Chapter 11

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      Dora's POV

    I was terrified when Levi looked up and went toward the vent "Great now we are going to get caught," sighed Livi "Shhh we won't get caught if we just leave here, we saw what we have to see," everyone nodded and followed Lavender out of the vents, Levi betrayed us again but I feel like I saw something in Mr. Raja's office or did I? I don't know but I think I should check. I made sure that everyone went out the vent and sneaked back inside the company, if only I had Jax's DNA...wait where is Mr. Raja's office? I realized in horror that all the office doors look the same except for the colors on the doors, I guess I have to track down to see which one has a boot print (Levi wears boots) I wandered around and finally found the door that lead to Mr. Raja's office I went through the files, folders, and documents and found nothing but what they did in the past, maybe he makes his plans in his computer I eyed his computer narrowly and slowly went towards it, if only I am Lucri so I can get into the computer but what could the password be? I entered some random ones but then noticed a picture, is that his daughter? In the picture it was him with someone, a little girl, that must be his daughter and maybe the password is his daughter's name! But what is her name? She does look familiar though maybe I know her from school before Azuri kidnapped me...suddenly without warning a name echoed in my head it was saying Raihan Raja, Raihan Raja, Raihan Raja, could my mind be trying to saw something? By echoing someone's name? Maybe it's the password his name is Mr. Raja so maybe that's one of his relatives...might as well give it a try I entered the name into the computer and...Success! I scrolled around and clicked around, there were some weird news copied down like: Ten People Have Been The Victims Of A Gang Of Girls or Famous People Have Been Going Missing I wonder what that's all about but I finally found what I was looking for: My Deal With Levi Inquisitormaster Squad, time to play it.

Mr. Raja's POV From The Past

    I have noticed strange things happening with my daughter and Levi, my newest employee, they seem to have bonded for a while but she is distracting him from his work! I have to solve that problem somehow so I decided to make a threat to Levi as soon as he came in "You must work hard or else I will take Raihan away and you shall never see me or my family again!" Levi looks a little shocked and hurt but I knew what I was doing must be done, it hurts me to do this too but I have no choice and I need my employees to be on alert if the Industrial Gang decides to attack again.

End Of Mr. Raja's POV And Clip, Entering Dora's POV

     So Levi is friends with the boss' daughter? Who knew and he threatened him to do more work for her, this is all I have to hear I must go now, I sneaked past the security guards (barely) and went back up the vent where the rest of the squad was surprisingly waiting for me "Where were you?!" "We were so worried!" "Promise me to never do that again!" Jax hugged me "We almost lost you," she whispered I wanted to tell all of them that I was being really careful and they didn't need to worry about me when Lavender said "Let's go," I guess I'll just tell them later. When we were home we planed what to do when Levi comes in "Hey guys," we stared at him "Where are the groceries?" he looked around "They um they closed the store so I didn't get any," "Sure it did," mumbled Livi Lucri was the one to seem more worried than the others "Um so I planed something today," Livi looked at her but went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water "And what's that? It better not be sleeping under the stars, camping, canoeing, or going to a circus!" Lucri started to sweat, did she really force them to do all of those things? "Um no actually I planed to go do a friendly walk and have a picnic together," "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I DON'T WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" Levi looked hurt at this but then shook his face Lucri flinched "You can not come if you want...but it won't be fun without you," she only said that the make her come didn't she? But it worked Livi inhaled "Fine but I am not going near him!" "Okay so let's get changed and go," "Uh Lucri can I ask you something?" asked Levi who suspiciously was quiet but suddenly talked "Oh? What is it?" he hesitated but then blurted "Why do you guys have to change into your disguises all the time?" Lucri stayed silent but then giggled "So that we can stay hidden I thought it'd be obvious," he was taken back by the answer but tried to hide it "Oh okay I thought you were doing that only because of some authority reason and...some other things," "Well let's just go already!" let's hope this innocent idea won't lead to disaster then...(we forgot to pack the map)

    Lucri's POV 

    Everything is going as I wanted, everyone is having fun, we REMEMBERED to pack the food and forgot nothing (except the map), nobody is getting their electronics out, my sister is interacting with everyone for once even with Levi. Nothing can ruin this that was until..."Oh I forget to read my book, can I have the map to go home Lucri?" I looked into the basket "There is no map, Lavender..." suddenly everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me "Let's just not panic, we've been in worse situations before haven't we?" nobody said anything "Okay let's just go in the direction where we think our house is," everyone agreed to the idea and went in groups, some random people recognized us but said nothing (hopefully they won't report us though I thought) but besides being lost everyone looks like they are spending and being more friendlier to each other when..."Levi!" he turned around to see Alex and Zach "He's a spy! Run!" "Get back here you kidnappers!" the next thing we knew we were being chased by Alex, Zach and their dogs. This is just how I wanted our picnic to end...I was thinking this when I felt a dog pouncing on me "OH GOSH!" "Lucri no!" I saw swords being speared on the ground and then I saw everyone's disguise went off, everyone grabbed their disguises (Livi grabbed mine and lifted me up) "Levi stay away from them!" "But-" Zach gasped "We have to call the cops I saw in the news-and they look like the kidnappers!" "Yeah let's call the cops!" Alex dialed 911 "We have a group of kidnappers in the park...they tried to kidnap my best friend! They're getting away! Hurry up!" "Guys I think I know the way," said Jax "Just lead us!" at least we are going home I thought and just in time too I heard police sirens. We finally made it home and Livi pulled me out "Next time we see Levi we run away," she said I don't think we should do that but okay. "I think we are safe," " Wait what is that I see?" I turned and can't believe it...

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