! Your the boss. What ruler or leader or boss ever thinks their horrible?"
"True. But we really aren't bad people. But I do have a question for you." He says getting serious.
"Okay. What's your question?"
" you think Christopher would ever let you come to my house? You know so that we can talk?" He asks scratching his head.
"I don't think Christopher would like that." I say frowning. "He's not a fan of yours. So yeah I'm gonna say no."
"Yeah, I figured that much. Do you know why?"
"Well he's never met you. He thinks your planning something evil. I'm not going to lie so am I. And he's not to fond of you visiting me in my dreams."
"Okay. I understand that. But he does know I'm your father, right?"
"Yeah that won't help him or make him like you." He frowns at me not really seeming to understand what I'm saying. "Because you left me when I was little."
"Okay that's not fair! You know that was your mom's fault."
"Yeah, that I understand. But why didn't you come back for me?!? Did you even stop to wonder how I felt? How it was to be raised without parents! How I always felt unwanted and unloved!" I say as I stand up from the chair. Robertó has a shocked expression on his face. "Do you not see how fucked up that is! If mom left why didn't you stay? I'd rather had one of y'all them none of y'all. Kids are mean when they find out your an abandoned kid. You said you felt like crap when your mom didn't want you, so why would you ever put your own child through the same crap!?"
"Enough! Do not raise your voice at me!" He says shooting up from his chair.
"No, you don't have the right to yell at me. You left me! So I have all the right in this damn world." I begin to feel drowsy.
It looks like he's going to reach out for me, or say something but before he can, I snap awake.
I sit up out of breath. And I begin to feel the bed and I'm glad to feel Christopher's warm body next to me.
I feel hot a sweaty the sheet is stuck to me. I pull the sheet off of me and I'm greeted with blood....


"Its nothing serious. Its rare but does happen. Menstrual cycles are common in some pregnancies." The doctor says calmly. Rey is sitting on the bed looking relived. Her hands softly caressing her stomach.
"It hadn't happened until now though. So why would it be happening?" Rey asks.
"Well since you are starting to grow in size, I'm thinking the body was naturally trying to make space for the babies. So if I were you I'd make sure to wear tampons..." The doctor saying that T word makes me begin to blush. Why? I honestly don't know. I know women go through that stuff but its still....weird.
"Okay, if you have any questions or you begin to feel weak please don't second guess on coming back." The doctor says as she smiles at Rey and nods her head at me before leaving the small room.
"You okay?" I ask Rey as I grab her left hand. I kiss her wedding ring and then her palm.
"Yes," she says in a small voice. "sorry for being so dramatic with my screams."
"Rey don't be sorry. Especially for something like that. Its not something you could have controlled." I say as she looks up at me. "Plus I think your reaction was good. I've seen women do a bigger scandal for smaller things."
I smile at her before answering. "Really really, baby."
She giggles and stands up.
"You know Rey you look like your farther then three months. You look about five months." I tell her. She frowns. "But I understand, I mean your having three babies not just one."
"Yeah but that's your fault. Who told you to have such good swimmers?" Rey says with a goofy grin.
"Well they don't call me Alpha for nothing babe!" I say as I smack her butt. She squeals and I laugh.
"Im going to pretend I didn't see that." I hear Lily say from behind.
"Fuck off, Lily." I tell her as I flip the bird at her direction. She sticks her tongue out and also flips me off.
"I just wanted to see how Rey is doing." She says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Well, cause she's my favorite sister in law."
"She's your only sister in law." I remind her. She shrugs and walks off to bug someone else.
"I don't trust her." Rey whispers.
"Nobody does Rey, Nobody."
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"Hey, I got a question." Rey says looking through our drawers.
"What?" I ask I get one of my suits out and begin to dress. Rey on the other hand, is already dressed and ready to go.
"Why," she takes out a box and throws it onto the bed. I look at it and I feel my cheeks go slightly red. "do you have these? I'm already pregnant, I don't think you need them anymore."
"Well if you must know." I say as I slip on my slacks on and begin tucking the shirt in. "I feel that its weird to release while the babies are in there. It creeps me out." She grabs the tie and begins to put it on me.
"Really?" She asks.
"But having sex while I'm pregnant doesn't creep you out?"
"Well its dark in there. So they won't see anything."
"Christopher," she says laughing. "You won't ever get near the babies. You can't. Its impossible."
"Really?" I ask surprised.
"Like you say, Really really." She says as she's finishes my tie.
"Anytime. You ready to go?"
"Ready as I'll ever be. I ask that you please remember that I'm a little protective." I tell Rey as we exit the room.
"You? Protective! I would have never guessed!" Rick says as he gives Rey a hug. She smiles at him and for some reason I growl. "Woah there killer, I'm her guardian. I'm not trying to take her, plus knocked up chicks aren't my thing." He grins and Rey smacks him behind the head.
"Not funny Rick." She says.
He rubs his head with a small pout and I smile proudly. Teaches him to not mess with my girl.
"Glad to see that his roughness is rubbing off on you." Rick tells Rey. "And actually your dad sent me to call you two. All the Alphas and Lunas of the top ten packs are waiting on you two. And I believe your grandparents are waiting too Rey." Rick says getting serious.
"Okay thank you. Is there anything else we need to know." I ask.
"Well since your asking." I hear Mike say as he walks by my side. "We think we've caught another mole of Rey's dad. And we have caught those two rouges I told you about. And I'm glad to announce that we lost no one." He says with a smug smile. He ignores the glare I sent his way for talking about the mole in front of Rey.
"If you try to hide things from me Christopher, my wolf tells me. So stop with the hiding crap." Rey says with a smug smile.
Dammit! My wolf says. I do have to say I like her wolf. She's a fireball!
"Okay. Let's talk about that later. I have a meeting to run."
"We have a meeting to run." Rey corrects me.
"Damn got told." Rick says.
"Shut up." I tell him as we get to the doors. I stop a few feet from the room and hold Rey's right hand. I nod at Mike. And him and Rick open both doors for me and Rey. I see everyone in the room stand and I walk in along with my mate.
When I get to the head of the long desk I see two seats.
"Welcome to our house. We both hope every single one of you is enjoying yourself and I'm sorry to have set the meeting back a few days. Please everyone be seated." I help Rey into the left seat before sitting down. I notice that her grandparents are sitting at her side and other guards along with Rick, stand in front of the door guarding them. Mike and his wife sit to my right.
"Okay," I say as I looked at all ten Alphas and Luna's before looking back at Rey. "let's begin."

I did say I wouldn't update until ALL chapters got 200 votes. I kept my promise! I hope y'all liked the chapter. I know I had a lot of y'all worried for the babies. Their okay! Lol anyways I want to thank the person he did the cover. I am going to dedicate this chapter to you. Thank you! So tell me what y'all thought and what do y'all think about her dad???
Well I updated right when all the chapter got 200 votes and this happens at exactly 2:02 am!!!! If that's not showing my love to y'all I don't know what is!!!!! Comment Vote & Share!!!! Glad to have reached 12.1k likes! Thank you Readers!!!

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