Chapter 33

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         Frost's POV

  It felt like I was finally doing good again for one of my hosts, well I wouldn't call Sora a host since Dora is supposed to be my host since she "summoned" me with her powers but I ended up going into Sora instead. I don't know why? But it's fine. I looked down at the ground from up in the sky riding on Lucri. I forgot how it was like riding on something that could fly and not float around feels like I am starting to remember something...


   ??? POV

    I was trying to figure out how to figure out how to make a chicken lay a golden egg and almost figured it out when suddenly...SHATTER! Great another person threw a ball in my window again. I looked out of my window and screamed "WHO THREW THAT BALL?!" I looked around but no one was there. I was about to think it was some sort of person using an invisibility potion when I heard a squeaky voice say "Down here!" I looked down to see eight children who were all smiling at me. Some were giggling nervously "Sorry Mister, we didn't mean to throw that ball into your window," said a small redhead girl "Yeah it was Aerial's fault!" said a girl with blue hair who pointed at the red head. So that's her name. "It isn't my fault I kicked so good," she said with a smug look on her face. I chuckled "Maybe you little devils will be able to get away with it this time," I pointed my finger at them "But not next time!" they stared at me and one by one started laughing. "Hey he's fun! What is your name, Mister?" asked a cyan-haired boy. I grinned "My name is Wizard Willy, but you could call me Mr. Willy if you little kids want to," I smiled and they started laughing "Say, what are you seven kids doing here and what are your names?" "We are here because we think this is a good place to play soccer," "I am Aerial the red one, Austin cyan, Era blue, Emily green or lime, Dexter brown, Crystal white, and Audrey black, and Jessica is the one in pink" said Aerial. I looked at them "You kids have parents?" "Yes, although, some of us do the rest of us are orphans," said Austin. Poor children it wouldn't hurt if I befriend them would it? "You children could come and go near my household if you please," I said and they smiled "Really? You'll allow that?! Thank you Mr. Willy!" said Dexter. Suddenly a door to a house nearby opened and a woman looked out "Audrey! Crystal! Time for dinner!" she announced and went back inside. After she did Audrey and Crystal looked annoyed "Our mom is always trying to take us away from the fun we were having!" "Yeah!" said Crystal. But I knew they were lucky children "No no, it's fine we could all play together the next day, you little kids should be going home now," "Except for us orphans," Austin mumbled and went North. I went back inside and started thinking of ideas. I have to see these kids tomorrow for this plan to work out.

     End Of Flashback

    "Frost! Frost!" Sora said while waving his hand in front of me "Oh! I am so sorry! I was having a flashback," he looked annoyed a little "Does this always happen?" "No, but today it happens repeatedly," I said and Sora facepalmed himself. Have I already failed trying to serve my host? I flinched "Look Frost, I know you're trying to help but these flashbacks are always happening, we have to fly back to get you while you're floating in mid-air daydreaming," "I am sorry..." he seems to take back what he said because he apologized. Humans could be really confusing sometimes. First they are angry at you then they apologize to you, why can't they just let their rage out on you? "We are here," huffed Lucri and dove down. As we landed I indicated that we are in a red, very hot, and deserted Fire Kingdom "Wow it is more than I imagined," I awed "Yeah...but it is what we expect of it," said Livi. We began entering the palace by it's gates. If I were them i would've walked the opposite direction and sneak in so that the guards won't spot me but they decided to just walk in through the gate like they are Fireians. At least they don't see me. "Hello guards, we must go in immediately we have found the lost prince and princess," said a girl named Alex. Even though I knew they don't see me I hid behind Sora and the red-haired boy, Jaxx, doesn't look pleased anymore. Sora shrugged me off and followed them but I floated up in the air this time so that I don't anger anyone. As we got in I noticed immediately that this place is kind of like the Obsidian Kingdom. Not that I know what it looks like, I just heard about it from when the Frost Kingdom deciding what kingdom to attack. Anyways, the Fire Kingdom looks like the Obsidian Kingdom but red, lot and lots of red. "I wonder how these people survive," I whispered so that no one could hear me "I don't know either but don't be in other people's business all the time," snapped Jaxx. Wow, okay I knew people in this squad are going to be mean but this one is being even meaner than anyone I've ever seen, I even sensed that he wants me beaten up. "Excuse me but it is not nice to insult or plan to beat someone up when they know what you're trying to do," I said and he first looked taken aback but then angry. Oh no I angered someone! "How did you know I was plotting that?! And get away from me nosy pushover!" he said with rage, yes I can feel it now. I was trying to avoid that feeling but it happened and now I could control it to do my bidding. I sighed "I didn't want anyone angry or else I have to take control of that anger and make it powerful or weaken it, but if I do weaken it they won't have anymore energy," I said "But I guess for my purpose's sake I have to strengthen it..." "Frost you don't have to do this!" cried Sora but I just looked at him with a weak smile and said "I am sorry," I sent some power into the anger but in return I took some of the rage's power and stored it. "Frost! NO!" yelled Sora and before I made Jaxx's anger more powerful he said something that made me stop "I command you! If you make it stronger you won't have anymore ice cream!" I stopped. There was silence for a long time and I didn't want to say goodbye to my ice cream privileges so I sighed "What do you want me to do instead?" "I want you to weaken it," I looked shocked "Are you sure? He won't have enough energy to move for two days then," "Yes I am sure, and it's for his own good," I turned to Jaxx and he looked afraid. "Don't do this please," "I have to, it's what I am made for it is my purpose," I started concentrating on making the magic when someone yelled. "GHOST! THERE'S A GHOST!" I forgot I was in my Human Form and to them I probably appeared out of nowhere. "WHERE WHERE IS THE GHOST?!" shrieked another person "THERE! HE'S TRYING TO TURN INVISIBLE AGAIN! EVERYONE RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" I quickly looked at Jaxx who looked relieved "You got lucky there," I said grimly and went to manage the chaos that has been spilling out.

