chapter 7

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Taylor stood up from the couch and walked ot the front door when she heared a few knocks , she opened it and saw Emma standing there with a small smile on her face .

Taylor hugged her and then let her in , Emma looked at Lucy who was sleeping on the couch  .

"i'm gonna out her in her bed , i'll be right back ... " Taylor said as she carefully lifted Lucy up and walked to her room .

Meanwhile , Emma took off her coat and sat on the couch , Taylor stepped out of Lucy's room and closed the door behind her .

She walked ot the couch and sat down next to Emma , She sighed as she threw her head back and closed her eyes .

Emma: Are you alright Tay ?

Taylor nodded a little keeping her eyes closed , "i just .... i 'm so lost Emma ... i don't know ... " She said finally opening her eyes and looking at Emma .

Emma : Taylor don't do this to yourself ...

She said grabbing her hand and looking directly into her eyes  , She was about to add something but was cut off by Taylor's phone ring .

Taylor grabbed her phone from the coffee table and looked at who's calling , she took a deep breath before saying "Hi Harry " .

Emma smiled a little as she watched her talk with him , she couldn't hear what he was saying but Her smile faded away when she heared Taylor say : " H-harry i can't ... i i-'m really sorry but i can't ... i have to go bye . " .

She put her phone on the table and looked at Emma who was looking at her with her mouth opened in "O " .

Emma: what the hell did you just do ?

Taylor looked at her and then she put her head in her hands , "Taylor did you just turn him down ? " Emma asked .

Taylor nodded with her head still in her hands , Emma added "w-why ? " .

Taylor : because i can't go out with him .

"Tay ... this is stupid , You didn't go out with any man since Zac died , Taylor wake up ... Zac is gone and he's never coming back ... he's been gone for 3 years Taylor , it's time to let him go ... you have to live your life , you have to love again , you're still very young Tay and every man would want you ... you can't keep mourning forever Taylor ... you have to let him go , you need to let him go ... " Emma said after she made Taylor look at her .

Taylor has alrady had a few tears running down her cheek , She was feeling this pain in her chest that was indescribable , Almost the same pain she felt when she got the call telling her that her husband died in a car accident .

She neve wants to let him go , she never wants to forget , but maybe Emma is right , He's gone and he's never coming back , maybe letting him go doesn't mean that she'll forget about him , She's been holding on to him for too long and for nothing , she knows he's never coming back again but she still has this tiny hope inside that she'll get to see his face again or see his smile again , And after all is that so wrong ? , wishing for just another minute with someone you loved more than you whole entire life .

"Taylor , let him go " Emma said so softly still grabbing Taylor's hands , Taylor's tears grew more and soon she was sobbing in Emma's arms .

 It took her a while to calm down , She whiped her tears from her cheeks and then took deep breaths pulling away from Emma's arms , Emma grabbed Taylor' s phone from the coffee table and handed it to her .

Emma: Call him Tay .

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