chapter 75

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"Harry you can't marry Paige", Andrew said stepping inside and closing the door behind him. Harry sighed and said:" Andrew, It's already over. I'm marrying her in just a few minutes".

Andrew sucked his lips in his mouth and nodded his head before saying:" Sit down Harry". Harry stood staring at him for a moment before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Andrew paced back and forth saying:" Listen Harry, I probably should have told you this a long time ago but i didn't ... Harry, Taylor lied to you".

Harry looked at him and said:"I know, she told me , she told me it was all a lie , it was all fake". Andrew stood in front of him and said.

"I'm not talking about that Harry, She lied when she said that she didn't love you she lied when she said that she only used you for your wealth...".

Harry stood up and walked to the door :"Andrew if this is your way to stop me from marrying Paige then it's not working".

"Harry i was there", Andrew said and Harry stopped just at the doorway. He turned around and said :"where?".

"When Anne told her to leave you alone, when she told her that she was tearing your family apart. When she basically kicked her out of the hospital that day ", Andrew said never taking his gaze away from Harry who was still standing in the doorway.

"what are you talking about,Andrew?", Harry said stepping back inside the room and closing the door behind him when he saw someone walking down the hallway.

"Harry, Your mother asked Taylor to leave you and Taylor because she believed all the the stuff Anne told her, decided to do what your mother wanted and she lied because she knew that was the only way you would let her go".

Harry looked down at the floor and then covered his face with his hands."Andrew, wh-... Don't lie please".

"I'm not lying Harry, Taylor loves you and she always did, and you can't marry Paige right now Harry because your girl is sitting all alone in a small couch, probably crying because she made the biggest mistake of her life letting you go".

Harry shook his head and then hit the door with his fist. He opened it and rushed out of the room. Andrew followed him to see him going inside his mother's room.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!", Harry screamed bursting into the room making Anne flinch. She stood up from her seat and stood in front of him .

"Harry, what are you talking about?".

"You know what I'm talking about , don't you fucking act so innocent.... You made me lose the one girl i truly loved because of your selfishness. Do you have any idea how much i resent you at this moment?".

Harry kept shouting and Andrew had to walk to him and try to calm him down before he does something stupid.

"I was happy, why couldn't  you accept that ?! Why did you ruin my life?", Harry yelled trying to get out of Andrew's grip but Andrew pushed him back and walked him out of the room. 

Anne was already drowning in her tears and Andrew didn't want this to happen when he told Harry at all.

"Harry calm down", He said putting his hand on his shoulder but Harry quickly pushed him away and ran down the stairs.

Everyone was waiting int he backyard for the wedding to start and Paige was still in her room. Harry opened the door without knocking making Paige and her friends gasp at his presence.

"Harry , you are not supposed to see the bride before the wedding , it's bad luck", One of Paige's friend tried to push him out but he stood still and looked at Paige who was in a long beautiful white dress. Her hair pulled up and her smile covering her face.

"Paige, can i talk to you in private please?", He asked and she nodded. Her friends got out and he closed the door behind them.

He turned around and saw her looking at him with the same smile on her face. He suddenly got nervous because of what he was about to do.

"You look beautiful Paige", He said stepping closer to her and she blushed. She rested her hands on his chest and said:" You look very handsome as well Harry".

Harry smiled and then ran his thumb against her cheek. "Paige, I don't know how tell you this but... But we can't get married today".

Paige's smile faded away from her face and was replaced by concern. "Why? , what happened?, Did something happen to uncle Des?". she asked rather quickly.

Harry stepped even closer to her and said:" Shh... No, Dad is fine, It's me Paige... I can't marry you today".

He looked her in the eyes and he felt like he was breaking her to pieces because he was the one who asked her to marry him. He was the one who built all of her hopes of a happy family with him and now he was the one crashing them down.

"H—  Harry...", She said in a low voice still looking at his eyes. He stroked her cheek and said:"Paige, I'm in love with another girl. And i won't be able to forgive myself if i married you today, not only because I can't forget about her but it's also because it will be unfair to you. Because i know that you expect me to love you like you always hoped but i can't . And just know that i do love you Paige... but just not like you want me to".

Harry finished and Paige had a single tear running down her face. Harry wiped it away with his thumb and then kissed her forehead before whispering:" You will find your prince charming one day Paige, It's just not me... I hope you can forgive me".

He kissed her cheek one last time before turning around and walking out of the room. He walked to the front door and opened it before stepping outside.

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