Chapter 38

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        Levi's POV

    First Luca was gone and now he's back but he acts really weird "Guys you can't believe what I just *pant* saw!" "What is it Luca?" "I saw-" "Now what is the fun of saying something that is kind of like a secret to you?" asked Livi. The girl had been acting weird along with Luca but even weirder. "Livi do you know what he's talking about?" I asked. "Yes I do and whatever he tells you it's nonsense! So don't believe it!" she said. Luca looked surprised "Actually what I was about to tell them is that you have a crush on me," everyone reacted at once. Zach and Drake immediately tried to tease her "Oooooh! Someone's got a crush!" thy both said. Livi turned red with rage and embarrassment "Yeah! Well guess what? Drake you have a crush on Jade and Zach you like Alex!" "Oooooh!" everyone except for Livi and Luca jeered. "Shut up!" "Yeah you should mind your own business," she raised an eyebrow "'s not like you two have been doing the same thing anyway," she sarcastically said. They both turned red and blushed as Alex and Jade laughed. "I can't believe she knows that!" laughed Alex "I know right?" I still wondered what Luca was going to say. I know that he wasn't going to tell everyone that Livi likes him because he stuttered and even let her interrupt him so I privately asked him "Hey Luca I was wondering what were you about to tell us?" "What do you mean? I told you and everyone, Livi has a crush on me," I shook my head "I know that you weren't going to say that to everyone until she interrupted," he was shocked but then said "Fine you got me, I saw something else but you'll have to follow Livi tomorrow to find out because I might get caught, and who knows what she'll do to me this time," he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes. I still don't know what he is saying is true or not. But I guess I'll figure it out when it is the next day. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

       In A Dream...

   I woke up and saw nothing. Just darkness and black everywhere. Where am I? How did I get here? How do I get out? I looked around for some clues but I saw nothing "Hello? Anyone there that could help me?" no one, I am all alone. Or am I? I suddenly turned around and saw that there is a girl there sitting while hugging her legs. She is black, transparent, and has black, flowing, long, hair. "How are you?" I asked. But all she did was sobbing "I shouldn't have done that *sniffles* I shouldn't have lead them here," who is this girl? Why is she acting so weird? "Hello? Black Transparent Girl Who I Don't Know, what's your name? Who are you? Where am I? How do I get out of here?" she looked up. Her eyes were as dark as the night sky "I-I wish I could answer those question but I can't, I just can't!" she started sobbing even more. "Look I wish I could help you too if only I knew your name," "My name is Phantom, nothing special or more," I have a question for her but if I asked her and she says no I will give myself away. Should I ask her? Should I not? I decided to "A-are you a ghost?" she suddenly looked at me. Her dark eyes staring into my soul "I-...I am," she quietly said. And then stood up. "But you should not tell anyone, not even your brother you hear me?" "Yes, I do," "How do you know how to find me anyway? Only my close friend knows that I exist as well as a person named Octavia," "Wait what? Okay one, I think I know who your close friend is and two, who is Octavia? Is she your second close friend?" "Oh no, we haven't even met yet but the Lost Orb was thinking of choosing her as it's mortal guardian," she answered. Then she thought of something "How did you know who my close friend is? I mean you might get it wrong," "I think she's Livi," "She is," the ghost said surprised. "How did you know?" "Let's just say that me and her have history together," but Phantom thought it was something else "Wait she attends school? From this faraway? I hope she's not getting late slips," "No, by history I mean that me and her act like we are brothers and sisters with each other," "besides the times she almost kills me," I muttered under my breath but then took it back. "So how do we get out of here?" "We? You are kidding right? I stay here until morning, you are the one who has to leave," "Okay so how do I leave?" "You go to sleep," sounds easy but it can't be that easy trying to escape a dream about a ghost. "You are real right?" "I am real," that's something a person in your dream will say but when you wake up you'll realize that they're not real. She seems to know what I am thinking because she frowned and said "Here you could have this and when you wake up and see that you still have it you'll know that I am real," she handed me a bracelet with a ying and yang symbol on it. "I guess I'll take it, does it do anything?" "Oh you'll be surprised, it does lots of things, it makes you heal wounds from bad relationships, helps you find things, has the power of the Crystal and Obsidian Orb combined-" "About that what orb do you guard?" "The Lost Orb, I am the Spiritual Guardian and Octavia will soon be the Mortal Guardian," wow well, that's something to take in "So do I "leave" now?" "Hm? Yeah sure anytime you want," she said and sat down. "By the way, thank you for being my company when I am alone at night," she said before I laid down "You're welcome," I immediately felt sleepy as soon as I went down "Bye! Remember me!" that was the last thing she said before I woke up. I am here, I am awake, but where's the bracelet? I looked around and saw the bracelet on Luca's arm. I snatched it off quietly. And examined it. It really does look and feel like the one in the dream. I wore it but kept it hidden in my sleeves. So that no one will think that I am girly. I then went back to sleep but had no dream, however it was still a peaceful night.

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