Chapter Five

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By the end of the night I have had at least twenty shots and seven Coronas in my system.

"Alexis I love you! You are my sister and I love you, Daniel you too! Y'all are my first and always forever the bestest of friends. And I'm just so happy and sad and mad. I'm happy cause I love y'all! Sad cause no one loves me." I say with a sniffle. Chris tightens his arms around me. I giggle. "And I'm mad because....because Lily is a bitch! And I'm happy because she's not here. So yeah let's drink to that!" I say as I clink my shot glass with Alexis, Daniel, Chris, and some other random highly intoxicated people.

"Okay and something very important if you are drunk you will take a cab home! I'm paying for all the cabs!" So everyone that's here either find someone sober to drive you home or tell me if you need a cab. Parties over. So hurry up cause I'm tired and ready to sleep!" I say as I step out of Chris's arms. I think he's holding on to me because every time I want to stand or walk on my own I seem to have issues staying straight up. I think something is wrong with the gravity tonight.

One hour later and everyone is out. Only Alexis, Daniel, Chris and myself are left. I call Daniel and Alexis a cab. Chris says he can take me home. So I'm set.

I have talked to Chris all night and he's a very nice guy. I think (and I really don't think it has anything to do with alcohol) I'm in LOVE! Chris helps me to his car buckling my belt before closing the door and heading to the drivers side. Its a nice 2014 Chevy Camaro. "Nice car Chris." I tell him as I finish my beer. "I need another one!" I whine.

"No Rey I think you've had enough." He says as he gets in.

"You sound sexy when you boss me around." I tell him. Chris burst outs laughing. For some reason that hurts my feelings... I sniffle and Chris stops laughing and looks at me.

He puts his huge hand on my cheek and looks at me. "Rey don't cry. What's wrong? I didn't mean to laugh I'm sorry." He says and for some reason I reach over and kiss him. His lips are so soft! I moan and manage to cross over to get on his lap, which let me tell you was kinda hard due to the small amount of space we have. He deepens the kiss and pulls me closer to him. He moans and that just makes me sober up quickly as I try to take in the way he is kissing me. His tongue softly dances with mine. I pull away from him and for some odd reason try to take his shirt off. Chris is breathing heavily and he holds my arms stopping me.

"Rey not here. Sit down and we'll go to a hotel." He says. I just agree and sit down in my seat and buckle up. He reaches for my hand and twines our hands together. He brings our hands to his lips and kisses the back of my hands and our twined fingers. When he does that I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach. Chris drives fast and gets us to a Wyndham hotel we walk into the lobby and he quickly scores us a suite. We make our way to the room and we only make it through the front door before I begin to kiss Chris pushing him against the door surprising me on how quickly I did it and how easily I was able to move him.

warning its about to get sexual!!!! Don't say I didn't warn you.....

Chris looks just as surprised on how I easily moved him. But he quickly kisses me back with just as much passion. He grabs me by my waist and lifts me up before warping his arms under my ass making me wrap my legs around his waist. He starts walking us somewhere and for the moment I don't care where he's taking me. He pulls his lips from my mouth and gently kisses my cheek before setting me down on the ground I stand in front of him and look up at him.

"Rey before we do anything else are you sure you want to do this?" Chris asks me as he looks at me. Trying to read my reaction to all of this.

"Yes I'm sure. I don't know what it is Christopher." I say as I rest my hand on his chest. "But something about you makes me feel different. Good Different, wonderful different." Might sound cheesy but its the honest truth. I don't know what it is about him but ever since I saw him looking at me I knew something was gonna change. He smiles while grabbing my hand from his chest he kisses my palm, making a small spark run through me. He lets my hand go and begins to kiss me once more, softer this time in a more intimate way while pulling my body closer to his. it seems like an hour has gone by when he finally lets me go. And we begin to undress each other. He takes his shirt off while I simply stare at how his torso moves and shifts. How his muscles contract and how rock hard his whole upper body feels. Before I begin to kiss it slowly up and down, making him shiver and then moan. He pulls my dress off of me slowly and I find myself very thankful that I'm wearing my brand new Victoria secret bra and panties from the be bold collection. His eyes pop slightly wider as he takes in my under clothes. I feel myself blush and I try to cover myself up. He stops me and kisses my forehead. "Don't be embarrassed baby, your beautiful." He says as he gives me a kiss on the lips. "Your so gorgeous Rey!" He says as he kisses the tip of my nose. I smile at him and kiss his lips.

