Chapter 14

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      Jax's POV

   I watched the news and I can't believe it, we worked so hard to keep Texas safe! (I don't know if Alex lives in Texas or not but if not then I am sorry) okay maybe keeping Texas safe by murdering, stealing, and kidnapping some people is not safe but hey! We rescue some people as well! Suddenly the TV turned off "I think that's enough watching the news..." I nodded and went up to my room this time I am going to train, I am going to train so hard that I will move up to fifth ranking! I got started right away by borrowing some stuff from the other's rooms (some stuff that can help with fighting like a punching bag) and punched, kicked, and tackled them but I guess I made a loud racket because Lavender (the one of us who hates hearing so much) came in "WHAT IS WITH THE NOISE!? I AM TRYING TO GO TO SLEEP!" I looked up from my training to see an angry Lavender at my bedroom door "I a-am!" Lavender's face seems to soften "Oh, I see, do you need any tips?" Yes! I do! But I literally just uttered "Um no it's okay you can go to sleep I will try to train more silently," UGHHH WHY DID I DO THAT?! Lavender just stared at me but nodded and left now I have to train and train with no shortcuts! 

      24 Hours Later

   When I woke up I was on the ground, I guess I trained so hard I went to sleep but when I felt around my face it hurt in one side, wait a minute I don't think I fell asleep because why would there be a bruise on one side of my face? And when I touched it it was burning a little so it's not a punch from one of the two-high rankers, did something flew into my room and burned me? I have to tell Lucri she can identify damage. I trudged down to her room where she surprisingly is still there fixing some of her machines and humming a tone "Lucri can you look at this?" she startled but when she saw me she relaxed "Sure what do I need to see?" I showed her the mark and she looked at it "Hmmm it seems to be a burn mark but I do wonder what has caused it, do you remember anything or how it got there?" "No I just woke up and felt a slightly painful side of my face," she nodded "I don't think it can hurt you, it looks like a scratch so maybe you should join the others for breakfast I am thinking of going out again," oh no, believe me I do want to get out of the house as well but if Lucri is the person to select where to go things can go a little... confusing might be a nice way to put it. But I have to agree to it anyway she is kinder and friendlier than the others all except for Dora my other best friend, what am I doing I need to eat breakfast "I am heading downstairs," "Okay, I'll be there soon," I went downstairs to discover that we are having yet again pancakes for breakfast, I sat down on a seat ate my pancakes and poured syrup on it in peace, well almost Dora came in and looked at her food "Hey how come my pancake is smaller than the others?" don't tell me she's going to swipe one of my pancakes out of my plate without me noticing but as soon as I heard what I thought was the sound of a taser gun I heard a SWIPE and looked back at my pancakes "Wow Jax you finished yours fast," Dora said in a full mouth "That's because you swiped almost all of mine!" "Hey I was the only one with small pancakes so someone has to pay!" I tackled her off her chair and she fell, she was lucky she swallowed all of her pancakes (and mine), but our laughter and silliness was interrupted when Lucri came in and smiled "Hey guys, I want us all to go to the beach today so we better pack and get dressed into know (disguises) but this time I made sure that they stick on unlike the last time we got into a chase," "Yeah, you can say we really were in the goose chase," muttered Livi "Well here is a list of items we need,":

                                                      Needed Beach Items (Do Not Loose!)

    1. Sun Block/Sun Screen

    2. Picnic Towel

    3. Food

    4. Picnic Basket

    5. Water

    6. Umbrella 

    7. Bags/Backpacks

    8. Sunglasses/Glasses

    9. Swim Suits

    10. Hats 

    11. Compass

     I looked over at Lucri "What do we need hats for?" "In case the weather gets really hot same for the sunglasses," this girl is ready for anything and everything "What about the compass?" "If our phones died and we don't have a charger then we can find out way back home with a compass," "Why don't we just pack a phone charger?" I asked "I am trying to make this trip device-free now no more questions we need to get packing," "I am just going to check the storage room for some of these supplies," Livi walked off and I got a duffel bag to put all of the items in. I was finally done and Livi came back with the other supplies I missed, I put all of it in the bag carried it and it was very heavy "Are you sure you can lift it?" "Yeah I think I'm good, thanks Dora," she looked twice at me, nodded and then decided to leave me alone "We could ride our bikes or walk there the beach isn't far from here," I guess I can use some of this time to exercise as well as train for my higher ranking...

    Dora's POV

     I know Jax told me that she's alright but I don't trust her that easily but to get her to think that I believe her I am just going to nod and left. We got to the beach by walking there I was so exhausted I was about to collapse on the road, walking sure does take a lot of your energy but running doesn't! I ran very fast and for once felt free well that was until Lavender called me back and I had to walk again but we still got to the beach "Okay let's find a good spot and settle down," we eventually found a good spot (but it was hard to find because everyone kept hogging the ones that were almost free) I collapsed down and took my water and drank it, now it's time to choose either to have fun or stay where I am for food hmm suddenly I felt muddy water jump up and splash on me "Hey Dora want to have some fun?" what do I have to loose? I need to go have fun while I can get out of the house! I jumped in, me and Jax started exploring the ocean, there were fish, small coral, stingrays, dolphins even, fish, more, fish, and a shark wait-shark?! I screamed but I can't but I think Jax saw I looked scared because she just swam next to the shark. JAX WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! But surprisingly it didn't try to hurt her I guess she was trying to tell me that the sharks here are harmless so I swam up to one and touched it's skin carefully "What does it feel like?" Jax said when we went to get air "It felt like sandpaper it was amazing," she grinned "I knew you'll like them as soon as you know they're harmless,"

    Livi's POV

     Lucri was fiddling with something, she said she was trying to fix the mask messenger (the one that they used in the masquerade party) "And that should fix it, almost-" I snatched it from her "Let me see it," I examined it, it looked pretty good if only it didn't act so glitchy "It's not completed yet-" "Whatever," I then threw it into the water but when I looked at the water it turned green a little "Livi! Did you realized what you have done?!" "Um no but I do see that the water is turning neon green," "THE MASK WAS POWERED BY THAT LIQUID IN A GLOW STICK BUT HAS MUTATION LIQUID MIXED IN! BUT SINCE I DIDN'T CLOSE IT PROPERLY AND YOU TOOK IT AND THREW IT IN THE WATER EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES WILL BE MUTATED! IT'S A GOOD THING YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY WORE IT!" wow I didn't realize my sister has some pipes and also I didn't know that. As I look at the water there was a dark shadow that looked like a shark that was growing bigger and bigger "Hey at least no one is in the water," "Jax and Dora are!" oh wait that's right...


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