Chapter 7

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         I fell on the first thing I saw that looked comfortable and sighed "Where's Zach?" asked Alex "He's probably sleeping in his room, nothing to worry about," but as soon as I said that she immediately started going up to the library, stopped, turned and said "I am going to see if the library needs cleaning," "Zach probably already cleaned it," but Alex was gone. Well time to read the news then, I grabbed my phone and looked at what has been happening since we were gone I scrolled over the old news, a lot of them were about some famous people being kidnapped but that didn't seem too important. They're probably dead but where is the news? Is the old ones all there is? Oh wait there are the new ones:

                                                      Five Figures Spotted Robbing a Bank

     Security guard found fainted while guarding the bank! The bank paid the SA company to help capture these crooks. Wanted for $10000,000,000. There are or four of them spotted, so keep your eyes open! You might be the lucky winner! The SA company says that if there are six of them they know who they are but they are not sure because whoever did this broke the security camera.

     That was all I read, the other parts are advertisements for shopping. I know what SA stands for and it's not good for my ____. How do I tell this to Alex without upsetting her? Hmmm I know maybe I should do a shutdown and tell Alex that some robbers are on the loose! But the company will probably think that a shutdown house is suspicious, ughhh! This is so hard! Wait what if I stick to the basics and disguise myself every time I go out with Alex and the others? Yeah thats a great idea, good job Azuri for once you did great. I hurried up to Zach's room "Alex! Can we do a shutdown?" "What? A shutdown? No why?" "Um because..." what do I do? Do I come clean and tell Alex about the news or do I lie? "Look at this," I showed her the news she freaked out but then exhaled "Guys look at this," "WAIT NO ALEX THAT IS NOT WHAT I WAS TRYING TO D-" it's too late everybody came quickly to Alex "What is that?" "Are we in trouble?" "Oh no!," "I hope they got caught!" the one person who didn't say anything at all was... "Uhm I think I need to go," "Wait Levi where are you going-" "Leave him be Alex," there is something wrong with him, why did he freak out more than the others when Alex showed it to him? Where is he going? I think I need to leave this up to my gang to find out. 

