Chapter 12

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          Jax's POV

     I watched as Lucri saw her computer message from Levi, this is what it said:

                                                 Invitation For SA Company Academy!

     You've been invited to a masquerade party! Please attend with a mask, a nice gown or suit, and make sure that you are on the list! Have fun and enjoy the party! Elite or VIP members ONLY have access to going into the company, no one else.

    Lucri looked at me with suspicion in her eyes "This is too easy they know we could just sneak in and learn some new secrets, there's no way we are going to that party without a disguise!" I knew she'd say that, sometimes I think she is more of a detective than the squad's fourth-ranked player. "Yeah I think it does sound suspicious," I gathered the others here to look at the invite "Um I am already wearing a mask so I guess I don't need to wear those fancy ones," said Livi but Lucri looked at her and said "They aren't talking about those masks," she pointed at the ones that Livi has on "They mean these," she then shows a photo of the masks that they need (just search the word masquerade masks) "Then I'm not taking my face mask off," Lucri giggled and muttered a "We'll see," 


     "Fine! You win I will take it off!" Lucri giggled "I knew that would work," she just bribed her a lot of times until she can't handle it anymore "So that's how you get her to do something for you? Or at least to take her mask off?" "To take whose mask off?" Levi came in, Livi glared at him "Is he really going to be a part of this?" "Um unfortunately, yes," "Great," "Hey Levi we were just planing what our clothes would look like for the party," "Can I come?" "Of course no-" "Yes, you may," Livi gave Lucri a hurt and angry look but continued to fiddle with a knife "We just have to plan what our clothes will look like and make some masks (masquerade masks)," "Oh I see,". We finally finished but as soon as we were leaving I saw Levi took one of Livi's sword, the green one to be exact, "Why do you need a sword?" "Just in case," was all he said I thought it was rather suspicious and alarming why he would take it, he isn't being his self lately although I think that is just the way Levi is like so I just left him alone although Livi didn't she scowled "You better return that as soon as the party is over or else..."

    In The Party...

         We arrived but realized we are not on the list so we kidnapped some people that we know are and it turns out one of them is famous because the security guard went to Dora and asked for an autograph, the mask that Lucri made are really handy because she made these masks be connected to the brain so that it can identify whatever you are thinking (there is a private switch though) Dora was saying "Help me," "Just try to remember who you kidnapped," Dora nodded and the security guard looked confused but happy when Dora sighed it (it turned out that the signature Dora wrote was the same as the person she kidnapped) we can finally look for secrets, Lavender decided to split us into teams: Dora, me, and Lucri will be in the company while the rest of us will look for secrets in the party (solid plan, nothing can go wrong) I looked around and realized that the squad (the one that Azuri is with) was here, Azuri saw me smiled and waved I waved back but then focused on the mission, you need to focus Jax, I thought to myself but then they suddenly announced that they will be revealing who is the most well-dressed male and female of this party is.

    A Few Hours Later...

   Dora told me and Lucri that it is time to go to the company "Got your bands?" "Yep," "Yes," "Good, let's go," we went into the company and split into small groups to search for secrets I went with Lucri "Alright Jax let's keep going," "What is that?" I asked pointing to something in a closet when Lucri took a closer look she smiled really big "That's a flash drive! It's perfect! Good eye, Jax!" "Thanks," wow I never knew I had great eye-sight (I hope that doesn't sound weird) I was starting to become a little proud when I realized I don't know where Dora went "Wait where's Dora?" "I thought she was following us," "Me too but s-she's not here," I turned around, to make sure and indeed she is not. "What are we going to do?" "What about we message her?" "Okay," I tried to talk to Dora by the masks "Dora, come in Dora, Dora, Dora answer this please! You are scaring me!" all I heard saw a KRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sound but I didn't heard Dora's voice, I stopped and looked at the ground, what could've happened to her? Lucri saw that I was sad but then she said "Let's go search for her," "Yeah, okay," we searched everywhere from rooms to doors to cabinets to windows to closets but no Dora was found, I was starting to loose hope when I heard a yelp I looked over and saw that Lucri wasn't there anymore. Oh no I have to get out of here! I started to run but then something knocked me out...

