chapter 50

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Taylor's eyes fluttered open when she felt harry's finger running down her cheek , She groaned and Harry smiled leaning down to kiss her forehead .

He was on his side looking down at her as she yawned and then put her arm around his waist , kissing his neck she smiled and said "Good morning " .

Harry: Morning Love .

He stroked her cheek as she stared at his eyes , "Do you feel better ? " She asked keeping her arm around his waist .

Harry smiled and nodded "Much better " He said leaning down and pressing a small kiss on her lips , He kept his lips close to hers and whispered "That means i get to kiss you for as long as i want "  .

Taylor grinned and he locked their lips together again , but this time for a longer , more passionate kiss , Taylor spread the palm of her hands against his chest as he climbed on top of her , His hands traveled from her hair to her face cupping it slightly as the kiss grew more and more heated by the second .

Still kissing her , Harry reached for the covers and pulled it over their heads blocking out the sun light , He smirked and broke their kiss making Taylor whimper at the last of contact , He laughed before leaning down again and locking their lips together .

Harry felt Taylor's hands go under his shirt and rest against his chest , He groaned through the kiss and grabbed Taylor's face kissing her with more strength making her let out a soft moan .

Seconds later they both pulled away out of breath , Harry rested his forehead against hers and stared at her eyes .

"Damn it you are so beautiful !" He let out a breath making Taylor laugh and blush a little , Harry closed his eyes smiling in content as she kept her hands under his shirt and against his chest .

She smiled and closed her eyes also , "Taylor ? " Harry said  , "Mhm ? " .

Harry : I was wondering if ... If it's ok for us to spend the night by ourselves , Just you and me , What do you think ?

Taylor's eyes opened and her cheeks flushed realizing what he was implying , "Oh! ... uhm ... " , She was trying to come up with words to say but she was blushing uncontrollably .

"It's ok if you don't want to , Just tell me " He said with a slight smile , Taylor looked away from him and said "No it's not that ... I want to but - "  , "You want to ? " Harry cut her off .

Taylor's cheeks grew even redder . She bit her lip and nodded slightly making Harry smirk , "But what ? " He asked .

"What about Lucy ? i never left her alone for a whole night " She said still not looking at him , Harry smiled sensing her shyness , He stroked her hair and said "What about Emma ? I'm pretty sure she would love to take care of her " .

"I'll ask her and see if she can " She said trying to pull the covers down that was still pulled over their heads .

Harry stopped her and said " Nope , you look beautiful in this light ... let us stay like this for a while " , Taylor still didn't look at him in the eye because she was still shy about the topic they just spoke about .

She tried pulling the covers down again but Harry stopped her , "Harryyyy!!! " She whined finally looking up at him , Harry laughed and said "Nope " .

"But harry , i can't breath " She said trying to come up with an excuse making Harry laugh and fall to the other side of the bed , Taylor quickly took the chance and pulled the covers away , She laughed shaking her head . She put on a robe over her Pj's because it was a bit chilly .

She walked to the bathroom and Harry sat on the bed , He yawned and then stood up , He followed Taylor to the bathroom , She was washing her face , He smiled leaning against the door frame and watching her , He swears he never saw someone more naturally beautiful than her .

Most girl he have been always like to over do things , Always dressing over the top , Putting on too much make-up , But as he stood there watching Taylor , He knew that no matter how hard those girls will try , They will never have half of her beauty .

Taylor caught him staring at her , She stopped and looked at him , "What ? " She said making Harry smile and walk to her .

He stood behind her as they both faced the mirror , Placing his hands on her waist , he kissed her hair and whispered in her ear "Do you realize how beautiful you are Taylor ? " .

Taylor closed her eyes and leaned back at him as he kissed her neck "You are the most. beautiful . woman i have ever seen " .

"Harry " She said opening her eyes and looking at his reflection in the mirror , She turned around and pulled him closer to her , Their lips were inches apart but their bodies were pressed together tight , She bit her lip before cupping his face and kissing him .

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