    ??? POV

   "Are you sure that tracker is still working?" there came a muffled "of course! I only microchipped him after he left!" in the earbud "Okay I got his location come on guys let's go!" we jumped off the roof and changed (privately) into our disguises "Why do we have to wear the opposite colors to our original colors?" "Quit snapping at her, Livi!" "I sure will! After I get answers!" "I don't know Azuri told us to wear colors that are bright coloring so that it won't look suspicious but since some of our opposite colorings are dark she told us to wear these," I showed everyone a brightly colored clothes, Livi gagged "For once I am so glad my opposite color is white," "And you should be glad that your hair coloring is normal, I have to wear a wig, dress, flower headband, and summer boots to look 'normal'," "If you say so Lucri," "Come on Dora you have to wear your pink clothes," Dora looked mad "I don't want pink but since Azuri is the head of the gang I guess I have to," "Good job motivating everyone, Lavender but where is Levi now?" Said Jax, Jax's real name (I don't mean the one in Alex's squad) is actually Jackie but everyone calls her Jack or Jax. I checked my phone "It looks like he's going into the SA company," "What does SA stand for again?" "It stands for Secret Agent company," "Ahh so let me get this straight we are going to follow a weakling to a company who are looking and targeting us?" "Yes yes I think that's the plan," answered Lucri Livi rolled her eyes and muttered "We are going to get in trouble," but still followed us to the company. We are called the rainbow/alternate squad and how the squad began was all thanks to Azuri, she kidnapped everyone in this squad and injected Levi, Jax, Sora, Light and Luca's DNA and blood into our own blood when we were still our normal selfs, then Azuri trained us how to kidnap, murder, steal, stealth, sometimes hacking, aiming, and how to make our victims unconscious. We also have fighting ranks I am first place, Livi is second, Azuri third, Lucri fourth, Dora fifth, and Jax sixth, we are all known for things too I am known for my first ranked fighting, Livi is known for her hard-punching fists (and for her second rank), Azuri is the founder of this squad, Lucri is known for being a nerd, mending, and inventing skills, Dora is known for her speed and athletic skills, and Jax is um...oh right! Known for her spy skills (she is surprisingly stealthier than all of us). "I see him," we settled in a large dark shady tree "Annnnndddd he is in the company no way to follow him now, alright time to go back," Livi was about to walk away when Jax pointed to a vent "Darn it! I just want to rest," "I think we rested enough, we didn't have an adventure for days," we went into the vent and saw Levi, we followed him into the company founder's room (Mr. Raja) Mr. Raja seems to be enjoying his tea when Levi walked in "You have to stop targeting the rainbow squad! I don't think they exist!" he looked at Levi "Look young man are you my boss? Who do you think you are?! You can't tell me what to do! And who cares if your own squad knows that you have been working for me for 14 years? They're not going to care," I need to record this for Azuri, I recorded the conversation and sent it to Azuri "Oh my gosh I. Can't. Believe. I TRUSTED HIM!!!" was the response that Azuri said I winced. My ears! But I held it in "I think he's trying to stop them," I tried to cheer her up but it only got worse "HE WORKED FOR THEM FOR 14 YEARS! I TRUSTED A TRAITOR!" "I think we need to see more, see you later," "Bye..." geez Azuri didn't sound so happy I guess I won't be happy if I knew that someone I trusted worked for someone who tried to target me. "If they are real then do you have any proof?!" Mr. Raja looked rather pleased that Levi would say this "Why yes I do," answered Mr. Raja ever so smugly while Levi looked shocked but shook it off "Then who are in this magical 'squad'?" "Oh it's only Dora Daisy, Jackie Daffodil, Lucri Tyson, Livi Tyson, Diana Lee (that's Lavender, everyone call her Dia or Lavender), and Azuri Irene," Levi turned white and froze. Oh no the cat's out of the bag! "What do we do?! Azuri's secret is revealed!" whispered Livi panicking "I don't know but hey at least it's only one squad member who knows her secret," "Yeah I don't think he cares," Livi shrugged "Of course he doesn't care after freezing and turning pale yeah I sure don't think he cares," Jax winced "Oh you made it sound a hundred times worse," "Shhh guys listen!" Levi stared at Mr. Raja "You don't mean Azuri in our squad do yo-" "Of course I mean her! And thanks for telling me where she is now we know that she lives with you," Levi's mouth dropped he didn't mean to tell him that! But Mr. Raja just smiled and got up "Well you finally made yourself useful for all these 14 years now if you excuse me I must go report this to everyone to invade your clubhouse," Levi just sat there closing his mouth but still frozen "I think I know what to do here," I turned to Livi whose ideas always ends in terror and destruction "What do we do?" "Easy we knock out Mr. Raja and make him forget where Azuri is and kidnap Levi since he's the one who knows about it, I bet he's not that strong," "For once," began Lucri "That seems like a great idea," "Great now let's do it," 

     End of Lavender's POV Entering Levi's POV

   I can't believe I gave Azuri's location to my old boss. She's from the rainbow squad the squad that kidnaps, murders and tortures their enemy and victims you should feel happy about yourself. Yeah but I feel like I made a mistake to tell him I let Azuri down... CRASH! There was a loud sound that was coming up from the ceiling "What the-" said Mr. Raja, I didn't dare look but then I heard punching, kicking, a gasp, and someone or something falling "He's not doing anything come on let's grab him and go!" I felt grabbed when I tried to look up it was a girl who is dressed all in white has a white face mask but has black hair. "We got him! Mission succeed!" "Yeah! For once my idea didn't end up badly!" Where am I going? Who is carrying me? Why do I feel like I know her? What are they going to do to me? "I think this is as far as we can take him now on the way home we have to knock him out," I wanted to say "Wait don't! Who are you?" but my brain already figured out what's happening, I am with the rainbow squad and I am being carried by Livi Tyson as soon as my brain said this everything went black and I fainted. 

  End Of Levi's POV And End Of Chapter

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