       Azuri's POV

    I didn't see Jax, Dora, or Lucri for the past 25 minutes, I sure hope nothing happened to them no I think they're okay I need to distract myself "Hey Alex want to meet some of my friends? They're fans of you," oh no why did I say that?! "Um it's okay," said Alex I let out a sigh of relief suddenly the room went dark and the spotlights turned to the stage and curtains, there was an elderly woman on the stage who was announcing the most well-dressed "Ladies and gentlemen I say that all of your gowns and suits are splendid but the most splendid/well-dressed people in this room is...Sora and Lilly (Raihan's best friend)," "Yes! I won!" "Good job Sora," said Jaxx (I know I spelled Jaxx's name wrong but I only did that to tell Jaxx from Jax in the rainbow squad, I hope you understand) "Congrats Sora!" I cheered but then realized once again, where is Jax, Dora, and Lucri? I asked the rest of the squad but they didn't say anything that was when I noticed that Levi was gone (this is what they are saying in the masks):

  Me: Wait a minute Lavender could you please do a DNA test to see if that is Levi?

   Lavender: I would but I forgot my DNA scanner at home, I didn't think we needed it!

  Me: It's okay you could borrow my scanner.

  Lavender: Okay, thanks!

   I looked for Alex "Hey Alex I need to go get some food for a second," "Okay you could go," "Thanks," I went away and found Lavender in the crowd of people, I pretended I didn't know her "Hello," "Hi," I slipped the scanner into Lavender's pocket "Bye," "Bye," I went back to Alex and Lavender went to find Levi

   Lavender: I can't find him

   Azuri: What do you mean?

   Lavender: I mean he's not here anymore.

   Azuri: Oh no does that mean that he-no that's too cruel-but knowing the SA company they will do that.

   Lavender: Do what?

   Azuri: They-

   Suddenly the lights closed but the spotlight was still on the stage "Ladies and gentlemen we will be presenting to you the thieves of this town!" the man revealed the curtains and there was Livi, Dora, and Lucri they were trying to get out but remained in the cages still "We have captured three of them and we have three more to go, but I assure you these are the troublemakers of this town," "Oh like you know anything!" said Jax "Yeah, you don't even know why we robbed the banks a bunch of time!" said Dora, but suddenly cages dropped from the ground and landed on Livi, and Lavender, the most strongest ones and the almost last ones, but they didn't catch me at least I can bust them out of prison if I wanted. The only reason why we robbed the bank a lot is because of two reasons, number one: we need to pass down the tradition, yes we have a tradition, you see there used to be a gang who would steal, and kidnap famous people. Our founder is Lady Asher Roonina III (it started in the medieval days, I hope I spelled medieval right, if not I mean olden days) she started the Medieval Knights who kidnap, murdered, or steal from people, but they only murdered the ones that are evil or too rich no one knows why they do that but the reason they do is so that the pillagers wouldn't attack us, the pillagers are people who attack and conquer rich countries but the Medieval Knights have been stopping them all, but the town's folks have been saying it was a different hero who defended their town, but the truth is that the Medieval Knights were the ones to save the town. Though there were people trying to stop the gang, the weirdest part of this gang is that they have girls and no boys. Asher says that she despises and hates boys or men. But then she knew she can't continue the gang so she started training her daughter how to be part of the gang and that daughter did the same thing to her daughter and so on. That was how the rainbow squad was made and how it's still in this condition. But back to reality I have to save them and I need to stop thinking about history and focus. I spotted a smoke-trigger (sorry I was trying to say the machine that spits out smoke) and had an idea I tripped on it "Oof!" and triggered the smoke. I hope this idea works.

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