Chapter Thirty

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"I do." Chris says with a huge grin on his face. I can hear his mom softly crying. And I feel small tears leave the corner of my eyes.
"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you two, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
As soon as those words leave the Reverends mouth Christopher pulls me to him and plants his lips over mine. I hear our guest burst out in huge applauses and congratulations are also heard. But how Christopher is kissing me, all of the noise is gone and I'm only thinking about him and me.
He finally let's me go and I take a deep breath. I feel my cheeks turn bright pink and Christopher smiles and turns us toward our guest. Alexis is the first to come and hug me and then my grandparents. Chris doesn't let go if my hand all while this is going on.
"Come on Mrs. Sullivan its time to go to the real party." We make our way to the front of the church our guest are already there ready to throw rice at us. I see the white sleek Mercedes pull up and we make our way to it quickly. Rice showers us as we quickly get into the car. Chris gets into the driver side and speeds off. He grasps my hand and gives my palm a kiss. I smile at him.
It feels like everything has happened so quick. The wedding was thrown togther so quickly. In three days we had everything ready. A lot of the Alphas had come with their wife's and kids. The house was so packed that I had to share the room with Alexis and Lily while Rick and Christopher had to share a room. And let me tell you Christopher was really mad about that. But lily reminded him that the night before the wedding the couple could not sleep together or see each other until they saw each other at church. So at five in the morning I was woken up and the hair stylist along with the makeup stylist began to work on me. Constantly asking me move this way, sit still, look forward, stop whinnying. I was fed thanks to Alexis feeding me small tid-bits to fruit, eggs and bacon. The stylist said her doing that made me move SK Alexis was told to stop or get out. Surprisingly she didn't fight them, she just sat down on a near by chair and kept me company.
I had to get my nails redone and that took a while. When they had finished it was almost time to go. Alexis had disappeared and changed along with Lily and Ann. I was only going to have two bridesmaids and I was fine with that. I had just got my dress on when a knock had us all turn to see who it was.
"Rey dear?" My grandpa said as he walked in. My grandmother behind him gasped when she saw me.
"You look just like her. Oh my baby." Margo said softly.
"Sorry its a very emotional day. We just wanted to ask you for a favor. Its fine if you say no. Its just well... Could we walk you done the aisle?" What he said shocked me. Yes we had begun to talk like a family but this was such a big leap.
But when I looked at Margo's sad face and Stefano's hopeful one I'm reminded that they didn't have the chance to walk their only daughter down the aisle. My mother had taken so much away from them. And I didn't want to deprive them from this meaningful moment.
"Of course. I'd be very happy and honored if you two could walk me down the aisle, grandma and grandpa." I tell them as I walk toward them. I remember clearly the shocked expression. I thought they weren't expecting me to say yes, but later find out its because at that moment they thought I was mother, their daughter.
I'm taken back to the present when the car stops at a meadow.
"Christopher where are we?" I ask him as I look around our surroundings.
"Just a quick pit stop baby." He says. He gets out quickly and helps me out. He picks me up bridal style as a squeal leaves my mouth. He just bursts out laughing, his huge booming laughter echocing through the small woods. He walks me a little further then sets me down infront of a lake. This place looks familiar.
Chris sets me down on my feet and I unbuttoning his suit jacket he lays it out on the soft green grass. He holds my hand and helps me land lightly in the floor.
"I just want us to take this day in for a little while. It's going to take everyone a while to be there and plus the wedding planner said it would be better to get there after everyone else. And I just want to be with my wife." Christopher says with a smile as he sits behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning me back against his chest. His hands stay over my pregnant stomach and he smiles down at me.
"Well I'm glad you want to spend sometime alone with me." I say with a grin.
"I always want to spend time alone with you. But I'm afraid if we do we will have a huge family of our own." He says lifting both his eyebrows. I gigle and turn to look towards the lake.
"Where are we Chris? This place...I've been here before right?"
"Yes, you have. This is where you first saw me in my wolf form." The memory comes back to me instantly when he says this. "I remember you being so nice and loving to my wolf. You weren't even scared to be in front of a wolf."
"Your not a scary looking wolf." I tell him with a smirk.
"Oh really?" He ask. I turn to face him and nod. "Sooo...what if I bite you?"
"Well your going to have to bite me tonight." I remind him. Tonight we complete our mating ritual. I'm nervous for some stupid reason and Chris knows this. He keeps telling me we don't have to do this. That he's willing to wait but I want to do this. This might help push my wolf side out.
"Well true. But what if I bite you right now?" He asks placing a kiss on my neck. "Right here?" Another kiss. "On your neck." Kiss. "Would that scare you." I hear loud panting and it takes me a moment to realize that the panting noises are coming from me. Why is his kisses on my neck arousing me?
"Its the mating pull, baby." He answers my unspoken question. "I want you to. You don't know how badly." He groans as he kisses my lips. He nicks at my bottom lip asking for entrance and I let him. He mkbes from behind me straddling me and pushing me down against the grass deepening the kiss. His hands on next to my sides holding himself up so he won't put his weight on me. I slip my hands onto his back and moan into his moan. He slips his mouth down to my neck as I'm left gasping for breath. I can hear my own heart beat. This is how mad this man can make me! His lips leave trailing fire marks when his lips leave a spot of my skin. I hear myself moaning into the afternoon sky and I hear him growling in appreciation.
"Chris...Chris...." I try to get his attention but he seems to be gone. "Chris we have to stop. We have people waiting on us." I tell him softly running my fingers through his hair. He looks up at me. He has a hooded expression and it arousals me. I close my eyes and I feel his hot breath trickle its ways up to my lips. He gives me a quick peck on the lips and the over my closed eyelids.
"I hate to say you're right, Mrs. Sullivan." He says with a husky voice. "Good thing I'm going to have you all night."
"Christopher you've been having me." I tell him with a small smile.
"Not that kind of have baby, this kind of have." He says rubbing his hardon against me.
I try to reply but when I open my mouth now words or sounds can be made. I feel myself blushing and Christopher stands up offering me his hand with a big smirk on his face.~

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