chapter 65

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Harry walked down the hallway as soon as the elevator door opened . He walked slowly to his father's room and saw his mother sitting by the bed . Andrew sitting at the couch at the side of the room .

When he saw him , he stood up and walked to him . He got out and closed the door behind him . "Hey man , where were you ? " , Andrew asked while Harry ran his fingers though his hair .

'Uhm ... I had something to do ... At work " , He lied and then sat down at the chair . Andrew took a deep breath and said "Listen Harry there is something i have to tell you " .

Harry looked up at him and then nodded for him to continue . He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by his phone ringing in his pocket .

"Just a second " , He excused himself and walked down the long hallway . Harry stood up and then walked inside the room .

His father was awake and was talking to his mother . He smiled as he walked to them and held his hand .

After a short while , Andew came back cursing . Harry stood up when he saw him and then walked out wih him .

"What's going on ? " , He asked seeing the look on his face . "I got a call from my father , He said that my mother's sick , i have to go back to the UK " , Andrew said in a rush .

"What happened to her , did he say if she's alright ? " , Harry got concerned because he knows Andrew"s mother ever since he was young . She was like his second mother after Anne .

"I don't know he won't tell me anything . I have to leave right now " , Andrew ran his fingers through his hair pacing around .

"Ok don't worry about it . You can go in my privat jet , I'll set everything up " , Harry said grabbing his phone and then dialed  some number .

"Thanks Man , i appreciate it " , Andrew said and then walked inside to say goodbye to Anne and Des while Harry made the call .

Andrew walked to the elevator with Harry following behind . "Call me when you get there and keep me updated , ok ? " , He said when Andrew stopped and turned around .

"I will don't worry . Listen Harry , I'll come back to the US very soon and there is something i have to talk  to you about " , He said giving him a small hug .

"Yes of course , Take care mate " , Harry waved to him as he got in and the doors closed . He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair .

Problems seemed to be coming one by one . when they get rid of one something else happens . First Harry's father , then what happened with Taylor and now Andrew's mother .

Harry fell down on a chair and then sighed deeply . He pulled out his phone and stared at Taylor's number . He felt a pain in his chest . He did regret some of the things he said to her but he felt betrayed and hurt and had no control over his words .

He put his phone back in his pocket and then stood up and walked to his father's room .

Meanwhile , Taylor was curled up in a ball on her bed . No longer sobbing like she has been for the past few hours but only small sniffles coming out of her mouth .

She heard the doop open and Emma stepped closer to her . "Tay ... Do you want to talk ? " , She asked putthing her hand on Taylor's knee .

Taylor shook her head and kept staring at the wall infront of her . Emma sighed and said "Ok Taylor i'm not going to keep acting like this , Andrew told me everything " .

Taylor took her eyes off the wall and looked at Emma . "He heard what Anne said to you . Listen Taylor i know you feel like you came between him and his family but you didn't , His mother is the one who ruined everything , not you , all you ever did was love him Taylor . I saw it in your eyes , everytime he came over you would look at him like there was no one else in the room . Everytime he calls you , you face lights up hearing his voice .

Do you know that i have never , ever seen you as happy as you were with Harry from the day i met you ? . Taylor he brought joy to your life . But you just pushed him away like that ? . For what ? to make his mother happy ? .

You gave away your own happiness for someone else's Taylor . Did you even think about Lucy ? . Did you see the way she looks at Harry ? she looks at him like the father she never had Taylor . She loved him , you loved him , why did you let him go ? " .

Taylor didn't say anything . She just stared at Emma letting her words sink in . She shook her head and then looked back at the wall .

Emma sighed and stood up . " Taylor i'm not going to let you ruin your own life , either you Tell Harry you lied to him or i'm going to tell him myself . " .

Taylo sat on the bed and put her head in her hands . "Don't even think about it Emma " , She said with a low voice .

" Taylor , wake up already , you can't keep giving away your happiness for some one else's , you deserve to be Happy Taylor , After all you've been through , you're worth being Happy in your life " , Emma said .

Taylor looked at her and said raising her voice : " Emma this is my life , and these are my choices , you don't have a say in them . So stop interfering in my god damn life all the time , i do whatever i want to do and it's non of your business "  .

Emma took a step back with hurt written all over her face . She looked down and then nodded her head . She started walking to the door but stopped and turned around . " I just wanted to be a good friend , but you're right ... It's non of my business "  ,Her voice breaking at the end .

She stepped outside and Taylor heard the front door open and then close again . She couldn't believe what she just said to her best friend . She covered her face with her hands and threw her head back on the couch .

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