Chapter 1

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           I can't wait to be a member of the squad! I have been friends with Alex for as long as we are little (we literally just met but I may have exaggerated what really happened too much? It can't be that bad, right?) I went to the house address Alex gave me. Wow this place is huge! I thought as I walked up to the door and rang the bell Alex opened the door. "Hi Azuri! It's good to see you!" I smiled "It's good to see you, too and thank you again for giving me a role in the squad! I really like your videos!" Alex smiled "Thanks for watching my videos and come in, I will show you your room," I followed Alex into the mansion and looked around while she leads me. I saw many people dressed in one color there was a person wearing red, cyan, blue, black, pink, green, orange, purple, and Alex is wearing yellow. "Here is your room," Alex closed the door behind me, I turned around and saw my room the color scheme of this room seems to be brown, there are three monitors (I don't know if the monitor I wrote in this story has a brand name or not, I might be wrong.) "We are recording in 2 minutes! Make sure to join the Discord chat!" I accessed the monitor and entered the Discord chat that Alex gave me and the video began "Hey guys I'm Alex!" "And I'm Zach," "And I'm Jade!" "And I'm Light!" "And I'm Charli!" "And I'm Jax," "And I'm Sora," "And I'm Levi," I guess it's my turn since nobody is talking now "And I'm Azuri!" "And today we are playing Tower of Heck! So let's get into it!" Alex said, the game was really hard and I could tell you need to play this game a lot but I tried and managed to almost make it to the final zone "Come on Azuri you can do it!" I started to make progress when I got distracted and fell to my death. "You were so close, Azuri! But anyways this is the end of the video, bye guys! And...cut! Great performance, Azuri!" "Thanks Alex!" I went out of my room to get a drink of water "Great job falling that was perfect," I turned around to face a person dressed in black "Oh, hi Levi," "You know the fans wouldn't want you in the squad I bet they don't even like you," "But I just got here and Alex once told me that not everything will end  with what you expect will happen," "She's only joking," "Well if she is then why would she want me in the squad?" "She only does that because you are one of her friends," I didn't know what else to say so I just stay quiet and took my glass of water to my room. I unpacked everything in my room and went to the kitchen for the lunch break, after lunch I decided to make hot chocolate tomorrow because I heard that it might be snowing the next day.

                                                                              The Next Day

     It was snowing today and it is time for another recording, this time we will be playing a game called "Escape Grandma Obby" it was less harder than the last game we played but unlike last time everyone made it to the end of the obby (really really slowly but hey it counts.) I remembered I wanted to make some hot chocolate so I went to the fridge and made it but when I turned around there was a dark shadowy figure of someone, I yelped and spilled my hot chocolate all over them, they backed away a little bit and that was when I saw who it was "Why did you do that?!" Levi, I thought so. "It was just an accident, Levi," he just turned away and went to the laundry room. I drank my hot chocolate while asking myself why I wanted to be in the squad anyway? Am I even cut out to be a squad member?! Will as soon as I fail Alex will say "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" although that doesn't really sound like Alex. I finished drinking and cleaned my cup than I went to sleep in my room but when I was going there I found a book on the floor, I grabbed it and turned it's pages, curious on what it might say "Dear Diary," (its a diary?) "I was going to get the setup ready for recording but I have a person who needs to be the new squad member but first I must befriend her and use her to my advantage," who's is this? I continued to read the book but then I heard something, a door creaking, well that's my signal to leave. I ran to the safety of my bedroom and locked the door. Maybe someday I will find out who's diary it was but for now I will be keeping it and reading it while I still have it.

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