Chapter Sixteen

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I felt very warm....and good. But I couldn't open my eyes or move at all. I tried to open my eyes and still nothing.
“Where am I?" I wondered.

Honestly the last thing I remembered is walking with a guy. He was nice, we were talking and he was my friend. And I can't remember his name. But I do remembered Chris being mad. He began to fight with....with.... RICK! Yeah that's his name. Then.... Rick changed into a wolf when Chris did as well. Christopher was going to kill Rick and he wasn't listening to me. So I jumped in front of him and then he landed on top of us and I passed out. OH MY GOSH! My BABY!

And with that last thought my eyes snapped open....


“And why are you here?" King Marcus asked me as his wife glared at me.

“Well, sir, Rey is my mate and she's carrying our baby." I told him.

“Yes the baby you put in harms way." The Queen chipped in.

I turned at her and almost growled.

“I didn't mean to! It was an accident! How many times do I have to tell you?" I saw her looked pissed off “your Majesty." I added. That seemed to cool her down.

“As many times as it takes us to believe you." The King returned.

I slowly exhaled and tried to control my breathing I could feel Rey in the castle and I could tell she was alive but since we hadn't mated completely I couldn't tell her physical well being. Meaning I couldn't tell if the baby was okay.

“So can I see her. I have the right to see my mate don't I?" I asked the King.

“It was also your duty to protect her. And you failed. So you might even get your right to ever be around her revoked. Rey is the last heir to the throne. She is very special to us. Yes we lost touch after her parents died. We didnt know where she went. And her parents didn't help us because they had taken her to a warlock to have a protecting spell over her. And as you can tell the spell they put on her has dried up and disappeared. We sent Rick out to find her and convince her to come here. But then you had to go crazy and nearly kill her!” Queen Natasha said as she stood from her throne.

“And now you want to see her! As if you have every right to even be around her?! If you truly love her you'll leave her alone!" She growled as she got closer to me.

“I do love Rey. And I was stupid for exploding and hurting her, but I won't leave her. Not now and I will never leave her. The only way I'll leave her alone is if she tells me to and even then I will be watching her. I love Rey and there is nothing you can do about it." I told her. The Queen was about to snap back at me but didn't when one of their many maids scurried into the room.

She bowed respectfully yet quickly.

"Your Highness she's awake. And scared. She keep's calling out for Christopher her mate." She says as she looks at me with a pointed glare.

And that's when I hear Rey cry out my name....

Rey ~

I look around and I don't know where I am. I see a thin women looking at me. She tries to get closer to me.

"Where's Christopher?" I ask her.

"Rey. Do you remember what happened?" She ask. Why is this room so dark? Why am I so suddenly cold. I put a hand on my stomach and notice I now have a mini bump where my baby is at. My eyes go wide as I pull my shirt up and look at the bump.

Pregnant with The Alpha's babyWhere stories live. Discover now