Chapter 16

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           Dora's POV

    Lucri gasped "Dora! Jax is a pyrokinesis!" what?! That can't be! How did she end up becoming one? "How?!" "I don't know but something tells me it has to do with that burn mark," "What burn mark?" she just looked at me "She didn't tell you? In the morning when she woke up she said that she has a burn mark and didn't know how she go it," COUGH! COUGH! SPLUTTER! COUGH! HICCUP! COUGH! I looked to see that Jax has woken up "What happened?" "You just turned really really red and fainted," "Jax is there something you want to tell us?" asked Lucri "Wait what?" "We found out you are a pyrokinesis," "Wait-I am what?!"  "A pyrokinesis, a person who can control and create fire using their mind," "What makes you think that?" why is she trying to deny that she is a pyrokinesis? "Because you turned really red, fainted and when I touched you you felt like a 10,000 degrees," Jax's mouth dropped "Besides you seem to be the H20 pyrokinesis type," "What does that mean?" I ask out of curiosity, Lucri turned to me "There are two types of pyrokinesis, one normal (can control fire and create fire with your mind) the other is normal as well but one drop of water will turn skin really red, a burning touch, and might faint," it all made sense now there's no more denying that is a pyrokinesis, but how did she turn into that? "Lucri how-" "I need to go, if you want to know more about pyrokinesis then you could borrow my book about them in the cabinet," I nodded and she walked away leaving Jax sitting there nervously looking at the ground "Hey you okay?" "Oh, yeah I was just wondering what life will be like now that I am a pyrokinesis," "Well we can search this old book for answers," I went to get the book from the cabinet, grabbed it and dropped it on a table, FLOP! Guess this book must have more than 500 pages in it, I sighed, I guess I have to stop whining and start reading...I mean how hard could it be reading a book that has more than more than 500 pages? (Really hard.)

     Oh my gosh! I am taking so long reading this book and I am only on page six! But I have to do it...for Jax! I was determined to find out how to cure or make her condition better, I turned around to check on Jax and she was still staring at the floor, she hasn't been moving for 5 hours...something is wrong isn't it? "Um, Jax you haven't been moving for 5 hours," she didn't respond "Jax?" "Oh-oh uh what's wrong?" "You haven't been moving," "Oh okay," I blinked at her in confusion "Aren't you worried about yourself?" "No, this is normal for me," strange I haven't seen Jax like this before, BRING! BRING! BRING! BRING! Oh Azuri is calling! I hope it's great news, I clicked answer call "Hey Alex, what's up?" "Oh hi Dora I just want to say that you will be meeting The Squad today!" I almost dropped the phone "Um Azuri if you don't remember we are the Rainbow Squad we murder, steal, kidnap, and kind of torture..." "Oh I know but I told Alex that you were my friends, first it was by mistake because Drake turned on the loudspeaker and said 'We can't let them know that Azuri is working for a different squad' Alex got pretty sad and mad but luckily it didn't last long, I explained you guys were just trying to keep the state safe and asked if she wanted to meet you guys and she said yes!" oh so that's what happened "Okay I will tell everyone, bye," "Bye," "What was that all about?" I turned to surprisingly see Jax talking and looking at me "The phone call? That was just Azuri," "What did she say?" "She wanted us to get ready because we'll be meeting The Squad," Jax shock in disbelief "No, I think they see us as murderers rather than normal people," so I explained everything to Jax and she was finally convinced "Okay I get it now let's get ready to meet them!" I nodded and went to the living room where everyone else was and said very loudly "EVERYONE! AZURI SAID THAT WE MUST GET READY! WE WILL BE MEETING THE SQUAD TODAY!" everyone looked at me but just thought it was a prank so they went back to their normal activities "I AM SERIOUS DON'T MAKE ME RUN AROUND YOU AND BURN THIS WHOLE HOUSE DOWN!" "Burn?" Jax squeaked "Yes, burn I am only trying to intimidate them," suddenly her eyes started to turn redder and redder and her skin is turning slightly red, oh no is she going to burn the club house? "Let's just not do it then, BUT EVERYONE GET READY!" "Fine..." they moaned.

      Jax's POV

   We were standing right in front of Alex's front door, what are they going to thing of us? Are they going to say that we're copycats? Splash water on us? Why am I so afraid of water now? I just don't want it near me or on me...suddenly the door opened and out came a smiling  blonde haired women "Hello I'm Alex, Azuri told me all about you and you can come in," we came in and the house is gigantic! There is a fancy big chandelier, a kitchen with multiple chairs that look fancy, a lot of princess story books, and a library, I glanced up, yep that's a library right there "It's time to meet them," Alex said excitedly "Come on Squad!" suddenly ten people came running up to Alex "Hi I'm Zach," "And I'm Drake," "And we're the twins," "And I'm Jade," "And I'm Light," "And I'm Sora," "And I'm Jaxx," "And I'm Luca," "And I'm Levi," wow they look almost like us except that we don't have a pink-colored theme person in our squad then I noticed that Alex is signalling us to do something, walk? Talk? No wait it's introduce, I guess we will "I'm Lavender," "And I'm Dora," "And I'm J-Jax," "And I'm Lucri," "And I'm Livi," "Great introduction," "So I heard you guys kidnap people?" "Why do we almost look alike?" "Wait," said Alex then she looked at all of us "Why is there no boys in your squad?" she then turned to Azuri "Because Lady Asher wouldn't like that," "Whose Lady Asher?" "She's the first person to start a squad and she passed it down to her daughter and her daughter passed it to her daughter and so on," "That doesn't explain my question," "Well Lady Asher also despise many boys and men so she wouldn't allow any of the squad that were made have any boys or men in them, even though she's dead by now," "Well why do you follow that old lady's rules?" "Because she isn't just any old lady or squad leader she's a queen in the medieval days," I guess we should meet the rest of the squad now? Lucri stepped forward "Hi I'm Lucri, Azuri created me by using your blood and DNA," the boy she was talking to pulled a disgusted but interested look "I'm Luca and my brother is Levi right there," he pointed to the black person with Livi "He doesn't get along with people that much," Luca said with a nervous laugh, Lucri looks surprised "So does Livi, Levi already knows her because she hates him, we have to be careful when he's in the club house and she's around or she might want to kill him," she whispered Luca's eyes widened "I never knew there was violence in your squad, but there's violence here to," he laughed and I went to meet my copy "Hi Jaxx," he looked at me, do I always have really red eyes? "Hey, this is going to be awkward to call you Jax because my name is Jaxx so I am just going to call you Red, okay?" "Okay, you have any rivals?" "I used to have Sora as my rival," Dora as my rival? That would sounds terrible! "Oh I'm sorry-" "No it's fine, we got over it and he um...ends up something (liking) me," "Oh I get it," "You have a rival yourself?" "No, Dora is my best friend," as we talked I keep on thinking that he's weird, weirder than me we kept on talking when it was finally time to go. "Okay I think that's enough time," said Livi "We should be going now before the SA company thinks we're suspicious," we left, unnoticed somehow. I think nothing is going to go wrong.

    ??? POV

   "How are we going to attack the Rainbow Squad now that we don't know where they are?" I smiled "We don't," he looked at me in surprise "What do you mean? We have to keep searching," "I mean what if we use the Dark Squad to spy on them? They are the rivals of the Rainbow Squad and slightly stronger although the Rainbow Squad still has a chance to defeat them," he laughed demonically "Yes, that's a great idea, Harras," 

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