Chapter 34

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         Pyro's POV

     I was relaxing peacefully in my orb when suddenly I heard shaking and someone taking it. Ugh! Not another one. Well I guess I have to deal with them. I got out of my orb but while I was creeping up on them. They have three blue people (I mean there is Sora but he's kind of blue, right?) But there is something about that other blue person that is ghostly blue. But maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me there's no way he came and helped a bunch of people try to steal my orb, I mean he has his own orb to protect so why would he be here anyway? Oh right! I have to fight them "Leaving so soon? Aren't you? Intruders!" suddenly the blue ghostly boy said "Guys go," "What? What about you Frost?" asked a red-haired boy-wait did he just say Frost? No that can't be him! The blue ghost boy turned to the redhead and said "I can face her I promise," he looked at me and in fact I was right it is Frost but I still don't believe it so I said "Wait did the intruders just say F-" "Guys go now!" "What! Why?" "Just go! Or I'll make you," the cyan boy looked at him again "We are not leaving without you," Frost smiled at him sadly "Goodbye...for now," Frost started using his teleportation magic "Frost! No!" after he and the other intruders were gone I said "Wow that guys is clingy," he nodded "Were you trying to help them steal my orb?" "Kind of, my host wanted me to help him and his squad try to get all of the orbs so that he could...well I don't know what he's going to do with them, all I know is that they have all of the first orbs," there was a long silence. So I decided to say something "So...long time no see, Frost," It took a while for him to respond but he said "Yeah..." "What's wrong?" "It's just that have you ever wondered what your childhood is? If you have been missed or not?" to be honest I haven't thought of any of those things. Yet, anyway "No, I haven't thought of that," "I had a flashback, there was a man who is a wizard he was working on trying to make a hen lay a golden egg when a ball broke his window, when he looked out to see who it was all he saw were seven children, he chatted with them and some of them even said that they are orphans, Pyro, do you think the two of the children are us and the rest of the Spirit Guardians?" wow, that was a deep investigation. But I don't think he's right, I didn't remember anything when I was a kid except that my normal name used to be Aerial. But that girl can't be in the flashback can it? "Frost is there a little girl named Aerial in the flashback that you just saw?" he nodded. So the children in that flashback is the Spirit Guardians. "Then that means that you are right those children in that flashback are the Spirit Guardians," I said and he looked surprised "I am? And they are?! Oh my gosh!-Wait how do you know that?" "Because I remembered that my real name is actually Aerial, Aerial Shin," "Wow, it's nice to meet you Aerial Shin! I think my name used to be Austin Hampton, I saw that the little boy that is cyan was name Austin so I thought he was me," he joked. I rolled my eyes, of course he has to go for the little kid with a weird name. "So did you find out some secrets about your host?" even though we serve people who "summon" us we always try to find their deepest darkest secret. He nodded "Yep, I found out that Jaxx the redhead is in love with my host Sora," "Ohhh! Are they going to fall in love, have babies and get married?" I teased but Frost took it seriously "I don't think they're going to get married," "I was only joking, silly! Boy, you are as naive and serious as you were when we were little," she said. Wait how did I know that? I didn't meet Frosty when I was little-okay maybe I did but I didn't remember what he acted back then so how did I know? Suddenly I was having a flashback of my past.

      Aerial/Pyro POV (Past)

    I came back home with Austin (Frost) since his parents died from a car accident. He knocked on my door and I smiled as he came in "Hi Austin," "Hey Aerial, thank you again for inviting me in your house," he said with a meek smile. "So what are we having for dinner?" "Chicken!" "We had that last time," he laughed "I was only joking! You always take me seriously! You need to cut it out or I might joke about wanting to you to jump off a 5,000 feet mountain," I said. He nodded. We were actually having noodles for dinner and I ate all of mine already "Mom I want more, do you have more?" "No sorry sweetie, that was all of it," I grumbled but I didn't want to make a big scene. Not in front of Austin but he knew I wanted more so he did something I'd never imagined he'll do for ten million years "Here, you could have some of mine, I am not very hungry," "No, I can't accept this you have no parents," "Just because you don't have any parents doesn't mean that you are very full in each day," he said confidently. First I hesitated to take some of his noodles but after I looked at him and he gave me a "It's okay, go ahead," look and nodded I just shrugged and took some. I didn't take all I left some for him because even though he says that he has eaten enough, he could be lying to not make him a burden on anyone. That's what I like and dislike about him. I can't wait for tomorrow! I met a man whose name is Wizard Willy but we call him Mr. Willy, Mr. Willy seems to be a very nice man and I can't wait to see him again. I was going to up to my room when I saw Austin about to leave so I quickly said "Actually, you could spend the night with me, I don't mind I could sleep on the floor," he turned around in shock "Really? You'd do that? Wow! Thank you, Aerial!" I smiled and he went back inside. As I fell asleep on my floor I was thinking about what we will be doing when we meet Mr. Willy again. And I slept.

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