Chapter Thirty-One

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"Mom have you seen Rey?" I ask my mom as we finish dancing our second song. I do a quick scan and still don't see her.
"Oh dear, she had to go use the restroom. And she's pregnant so that will take a while. Don't worry about anything she's perfectly safe. You have so many guards here." Mom says pointing at each guard. "They'll protect her." And with that being said she walks off to talk to Margo. They seem to be getting along very good which is very good. My mom has always wanted to meet the Royal's. But the only people that meet them is the Alphas. And even those occasion's are very rare.
"Chris," I turn to see Mike calling me. He looks very nervous but seems to be trying to cover it up. "Can I speak to you privately?"
I follow him as he leads me off to the side.
"Whats wrong Mike?" I ask him. He seems to be struggling in trying to get what he has to say out.
"Chris there was a-"
"Christopher!" I turn to see an ashen faced Rey running to me. I see she is struggling to run with her dress so I run up to her. Mike following pursuit. Rey lunges into my arms and begins mummering random words. Things I can't even understand.
"He was here, he was here, he was here." I begin to understand her babbling.
"Who was here Rey? Babe are you okay what's wrong?"
"M-my.. My... My father Christopher! He was here! He spoke to me! He touched me." She burst into tears and I hold her close to me.
"Mike, close the gates. Make sure the boarders are well protected. Nobody enters or leaves. Get all the Alpha's and take them to my office." I know he hears me but he isn't moving. "NOW DAMMIT!" I yell at him. He nods and scurries off.
I look at my Rey, and her tears continue to stream down her face. She's babbling and I'm so confused. How the hell did he get in? How did he get to close to her? How did nobody see him? And why didn't he take her? He was so close to her...
"Rey, babe I'm going to leave you with my-"
"No Christopher." She cuts me off holding me tighter. "Please don't leave me, please!" She begs. I nod at her and lift her in my arms. Her arms wrap around my neck, her hands in tight fists. Her head buried in my neck I take her to our room. I quickly mind link Mike to get my parents and Rey's grandparents to my room.
I sit down in the bed with Rey still clinging on to me.
"Rey your okay, you're safe now. I'm not going to let anything hurt you babe. I'm here to protect you." I tell her softly rubbing her back. She pulls back and looks me in the eyes. She looks so unsure and that tugs disappointment from me. She trust me take care of her. She trusted me when I said her dad wouldn't harm her. He didn't do anything to hurt her physical, but mentality he did something.
"Christopher he was acting so calm. It was scary. I didn't even realize it was him until it was to late. He touched my arm there was this shock. I felt something shock me. He asked about my mother. He wanted to know if she was here. He looks very young Christopher. And pale. He gave me this." She hands me a locket. A picture of her as a baby and her parents is in the inside.
"Did he do anything else?"
"He just said I looked a lot like her. Elizabeth." She says looking at the locket. "He was so nice but something felt wrong. The atmosphere felt cold and...and depressing when he appeared. His eyes are lifeless." Rey seems to be lost in her own words. She seems to be reliving those few minutes.
"Did you see where he went?"
"No, I turned around to ask what his name was, and he was gone. Disappeared in a seconds."
Loud commotion from the hallway stops me from asking more questions.
"Rey!" Margo comes in and runs toward her grandchild. "Are you okay dear? What did he say? Did he hurt you? Is he gone? Has he been caught?" She rambles on with more questions. "The baby is fine?"
"Yes Margo the baby is fine. He just asked questions. I don't know it was him until...until I rembered seeing a picture of him from my uncles house." Rey lies to her. I put the locket in pocket. If Rey didn't tell her grandma about the locket she did it for a good reason and I'm sure as hell not going to rat her out.
"Christopher how did that man get on your property?" Stefano asks. He looks very mad.
"Thats what I'd like to know Stefano." I say truthfully.
"This shows Rey isn't safe here. She need to go back to the castle with us. We have wards that will keep him off the property. We have thousands if guards." Stefano says as if it's the most obvious thing ever.
"No, Rey is not leaving. She is staying here. Next to me. She's my mate." I growl at him.
"Christopher you must think about your unborn child as well." Stefano replies forcefully.
"I am. Rey is safe here."
"Oh her evil father getting on your property sure does prove that!" He remarks sarcastically.
"Don't fucking disrespect me in my fucking house!"
"Don't disrespect your king! Or I will kill-"
"Enough!" Rey shreiks standing up. We both look at her shocked. "Stop arguing! I can't take this anymore! My stomach is turning and twisting, my mind is thinking about a million of things and you two think now is a good time to argue?!" She looks at both of us. She places a hand on her stomach and groans in pain. I'm quickly by her side holding her other hand.
"Rey, what hurts?"
"Christopher, the baby. Its moving to much. hurts!" She groans again. My mom quickly calls the doctors and Margo tells Rey to lay down on the bed.
"Rey honey, these small pains happen. Its nothing to worry about so just stay calm." Margo tells her confidentially.
"Christopher the Alphas are waiting." Mike says from the door way.
"Christopher please don't leave me!" Rey called out.
