chapter 74

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A week later:

Harry fixed the collar of his dress shirt before picking up his black suit jacket and putting it on. He ran his fingers through his hair one last time as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "This is it , you can do this... You can do this Harry". He opened his eyes and nodded to himself before walking out of the bathroom and sitting on his bed.

He covered his face with his hands as he tapped the floor with his foot. Today he's getting married to Paige and he didn't sleep at all last night.

He still can't stop thinking about what happened last week with Taylor. He feels so bad for calling her such a thing He has never said that to a woman , ever before.

He was shocked by himself for saying that word to her. He can't forget the look on her face when he said it.

He sighed shaking his head trying to get her image out of his mind. He picked up his phone from the nightstand and called Andrew.


"Hi mate"


"Please tell me you're coming today, Andrew"

Harry said because he hasn't spoken to him since everything happened. He was very mad at him and Emma for putting him in that situation but now he can't stand getting married without his best friend by his side.

"I—... I'm sorry Harry... I don't think i can"

Harry sighed and said:" Please man, Come on this my wedding day... I need you here Andrew".

He heard long silence before Andrew said: "I—... I'll see "

"No, you have to promise me Andrew"

"Fine, fine... I'll come "

"Thanks Andrew, But hurry though... There's not much time left before the wedding starts... Oh an Andrew?"


"You can bring Emma if she wants to come"

"I don't think she'd want to come Harry ... You know why"

Harry sighed and said:" Yeah, OK then I'll see later" . He hung up and put his phone down . The door flew open and he turned around to see Anne standing there with the biggest smile on her face.

He stood up as she walked to him engulfing him  in a big hug. She pulled back and fixed his tie. She kissed his cheek and said :"I'm so proud of you son".

Harry put on a small smile before hugging his mother one last time. " Is dad in his room?" . She nodded and he started weakling out of his room to his father's.

A few knocks on the door and he got in. His Father was sitting in a wheel chair , all dressed and ready for the long evening ahead of them.

Harry hugged his father before grabbing a chair and sitting down to talk with his father.


Taylor sighed standing up from her desk with many papers in her hand. Today was he first day of her back at work ever sine she took some days off because Lucy was ill.

Now that Lucy was better she's back at kindergarten , Taylor was back at her work. She opened the door and walked inside her boss' office.

She put the papers on his desk and said:" These all have to be signed by today and Mr.Peters called and asked if you are free to meet him today ".

He shook his head and said:" No tell him I'm busy , you can go now". She nodded and left the office.She sat  by her desk and put her head in her hands.

She heard a voice say:" Yup today is the wedding , i heard it was going to be amazing", Then a female voice said:" What do you expect? The Styles can't let their son marry without throwing him the biggest wedding of the year".

 She lifted her head and looked at they as they walked by. She sighed looking down at her hands. He's getting married today. she let it slowly sink in. Even though she has been very angry this past week because of what he called her she's still sad he's marrying some one else.

She should be heading back home by now but her boss told her she had to stay and do more work to make up for the days she didn't show up.

People started leaving and she went back to working trying not to think that the man she's still in love with is getting married right at that moment.


Harry was pacing back and forth in the middle of his room. The door flew open and Andrew stood there wearing only some jeans and a simple shirt.

"Andrew, why aren't you dressed? the wedding starts in only a few minutes", Harry walking up to him.

"Harry, there is something i have to tell you ".

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