Chapter 9

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    I am going to die I am going to die, wait a minute I have to defeat her somehow. I watched closely at her katana, sharp, tall, slim, big, black with weird letters embodied in. What if I just punch her? I tried to punch her but she punched me, focus Levi learn her battle she seems to be charging a lot of times, always punching, and always aiming for the stomach I think I know what to do. I attempted to punch her, it worked and she fainted of exhaustion "Levi! There you are! Are you okay?" "Oh my gosh," "He has blood all over him!" "Hang in there," I started to feel dizzy and nauseous again "Levi don't faint now!" but then all I saw was black and darkness.

Lucri's POV

   I walked in to see Levi with lots of blood and bruises and Livi fainted, a person who can finally defeat Livi who isn't Lavender! I need to study this! But first we need to make sure if they are okay. "Let's take them to my room, it's like a hospital there," everyone nodded it was hard but we got them into my room and their heartbeat and breathing seem to be doing fine according to the machines but it also says that Livi will wake up first since he only punched her once and she punched him seven times. That's really severe I hope he doesn't die but my machines did say that they will both live so I think they're fine "Hey Livi is waking up!" said Jax "What happened?" Livi sat up "He beat you in a battle," "I was exhausted," "Whatever you say," I checked the paper DNA of Livi and Levi and of course they were similar but it looks like if you put them in a fight they have a 50% of winning or loosing each, Livi's DNA seems to be a little more stronger than Levi. Understandable, I have seen her train she punches literal trees all day and goes to bed and gets up early only to punch more trees so it does make sense "And Levi is waking up," Levi woke up tried to sit up but fell back down "Ouch!" "How do you feel?" "I feel like everyone of my muscles have been punched a lot," "That's not what did not happen you idiot!" Livi said Levi flinched, that's it! That's why she hates him, it's not because he is her but because she thinks he might one day rule our squad and become the leader, I understand now.

   A Few Hours Later...

    "And that is why we need to distant them for a long time," "I think that's a great idea but when do they see each other again?" "For day," "So how are we going to know if they got used to each other?" "We will test it out by letting them see each other if Livi tries to kill him then we know that we need more time if they don't then we can go back to normal," "Okay let's do it," I went to find Levi, I found him with more bandages sitting on the living room couch "Hey Levi," Levi blocked his face "Get your sister away from me! She's always trying to kill me," "Or overthrow you," I mumbled "Come on you can stay with Lavender while she calms down," "What?" "We are now trying to distance you and her as much as we can," Levi stops blocking his face and smiles "Thanks," "You're welcome, now go before she finds and kills you I heard she is out for vengeance," (she's not but I might as well try to get him to go faster) Levi looked terrified and quickly runs away, stumbling as well. Now I just have to find Livi.

Levi's POV

    I hope she doesn't catch up to me when I'm running in the halls, I turned around every time to make sure she's not (she can be anywhere you never expect her to be) this place is really creepy looking I wandered so far I saw six rooms. Hmm which one do I go to? One is cyan, red, black, white, blue, purple, and my guest room, Lucri did say to not go into my old room so maybe I will go to the black room. Wow I never knew Lavender liked to train a lot, I looked up and there was a closet hanging up I went to it opened it and I saw...swords lots and lots of swords and a book that's labeled journal it's white and had the name Lucri on it. Should I read it? If I do I hope I don't get caught, no I can't do this I shut the book and put it back in the closet and looked away, but one page can't hurt...Yeah I think I'll read it just for a little bit but if I want to read something and not get caught I have to read in the closet. I opened the door put the swords on the bed and went inside there were weird writings in this closet and it even had books. I have to read Lucri's journal now I opened page one 

                                                                                                                                                        Date: 7/31/1998

      Today turned into a great day! My sister finally decided to come with me to my school project and our mom and dad surprised us with presents for my project being a success! It was the best day ever! Nothing can ruin it now! 

    That's Lucri when she's little? Never thought she and her sister were so nice.

                                                                                                                                                        Date: 1/25/2000

     Everything went terrible today...I don't know if I want to talk about it but I guess I have sister went missing if you find her her name is Olivia Tyson she has dark brown hair and usually wears her school uniform...please find her I don't want to be alone...I miss her so much but I know she might be gone...I want to see her one more time but I can't. I can't talk, anymore. I'm crying right now. Bye...

    What happened to Livi? And her name is Olivia? Seriously?! (Sorry if you are called Olivia this is not a real story I hope you understand!) I have to find out what happens next.

                                                                                                                                                         Date: 6/30/2006

    HELP! THEY ARE AFTER ME! THE KIDNAPPERS! THERE ARE THREE OF THEM! THERE IS A BLUE, PURPLE, AND BLACK ONE! THEY ARE HUNTING ME DOWN! I AM NOT GOING TO END UP LIKE LIVI! OOF THEY GOT ME!!! Wait a minute why does the black one look familiar? Oh well. I am going to die like my sister!!!

     Oh no is this when Azuri kidnapped her? I think it is. Well the rest of the journal is blank so I guess she found her sister. Wait I heard something like a door creaking. CREAK! I slowly opened the closet, it must be Lavender, right?...OH NO IT'S LIVI!! Do I have to sleep in the closet?! But I threw the swords down on her bed! Wait this is her room! Lavender's is purple! Why do I always end up like this?! 

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