Chapter Seventeenth

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***A/N sorry its been a long time with out updating. I've been busy lately but hey I'm back! So back to the story....


I know there talking, and I know their telling the truth. But I don't want to believe them.

"So Rey do you understand? We don't want to harm you. We just want to be a part of your life." Margo says. That's her name apparently. I also learned the old mans name is Stefano.

"So what your telling me is that my mom was a werewolf. And also your daughter? And my father wasn't a full breed werewolf but a mix? Well what was he mixed with? And what the hell does that make me?" I question them with a glare. "Y'all say your helping but y'all really aren't. If anything I'm more confused! And then to make matters worse you're also telling me I'm heir to the werewolf throne. Don't you think this is a lot to take in? Not only do I have to accept my boyfriend is a werewolf but now all of this?!? And what would happen if I turned this throne thing down? What would happen if I don't want to be a ruler?" I see that they look said. And yes, I feel bad because I know I'm causing them this pain. But this is to much.

"Well," Stefano says as he looks at me. "fights would break out between many alphas after I pass. They will be fighting to be able to take control. You see Rey, the reason we're here is because we make sure everyone keeps safe. And that we don't get wiped out. We have rules that we as werewolf's follow and must obey. But we're here to help. Yes we missed a lot, and many parts of your life. But we didn't choose to! Your father and mother took you away when you were just a few days old. And that killed us. We tried looking for you, and also your mother. But your father was an evil man. He was cruel because of his childhood. You see your dad is half vampire and wolf. And you see we don't have a good relationship with vampires. They try to kill our kind. Now don't get me wrong, not all of them are bad. But the dark ones are. Your father was mixed from a dark vampire. His mom was raped and left for dead. But instead she was left pregnant of him." Stefano says this and I see his face fill of sadness.

"And that didn't sit well with many people." Margo says as she rubs her husbands back. "Her own family left her. She moved in here as help and eight months later your father was born and so was my beautiful baby girl." She smiles as she says the last part.

"I didn't like how your father-Robert- was treated by the other kids, so I tried to raise him as my own." Stefano says. "But that was the worst mistake I could have done." He says gravley.

"Robert and your mother- Elizabeth was her name- became inseparable. It was cute at first but then they started to get serious. When your mom turned sixteen she became pregnant of you. Robert was happy but she was scared. She was just a baby herself. My baby was going to have a baby. She gave birth to you and since your dad was a mix you were born very quickly. By the fifth month you were born and healthy. We saw you for one day, only one, and then you all disappeared." Margo says as a tear escapes her eye. She dabs it away quickly and she looks down at her hands.

"But why would they just take me away. And why did they leave me? Did they really die or did they just get tired of me and ditch me?" I asked them. I feel Chris look at me trying to make sure I'm fine. He puts one of his hands on my stomach.

"So what does this mean about Rey and the pregnancy? Well she have a difficult one as well?" Chris asks Margo.

"We honestly have no idea. And Rey dear, we don't know what happened to your mom. But your father we know he's not dead. All we know about him is that he's up to no good." Margo says as she looks sadly at me.

"I...I need time to think. Can me and Chris be alone for a second?" I ask them. They look at each other worried and it dawns on me that they don't want to leave us because they think we'll disappear like my parents. "We won't go anywhere. I just want to speak to Christopher alone. Please?"

They nod their heads and leave the room. When they shut the door I just sit there thinking about everything they told me.

Why would my dad and mom just leave? Why did they leave me?! How am I a werewolf wouldn't I have noticed? And what will happen to my baby? Is he or she okay?

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