Chapter 18

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    Lavender POV: 

     It was a relaxing day, the sun was shining it's beautiful rays through the window of Sam's Club, the birds were chirping, and the phone was ringing-hang on that phone is ringing? Must be Azuri although she barely calls, but I guess I'll see what's up, I grabbed the phone and answered it "Hello? Lavender speaking," "Hello Lavender, I will be saying some big news so please put the call in speaker mode," "Okay hang on a second- GUYS AZURI HAS BIG NEWS!" "Okay what is it?" "You'll find out soon..." I placed the call on speaker "You guys are going to enroll in a high school SA Company International High School to be exact," everyone was shocked "But why are we going to school?!" "Because I think you guys have lost all of your knowledge," "Harsh, but true," muttered Livi "Since they'll immediately recognize you guys because of your multicolored hair and weird out-of-place outfits you guys need a disguise...inject yourself with your normal DNA and the disguise will be perfect!" everyone just stared at her "HELLO HAVE YOU GUYS NOT HEARD WHAT I SAID?!" we were all blown away from her anger but we still replied "Yes we hear you, it's just that we've never been in our normal DNAs for a long time, and that can cause impact on us, you know how it works, Azuri," said Lucri then Azuri just tapped her chin and had a lost-in-thought look on her face "That is true, and you guys have been in your Squad DNA for a long time...but I think we should risk it," Lucri looked shock, I guess she was thinking she would say no, but then happy "I understand, and I guess I should love it! I love studying!" "Well that's the big new, bye!" so that was when she left us to think what we should do next.

    Lucri POV:

   I was supper excited when Azuri said that we're going to enroll into a school! I could almost see myself in the school being a straight A student and doing great! "Come on guys let's enroll!" I said "No," said Livi "What do you mean?" "Look I want to obby Azuri too but this is too much! I think I just need a break," "Oh Livi you always say that," "Um g-g-guys," squeaked Jax "What is it?" she then pointed at the schedule "It says that there's a swimming class, it has to be a mistake r-r-r-right?" oh, she's a pyrokinesis, right I forgot "Don't worry I think we could get over it," "We are not going!" said Livi "Not true, she also requested that we find a person fit to being the pink squad member for our squad," said Lavender "So in that school is a person waiting for us to kidnap and turn her into one," Livi rolled her eyes "I think that person would want us to leave her alone," "Fine, you could stay in the house while we have fun and hunt that person down," her eyes lit up "REALLY?!" "No, but you could help us find her," she huffed and crossed her arms "Fine, I get the message,"

      3 Hours Later...

  It seemed forever but we somehow managed to get here "Ugh we look so dorky with our normal DNA on, I almost forgot what we look like," said Livi, clearly annoyed "You the 'we forgot what we looked like' right," said Azuri (she made us place ear pieces in our ears so that we can communicate with each other in case of an emergency) I looked at our drab yet school-girl uniforms, they let us pick a color to color the uniform and the tag us with that color "So shall we enter?" "Sure why not?" we entered and this place was exactly what I'd expect from a high school it has: lots of lockers (some different colors), lots of people crowding the lockers, people with phones, and lots of the popular kids are in different groups, as I gasped in amazement I realized that everyone in the Rainbow Squad was quiet "Hey guys are you still there?" I whipped my head around to see that the squad was pointing at something or someone "Hey let me go!" "After what you did I won't!" "HELP ME! AHHHHHHHH!" those voices sounds vaguely familiar...No. She. Did. Not "HOLLY! (Livi registered a fake name to the guard)" "What?" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT GIRL?!" "I am just trying to beat her up for saying that I got her dress dirty," "YOU SURE DID!" wait a minute that girl is..."Alex? What's going on?" "Help me, squad," "Fine," they went up to Livi "Hey can you please let go of Alex," "Who are you guys supposed to be?" "Good acting," said Azuri "We are the Squad and Alex here is just trying to film a vlog," said Levi but then he squinted his eyes at her "Do I know you? You sound familiar-" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA as if a popular youtuber would know me," Alex got up "This fight isn't over yet...I am going to finish it with a brutal move..." she punched but Livi ducked and she ended up punching the water dispenser and water spilled over Jax (Rainbow Squad) and Jaxx, Jaxx just had flushed cheeks while Jax (Rainbow Squad) turned really red "AHHHHHHH!" she shot fire everywhere "What the-" said Alex before trying to dodge the flames, however Sora too close to her and he immediately burned to a crisp "Jax wait-" said Dora "WATER! GET AWAY FROM ME!" "AHHH!" she then burned Dora too. I sneaked up to her and splashed her "strawberry juice" on her (the strawberry juice is hot steaming water in red food coloring) smoke steams went over her as she calmed down, Jaxx winced there was a small burn mark on his jacket then he rushed over to Sora while Jax (Rainbow Squad) rushed over to Dora "Are you okay?" they both said together, they then stared at one another in shock "I'm okay," said Dora getting up "Ouch! That was some power, good shot Jax, hehehe-" she fainted "DORA!" "That's her name?" "Yes-um I mean no," Jaxx looked suspicious but then relaxed "Hello Jax (Rainbow Squad)," he said, she looked nervous "Um that is NOT my name, my name," he looked at her with a smile "Come on, it's obvious your name is Jax, I know you you're from the Rainbow Squad," he whispered "They're from what? Does that mean that-" said Alex "Yes I am Livi," said Livi coming out of the locker, Alex was surprised but then angry "What are you doing in this school?" "Someone told us to enroll here," answered Livi "You know none of the Squad members are going to like you guys," she pointed at all of us "So don't even try to be friends with any of them!" as she walked away all of the Squad members mouth "Sorry," to all of us. "Guys we have to regroup in the library," I said.

In The Library...

  "We have landed and no-doubt someone already hates us and knows our secret here," I said "We need to think of something but what?" "I don't know get good grades that we end up being more popular than Alex?" everyone looked at me "Something we all could do," said Lavender "Okay I get it not all of us have knowledge," that was when the door opened. Oh no whoever walks in is going to think that we are a weirdo or even worse The Rainbow Squad! Let's hope whoever comes out is not a villain!

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