Chapter 13

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Azuri's POV

    The smoke screen idea didn't really work out as much as I thought it would in fact everything was going great until the SA company leader said "QUICK POUR WATER ON THE SMOKE!" and then everything went clear again "Uhm as you can see we have captured all of the rainbow squad," "YOU DIDN'T CAPTURE OUR LEADER!" hissed Livi , the man cleared his throat "Erm yes we didn't but we at least got her members who she would come looking for, won't she?"hmm maybe I could do it now? No, striking early is not going to help them, I have to think of a solution but what could it be? I looked around and spotted Alex, maybe now is the time that I told her my secret but then again they've told everyone in the party that you should be afraid of the rainbow squad... UGH this is so difficult when you have to make the decisions alone! Hang on Levi is trapped in a cage, yes yes and maybe if I tell Alex that she will want to free him... and that might lead to freeing the others.. that's a good idea"Hey Alex," "Yes?" "Levi is in a cage," "Oh no! What should I do?" "Tell them that they need to release him?" "Good idea, hey you there! You need to let Levi out of that cage right now!" but he just shook his head and smirked "We caught him working with the rainbow squad so that means that he is one of them and needs to be taken as a prisoner," Alex looked at him in disbelief but then shook her head as if refusing to believe a word he said "No he would never do that! What made you think that he would want to work with some murderers?!" the man had an evil grin spread on his face "Well we actually caught him going through our stuff and the rainbow squad members acting docile around him," Alex's eyes were as big as saucers "But if you find out who there leader is I promise he will be released ," but he secretly added a "That is if you find her or not," she looked at me but I just shrugged. I didn't know what to do and I needed to find a way to free my friends and members, maybe they could lock their way out? yes I will just signal that to them. I turned to Lucri and made a lock picking motion with my hands then she understood, did a thumbs up and got to work with lock picking while the guards were not looking, hopefully she can finish when the guard is done scouting the area for me. Lucri's free and she signaled the others to do the same now they sneaked away but then suddenly a girl started itching like crazy "Ow ow ow ow ow!" said the girl "What's wrong?" asked another girl standing next to her ""I feel so itchy all of a sudden! I think I'll just grab my anti itch spray from my purse-" she peeked in and she looked both shocked and horrified at the same time "WHAT-" suddenly something scanned her face and tried to grab her but the girl took off running "HELP ME!" that alarmed everyone and they ran away but most of them were curious and checked their handbags and purses only to find more and more of these crazy mechanics, drones they are drones SA must've designed them and hidden them in each and everyone of the girls in the party to try to catch me and whichever one is not they will suspect is the leader, so I tossed my bag at a girl and she opened it and found a drone inside, I don't even need the things in it anyway but then I decided then and there that I was going to look for my friends, and members made sure they're okay and grab them and leave this crazy party!

      Three Hours Later...

         I managed to get out of that party both alive and with everyone I needed. I grabbed the squad (Alex's squad) to our clubhouse and quietly told my squad to go to the clubhouse and return Levi", "Come on Levi, Alex needs you to record videos with her," "I can't, Livi!" "Well, I don't care, just go!" "No!" Livi looked at him "Fine... then I'll make you," wait what is she going to do? Oh, she can't- she won't dare- she will she hate him so much..."Livi don't!" "Hey how did you know her name-" PUNCH, THUD Levi fell to the ground loosing consciousness, she punched him hard "That is not part of the plan!" "Well he won't go so I thought I could push him into going into his squad..." "That wasn't a push that was a punch!" she rolled her eyes "Look all we have to do now is drag her to her own clubhouse and we don't even have to hear her whine because she fainted!" okay that was smart but I am still mad!

It took us forever to drag him up the front door who knew he was so heavy? (I didn't mean it as an insult, please understand :) I told Livi to go to the house she nodded and left, just in time too Levi woke up "Where am I?" "You are in heaven," I joked but I guess he took it seriously because he started dancing and looking like he's having the time of his life "yes! Heaven!" that was until I told him I was joking and that he just fainted "Hey come on we would all be sad if you left us," that didn't cheer him up so I thought I should turn on the TV, I clicked the remote, nothing interesting was on TV-wait what is that? I suddenly clicked a channel that said:

                                                                         Breaking News!

     The rainbow squad attacked at a masquerade party in a school called SA Company International High School, here we even have video footage of the whole fiasco happening! But all I saw was the video of the drones attacking but they edited the drones to make it look like the members of the squad were attacking, they even edited the girl to say some different things, I would've believed it if only I didn't know what actually happened. So as you can see the rainbow squad is threatening, murdering, and harassing innocent people attending the party that is why we reported them to the police and now they are looking very hard to search for them! So if you are one of them I would say you should give yourself up right now, that is all for the breaking news! Watch us and you will know what is going on in the world- I turned the TV down, there was no way I am going to watch the rest of this horrible lie "Why did you turn it off?" "Oh because I feel dizzy," I am going to have to sleep through all of this don't I well I guess I have to see how the squad will react to it.

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