chapter 37

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Taylor groaned and rolled over in bed , Her eyes fluttered open and she yawned , pulling the warm blanket up she curled up in a ball and smiled realizing it was christmas morning .

She knows Lucy is going to come running here at any moment , Last night she barely got her to sleep because she was so excited .

Taylor closed her eyes sighing remembering the very first christmas she spend with Lucy , She was about 9 months old , She spend it at her parents .

It wasn't the best christmas she had , Hell it was the worst , On christmas eve after putting baby Lucy to sleep she went downstairs , Sat by the fireplace and cried her eyes out , And on christmas morning she didn't get out of bed , And when she did she decided to leave the house for a walk leaving Lucy at her parents , Taylor wore her coat and got out of the house , She walked and walked untill she found herself standing infront of his grave .

She talked to him just like the old days , Just like he could hear her , She told him about Lucy and how she started standing and taking small steps before falling , She told him how much empty she feels without him and she told him how much she still loves him .

She can never forgot that day , It was a bad , sad day and she never wants to go through that again .

Taylor opened her eyes and took a deep breath , She didn't realize she had a small tear rolling down her cheek and into the pillow .

she quickly wiped it away when the door opened the Lucy came running in , Taylor laughed when she almost tripped trying to get to the bed , She jumped on her mother and screamed "It's christmas mommy , Santa came ... Santa came !!!!" , Taylor laughed pulling Lucy down and hugging her , She kissed the top of her head and then grabbed her and threw her next to her , Pulling the covers on top of her daughter she propped herself on her elbow and leaned down to kiss Lucy's forehead "Merry christmas babygirl " .

Lucy smiled up at her mother and said "Merry christmas mommy , Now can we please go open the presents ?!" , Taylor laughed at her excitement and said "It's still a little early baby , Wait untill Grandma and Grandpa wake up " , Lucy pouted and crossed her arms around her chest , Taylor smiled and then tickled her side making her laugh .

Taylor fell down on her back and Lucy climbed on top of her , "I love you mommy " She said resting her head on taylor's chest , Taylor ran her hand down Lucy's small leg and kissed the top of her head "Mommy loves you too baby " she said smiling .

They stayed silend cuddled up like that , Taylor kept stroking Lucy's hair while she got lost in her thoughts .

After a few minutes they heared some movement downstairs , Lucy sat up and screamed "Grandma and Grandpa are awake , It's time to open the presents yesssss!!!!!!!! " , She ran out of the room and downstairs , "Lucy , Don't run on the stairs " Taylor yelled after her , getting out of bed she looked outside the window and saw that all the streets were covered with snow , She smiled and stepped out of the room .

Walking downstairs she already found Lucy sitting down drinking her milk and eating cookies , She smiled hugging her mother and then her dad who were sitting next to Lucy .

She grabbed a cup of coffee and then joined them , Lucy drank her milk so fast Taylor was shocked , She ran to the huge tree and started jumping "Mommy can we open them now , Mommy please ?please ?pleeeeeeeasss?!! ", Taylor laughed but then stood up and sat on the floor by the tree "Okay baby " .

Lucy jumped up and down untill she was out of breath , She sat down next to Taylor and taylor's parents joined them .

Taylor gave Lucy the present she got for her first , Lucy struggled with the wrapping so Taylor grabbed it from her laughing and opened it for her .

They spend the rest of that morning opening presents , The presents that Harry got for Lucy looked so expensive , And Taylor didn't really like that , Even though Lucy was dying of happiness ,Taylor wasn't because he spent too much on them .

And her present from Harry was a set of a Gold and diamond nacklace , Bracelet , and earings , It was so beautiful .

Taylor's mother was shocked , "He must really love you sweetheart , That is expensive " Andrea said , Taylor nodded her head looking back at the set of jewelry , She is going to have a serious talk with Harry when she gets back , That's for sure .

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