chapter 68

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Harry was walking down the stairs when his mother stood in front of him . "Where are you going, son ?", She asked with a small smile .

"I was just going outside for some fresh air " , Harry answered running his fingers through his hair .

"Not too fast , you father wants to have a word with you " , Anne said and Harry sighed .

"About what ? ".

"I don't know , he just wanted me to let you know that he's waiting for you " .

Harry nodded and then went back upstairs .He walked across the long hallway until he reached the room where his father was .

He knocked before opening the door and stepping inside . His father grew a smile on his face when Harry approached him and grabbed a chair next to the bed to sit on . He was still able to hold his hand .

Harry had a soft smile on his face as he asked:"How are you today father ? " .

"I'm good son , I believe your mother told you I wanted to have a word with you " .

Harry nodded and his father added :" Listen son . You do know how much you mean to me and your mother , even though we never talked about this . From the very first day we brought you from that hospital we fell in love with you , you were such an angel holding in so much pain ... " .

Harry closed his eyes and said "Dad, we don't have to talk about this " , "Yes we have to son .... You deserve to know everything that happened .

Like I said , we brought you from the hospital and you were only 3 months old , you were all alone , with no one to look after you . The moment that Anne laid her eyes on you she wanted you to be her son , our son ... We raised you hoping we could give you the love you didn't have when you were only a baby . We did plan to tell you someday Harry , we planned to tell you but we couldn't because we were afraid , afraid that you will hate us after .

Now that you know , y-- .... You deserve to know who your real parents are Harry ... " .

Harry's head shot up at his lost words . He stared at his father for a moment but then shook his head . " Don't dad , please " , He begged , "I don't want to know who they are ... Never " .

Des held Harry's hand and closed his eyes while sighing , "As you wish son " .

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