chapter 9

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Harry walked up the stairs and then to Taylor's door , He took a deep breath before knocking on the door , He was still confused about last night , when he first called her and asked her if she wants to go out with him she said No , but then she called him and told him that she changed her mind , he wonders what happened to her and why would she say No at the very first place .

He did think that she only said Yes the second time because she felt bad for saying No when he asked , And he doesn't want that , he doesn't want to force her into anything .

The door opened and Taylor smiled at him , Harry smiled a little and then gave her a small hug before walking inside .

Taylor was already in her coat , she had her hair in a pony tail and didn't have much make-up on , she closed the door and looked at Harry who was looking back at her .

Taylor: um ... H-how are you ?

She said  , she was embarrassed because of what happened last night , And she really didn't know what to say to him .

Harry : I'm good thanks, and you ?

Taylor: i'm good .

she smiled a little  , Harry looked around the house and asked "where's Lucy ? "  , Before Taylor could speak , Lucy came running out of her room holding her coat .

Lucy : I'm ready mommy .

Harry smiled seeing how adorable she looked , Taylor knelt down and said to her "Aren't you gonna say Hi to Harry ? "  .

Lucy looked at harry smiling and said "Hi Harry "  .

Harry: Hi Lucy .

Taylor smiled and helped Lucy put on her coat , They were taking her with them on the date because there isn't anyone to watch her .

Taylor's been thinking a lot about that , And she decided it would be better if she goes to kindergarten .

Harry walked out first holding Lucy's hand and Taylor walked behind them after closing the door , They got inside Harry's car , Taylor doesn't know where Harry was taking them .

Taylor and Harry didn't talk much during the drive , Only Lucy asking some random questions , Taylor could tell Harry was a little bit upset , She looked at him and said "Harry are you alright ? " , Harry nodded his head not looking at her but keeping his eyes on the road .

After Harry pulled over , Taylor got out and then opend the back door so that lucy could get out , She grabbed her hand and walked next to Harry .

They got inside of what seemed like a really nice restaurant , Harry pulled the chair out for Taylor and Lucy and sat down on his chair .

They had small conversations , And even though Harry smiled and laughed , Taylor could tell he wasn't good , At least not like their first date , he seemed happy but now he seemed kind of fake .

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