"Mike, tell them what has happened. I can't leave Rey right now. I'll be there as soon as I can. I have to be by my family." Mike nods and leaves.
The doctor comes in and instantly begins to ask Rey questions.
"Where exactly is the pain at? How did it begin to hurt?"
"It hurts.. Everywhere." Rey replies as her face scunches up in pain. "The dress... Its to... Tight!" She cries out.
"Get the dress off her!" I yell at Margo. She nods looking scared and begins to. She is so nervous that she fidgets for a long time and Rey seems to be having issues breathing. I get impatient and rip the back buttons just to make sure she can breath easier.
"Dr. what's wrong with her?" My mom asks.
"I don't know. When did she start having issues?"
"Me and her grandpa were arguing." I tell her honestly.
"Well that could have set it off." the doc mutters, she turns to Rey and begins to press into Rey's stomach. "Rey tell me where it hurts." she says in a calm voice.
"Every-everywhere. I-its to much!" Rey whimpers.
"Okay, Rey I'm going to need you to be more specific."
"I can't, I'm sorry I can't." cries Rey. I get next to her and hold her.
"Alpha, I think we should take her downstairs and try to scan her. See if anything is wrong with the baby." the doctor says. She says this sad, with her voice low. Rey can't hear here but everyone else in the room can.
I nod and carefully pick Rey up off the bed and proceed to take her downstairs.
"Christopher, I'm so sorry. I know you want this baby." Rey says with tears running down her face rapidly.
"Shhh, Rey its okay. I just want you to be okay. Just stay strong baby. I got you. I'll always have you." I say as I place a kiss on her forehead.
"Set her done here. I'm gonna take a quick X-ray." The doc says.
Rey lays still her hands to her side. It looks as if she's fallen asleep. Her eyelids are closed and her breathing has become normal again.
I see my family and Rey's parents looking through the doors and both Margo and my mother are crying. their husbands trying to comfort them.
"Okay Christopher please move Rey to this table." I pick Rey up and set her on the table. "Christopher I have to be honest with you. The baby seems to be moving to much."
"Is that bad?" I ask her. Rey seems to be gone. Not dead but in another world.
"Yes, and I'll tell you why. It seems like there are three of them in there." the doctor says as she walks toward the computer and shows me what she's talking about.
"Three? As in kids, babies?" I ask her. She nods and points out three even sized babies.
"Yes, but don't get to excited." she says sadly, lowering her voice. The way her voice sounds it brings me back to reality. The vision of three little ones gone quickly.
"Christopher, one of the babies seems to be shifting inside the womb. It shifts and the other two get injured every time it shifts. Like when we shift you know we need space. If we feel confined we freak out. We try to get more room. But in this case the baby pup can't get more room. It has limited space but it seems like its trying to make room." What she's saying doesn't make sense. This is not possible. Baby wolfs can't change. The doctor seems to see me struggling to believe her. "Watch this." she says as she pushes play on the picture where I see three little human babies. At first there normal and then one, the one closer to Rey's spinal cord begins to change. I gasp in horror.
How is this possible?
I see the little wolf push the other two babies. It pushes and stretches and then stops and turns back.
" Can this kill her?" I ask the doctor.
"Will I'm concerned that the baby is too close to her spinal cord. I can't tell how strong the baby is. Or rather how strong it can get, but if it pushes against her spinal cord with a lot of strength it can make some horrible damage." The doctor says.
"She can become handicap."
"How can we stop this from happening?"
"Well we could try to take the baby out. Its in our advantage that this one has its own water bag. So we could just take it out and leave the other two in there. It would be a tricky surgery. For all four of them. That's including your wife, out Luna."
"Do you think you could take the baby out of her quicker?" I ask her.
"I could, but I can't guarantee that the baby will make it."
"When can this be done then?"
The doctor looks over at Rey and turns back at me. "I think we should let Rey know about everything that is going on."
"Of course. I'm going to let the family know what's going on."
Everyone seems to be as surprised as me about the triplets but they get scared about the shifting baby.
"So when can we get the thing out of her." Margo asks quickly.
"Not thing, its a baby. My baby." I tell her. She just rolls her eyes but nods in understanding.
"I need let Rey know what's going on. So she'll have a say in this."
"Great idea," Stefano says. "When do you think she'll be up?"
"I honestly don't know. But the doctor wants only one person in the room. At least tell Rey wakes up. So I'm going in there. Can one of you go check on Mike, and let him know what's going on?"
"Of course Christopher, anything to help. I'll go with your dad." Stefano volunteers. I thank him and make my way to Rey's side.

hey ppl so finally every chapter has hit 80, and above. So here's the next chapter. thanks for all the love and comments! I was trying to update last night but the weather was messing with my phone. but I'll try to get the next chapter up by tonight so y'all have something to read. Stay safe, flooding is going down but seems like more rain is in the way. hope y'all a good and safe night!

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