Chapter 2

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         I got up early the next day I was in a great mood when I remembered I was successfully the new squad member but then I remembered the mysterious diary I found in the kitchen should I find out who's it is? Or should I do that for another day?  While I was deciding Charli came into my room "You want to come to the creepy library with me?" "I don't know where that is but you can lead the way," "Okay, come on then," as we walked together I noticed how she looked at Light, the purple member of the squad, so I decided to ask her why she was looking at him like that as soon as we got to the creepy library "Hey Charli can I ask you a question?" "Sure, what is it?" I made sure that no one can hear us and that we are in the library "Why do you keep on looking at Light like this?" I made the face that she made when she is looking at him, she blushed a bit and looked at a book "That book looks creepy doesn't it?" she's trying to change the subject is she? Hmm okay I guess I have to play along then "Yeah it does look like it, it almost looks like there is something sticking out of the book..." I grabbed the book and the bookshelf started to shake, I looked at Charli she is looking back with a scared look on her face I looked at the book that I was touching (I wasn't even pulling it) "Charli, Azuri it's time to record the video!" what do I do to make this stop? Do I just let go? I released my hands from the book and the shelves went to it's original spot "Guys do you hear me?" I heard Alex coming upstairs to the library, I looked at the weird cat pictures on her wall instead and Charli looked at a different side of the bookshelf Alex is here isn't she?  I glanced at the stairs that lead to the library only to get caught looking at her "I know you can see me, Azuri," I sighed "Well I guess we should go now," Charli went before me and gave me a look that looks like it said "We will see what's behind that bookshelf, okay?" I thought for a little bit and mouthed "Maybe," she looked a bit disappointed but then again understandable. We played the game "Murder Mystery" I never got to be the killer :( "You are the murder all this time?!" "Yeah I am!" "Andddddddd cut! That should be all, good job squad!" I mouthed "Lets go" to Charli she nodded and this time I remembered where the library is, we found the bookshelf where the book was but the book itself is gone "Who took it?" "I don't know," "Ahem," I turned around to see Alex, she was looking at me with suspicion on her face "I don't know what you two are doing here but I want you guys to go somewhere with the rest of the squad," "Where?" "The safari," safaris, anything can go wrong there, we can get attacked by wild animals or robbed by people.  (Sorry for making the chapter short.)

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