Chapter 10

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    Livi's POV

   I went to my room and was about to sit down on my bed when I saw something sticking out, are those my swords? How did they get down here? Well I'll just put them back later... wait a minute...I stooped down at the floor and see...boot prints, someone is here or was here, wait a minute they better not touch my stuff! I went up to my closet and nothing but Lucri's journal (that I stole) and a mannequin dressed in black, it looks like Levi but I think he'll know this is my room and I don't think he'll even want to come in here, I went down but heard someone cough. Okay I am not sure if I am going crazy but I think that mannequin just coughed! I looked at my closet again nothing moved and everything is in it's place. What if I pretend to leave the room will it move? I am just going to give it a try I went to the door and opened and closed it but I hid behind the door, suddenly I heard a sigh and I saw someone jumped off the closet and moved the swords into the closet, it was Levi I knew it! That guy will never leave me alone until the end! I have to do something wait a minute what is that the he's wearing? As he walks out of my room I peak my head out a little to see a SA company shirt he was wearing, he's going outside looks like I have to spy on him ugh I wish I learned more stealth knowledge from Jax, oh well I guess I have to do it on my own. Levi went to the living room where most of the squad members were "Hey guys," "Hi Levi, aren't you supposed to be in Lavender's room?" he paused for a while "Um yes but Lavender told me to go to the grocery store and get some food," we have food already! "Oh okay," although they said that they don't look too convinced, Levi just shrugged and went off this time I came into the living room "Oh hey Livi, Levi just came in here and went," "I am not looking for him I am looking for my sword!" I was lying but come on this guy is acting suspicious! I have to know what he's up to! I quickly ran out of the base "Livi remember the disguise!" right I have to put them on, I changed into my disguise and ran outside. I have to see what Levi is up to he could still be working for SA!

    Jax's POV

   I don't know why Livi was so quick to get out of the base but I don't mind, I could've sworn I saw Levi wearing something with a logo on if it was SA- "Jax would you mind? I'm trying to sleep here," "Sorry, Dora," her name is Dora but she hates watching Dora The Explorer it's weird, oh that reminds me "Hey Lavender what movie are we going to watch tomorrow?" Dora looked at me and mouthed "Don't you dare," "Dora The Explorer, why?" I smirked "Oh just curious," Dora looked mad at me that's my cue to run! I ran to Lavender but Dora got up and tackled me before I got there gosh she's fast! "Okay that's enough!" "Not until we cancel watching that movie!" "Okay fine you win!" we were having so much fun when Lucri came in worried and running really fast all around "What's wrong?" "Oh uhm n-nothing nothing at all," she stuttered, that's not good "Something's wrong," "Okay fine I can't find Livi anywhere," Lavender looked at Lucri "She just went out to look for her swords," Lucri shook her head "I don't think so when I looked at her swords collection I saw that she had all of her own swords," silence, "Does that mean that she went out and we don't know where she is?" everyone nodded "Oh no," I said in a whisper we all changed into our disguises and ran out "I think she is following Levi or going training," said Lucri "If she's training she's in the redwood forest, we'll split into teams Jax you go with Lucri I will go with Dora," "Come on let's go!" Lucri grabbed me and ran to the forest "Are you sure this is the place?" "Well she could be anywhere..." "I guess we better start searching," 

18 hours later

    We have been searching and it's almost dark "We have to head back," Lucri still was frantically running around looking everywhere "But-but," "We have to go we can search tomorrow," Lucri still looked worried and afraid but where did Livi go? Why isn't she coming back? I hope she's not captured, wait a minute we haven't heard from Lavender and Dora yet "Lucri what if we go and ask what the others saw?" Lucri's face lit up with hope "Maybe, let's go find them," "Okay," we went to find the others, it was hard but we found them in the SA company and they rushed up to us "Guys we found her," said Lavender who pointed at Livi what is she doing? She found a way in and went inside, "I guess we have to follow her?" everyone nodded and we went in (making sure there are no security cameras) everything was going great until we lost her "We are lost," "We could just keep on going one way," "Maybe," "Boo," everyone shrieked, it was just Livi "Are you guys following me or something?" "We- we are," "Lucri!" "Sorry I can't help it!" "It's alright but I'm just following Levi, I think there's something suspicious going on, he's talking to Mr. Raja right now," we looked over to see Levi in Mr. Raja's office "Hello Levi," "Hi Mr. Raja, I have more information to tell you," "Can you tell me where the base is?" "Um no sorry that'll have to take years for me to tell you," Mr. Raja looked mad but tried to hide it "Okay what information have you gathered?" "I found this," he took out Lucri's journal and she gasped Mr. Raja however he just looked skeptical "What is that?" "It's a journal from one of them," "We'll see," muttered Mr. Raja turning the pages "I also tried to gather some more information but one of them stopped me from doing it," "Which one of them is that?" "It's the-" BANG BANG BANG! CRASH! "Mr. Raja what was that?" "I AM THE ONE TO ASK THE QUESTIONS HERE YOUNG MAN!" "Sorry," "Is that all the information you gathered?" "They have rankings," "Rankings?" "Yes, fighting rankings: purple first, black second, blue L third, white fourth, cyan fifth, and red sixth," those are our rankings correct! But what does L mean? This time Mr. Raja looks pleased "Good job boy, you may go now," Levi slightly bowed down "Thank you sir," Livi signaled if we should fight him "No," I mouthed but she just rolled her eyes "Who's stopping me?" she whispered "Me," said Lavender "We are not loosing you again!" said Lucri a little too loud that Levi looked up. "Hello?" don't say anything don't say anything "Hi!" why did I say that?!

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