"Thank you Christopher." I tell him. He takes his pants off slowly and I watch. I begin to panic! He takes out a a condom from his pants pocket and sets it on the night stand.

"Chris....I-Im still a virgin I've never done this before." I tell him. He kisses my lips softly.

"I had assumed you were Rey. Since you haven't had a boyfriend. We'll take this slow. If it hurts or becomes to much tell me to stop and I will. Just trust me." I swallow and nod my head. He kisses me again and this time he unstraps my bra and takes it off me. Instantly my face goes red and I see he notices.

"Don't be nervous baby." he tells me ass he kisses me ever so gently between my breast. While continuing to kiss his way down to my hips before sliding off my panties. I swallow and look at him while he strips off his boxers. He reaches for the condom while I simply lay on the bed watching him rip it open and slide it onto his hard member which I really hadn't noticed until he slid on the condom. The only thing I can really think about is 'are they usually this big?'

He notices my petrified expression and stops what he's doing. "Rey you stretch. Don't worry I won't break you." Chris assures me as he slides back up and kisses me.

"I know that. It's just I've never seen one in real life. It's a first for me." I tell him and he nods his head before moving his lips lower down my throat. I moan and tangle my fingers in his hair. he begins to kiss on one of my breast licking and kissing ever so gently making a weird shock run through my body all the way down to my center core. I feel a weird pull down there and I find myself trying to rub against him.

"Not yet baby." he says as he smiles up at me before licking my nipple. Dear lord the act feels so weird yet so good. My back arches encouraging him to continue the blissful act. He continues his slow suckling before completely biting ever so gentle on my nipple and pulling on it while sucking it. I don't realize I'm making loud responses, moaning and saying his name but clearly that's what is encouraging to continue his torture upon my nipple. One of his hands has found its way to my other nipple and is twisting and pulling on it with much harder force making me moan louder while tightening my hold on his hair. Not caring if I'm causing pain just like he seems to have forgotten. I feel myself begin to get wet and it feels odd and different but it continues to get more wet the longer he tortures my nipples. He releases my nipple from his mouth and kisses his way down my stomach and stops before going any lower. He slides two of his fingers between my folds rubbing against my clit making my thighs clench hard around his hand. He removes his fingers from me bring them out and letting me see the gleam of wetness on his fingers.

"Baby you get so wet." He says before licking his fingers making my insides twist and want him more. He gently spreads my legs more open before hovering above me. My hands begin to grip the bed sheets hard and he grabs them with one of his hands and kisses them. He places one of my hands on his back right under his arms before kissing my forehead.

"Rey baby, if you feel like its to much stop me."  He says as he kisses my nose. 

"Okay, just be gentle." I tell him. 

"Always with you baby, always." he says as he places his member at my entrance before slowly pushing himself in. Its an odd feeling something foreign being pushed in my body. Something that's hard yet soft at the same time. Chris works his way in carefully and slowly taking his time. I feel a little pain, but it surprised me how quickly I felt pleasure as soon as he began to move into me. He was slow and gentle which was nice but I needed more something craved more. I found my hips moving to meet his thrust.

"Chris harder, please." I whispered into his ear he simply moaned and moved quicker picking up his pace. Making me cry out loudly as he goes deeper in hitting a spot that feels amazing. "Oh right there...more." I feel my whole body begin to shake first in my inner thighs but it quickly begins to spread all over my body, I dig my nails deep into his back making him groan and slam harder into me.

"Come on baby, cum for me." He tells me as he goes harder and faster. The shaking increases greatly all over my body, it feels like the room is shaking along with me. With one more thrust a huge wave seems to sweep me away. A wonderful earth shattering experience. I feel him cum after me and another quick wave goes through me as he finishes. I feel so exhausted that everything around me seems like a dream. My brain has managed to turn to mush and all my body wants to do is shut down to re-power and I gladly let it but not before hearing Chris say 

"I love you Rey." And for some reason I say, "I love you Christopher." 


Hey so what did y'all think??? Tell me what y'all thought and don't forget to vote and comment!!!! Goodnight love you all!!!***

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