chapter 26

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Harry was sitting next to many people in the airport , Today , His friends , Andrew is arriving to the US , And Harry wanted to welcome him .

People started going out as Harry stood up and searched through the crowds for him , Finally he saw him , He smiled big as he walked to him and tapped on his shoulder .

Andrew turned around and smiled wide when he saw Harry , "Hello mate! " He said as he and Harry hugged , It's been years since they saw eachother last .

"How are you ? " Harry asked pulling away , "I'm good thank you " Andrew answered with a little laugh , He hasn't changed much , Harry thought , Still the same .

He and Harry walked out of the Airport after grabbing Andrew's luggage , They talked and catched up through the whole drive , It was a long drive but it seemed just like a few minutes for them .

Harry felt good to finally see his best friend again , He actually needed one right now , He rarely has friends here in the US that aren't business related .

Harry pulled over by the Styles' mansion , Harry insisted that Anrew's going to stay here for his visit , No way he can let him stay in hotels .

They both walked to the front door as some men who work there carried The luggage inside , Anne walked out of the kithcen and saw Andrew .

She quickly pulled him in for a big hug , "Oh Andrew!!! , How are you ? , We've missed you so much " She said rubbing his back .

Andrew laughed pulling away , "I'm good aunt Anne , And i've missed you too , And my mother says hi by the way "  He said with the smile never leaving his face .

After a few minutes of chatting with Anne , He and Harry went upstairs to see Mr.styles , He was so happy to see Andrew , Back when he was young  He was just like his second son , He and Harry were the same to him .

The three of them talked and laughed and catched up , Harry forgot about all of his problems , He had a great time hanging out with Andrew again .

After having dinner , He went upstairs to the room where Andrew will be staying in , He knocked and then opened the door , He saw Anrew unpacking .

He smiled as he walked to the bed and sat down , "Do you like the room ?" He asked , "Yes mate , very much , Thanks for letting me stay here " He answered .

"So tell me , Did someone manage to steal Mr.Harry styles' heart yet ? or no ? " He asked because he remembers very well how they were at school , They didn't really have relationships , Just one night stands .

Harry was the bad boy , Every girl wanted him , And he didn't really hold back , Andrew was the same also .

He laughed at that memory , Harry shook his head knowing what he meant ,"Maybe ... " Harry said looking down at the ground smiling .

Andrew lifted his head and looked at him rather shocked , "Really , Who ? " He asked , Harry smiled and said "Her name is Taylor , we've been going out for a few weeks now ... And uhm she's a really great girl " .

"No way , The Harry styles finally settling on one girl ? Wow , I must say , i never though that day will come " Andrew said joking around .

Harry laughed and then asked :" What about you ? " , Andrew shrugged his shoulder and said "Same man , Still messing around , I don't think i'll ever settle down on one girl " .

Harry laughed and said "Well if i can then i'm pretty sure you will " , Andrew laughed and said "I don't think so , Oh and by the way i need to meet this girl and see what made you change like this " .

Harry's smile faded away when he remembered that Taylor asked for some time alone , He didn't talk to her since yesterday , He doesn't really know how much time she needs .

"Mate ? " Andrew said seeing Harry was drifting away in his thoughts ,Harry shook his head and said "Soon , You'll meet her soon " .

Andrew nodded his head and for the rest of the night , He and Harry went out  and had fun , Drinking beer and reliving the old days .

I LOVE ANDREW GARFIELD LOL  , Hi guys i know this is short and boring but i didn't really know what to write about , Hopefully i'll update soon and Don't forget vote and comment to tell me what you think and OMG ANDREW AHHHHHHHHH  , Ok Sorry but i just love him and you have to put up with me , Okay ? okay , Love y'all :) <3 

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