        Two Hours Later...

   "Phew! It wasn't an easy task to do but I managed to do it," I came back to the squad "Now that everyone has fled I am sure it will be an easy task to get the Fire Orb," I said. But i realized what I said "Wait, you're not trying to get the Fire Orb are you? I thought you were here to visit everyplace," everyone looked guilty "Sorry Frosty, we should've told you earlier," said Charli. That was when it dawned on me that the only reason why the squad was traveling was not for visiting there homes but for trying to steal their own orbs for power. That is so twisted! "Wowie! You guys are a bunch of savages!" I said. They looked at me confused "Wait, you're not mad?" "Why would I be?" "Because we steal your friend's orbs," said Luca "Oh no no no no! Is this what other people think?! I don't even know some of these Orb Guardians and a lot of them don't know me so why would I be mad at all of you?" they all stared at me as if I had lost my sanity and murdered people in front of them "What?" "We thought that you cared about them, I mean I saw that you knew who Hybrid was," said Sora "I may have cared about one~-I mean! No I don't!" they all looked at me and Charli started squealing "Frosty has a crush! Frosty has a crush!" "Shut. Up. Before I make you!" I said and then covered my mouth "Sorry," I whispered "Guys we are wasting time fighting with this I-Have-A-Crush-On-Someone guy," Zach continued "We need to find the orb remember?" I sighed a sigh of relieve and Charli gave me a mischievous star as if to say "You are not off the hook yet!" and she did as I thought "What is her name? What hair color does she have? And is she into you?" she asked. You don't have to answer them Frost. "I am not telling you any of those except that she has red hair, but I promise you it is not Jax!" Charli and some other people let out some "Ooooh!" and "Aaah!"s "We are really wasting our time trying to guess who Frost's crush is," "I agree we should go look for the orb," we all nodded and searched the abandoned kingdom for any signs of a hidden orb. But no luck until I found a small temple that has a glowing, red, ball in it but when I touched the ball it hurt like fire. "Guys I think I found the orb!" "Good now let's get outta here!" said Jaxx. When we were about to leave our escape was interrupted by a voice "Now where do you think you're going?" I turned around and was shocked to see who it was "Leaving so soon? Aren't you? Intruders!" "Guys go," "What! What about you Frost?" asked Jaxx (for once he cared) "I could face her I promise," she looked shocked "Did you intruders just say F-" "Guys go now!" "What! Why?" "Just go! Or I'll make you," Sora looked at me "We are not leaving without you," he said, he sounds quite determined to stay with me but alas if a ghost has a host they have to do anything and everything they can to protect them. And teleporting Sora and his friends outside is the only way to protect them. So I gave him a smile and said "Goodbye...for now," "Frost! No!" I sent him away and turned to face Pyro "Wow that guy is clingy," she said. 


    Thank you all for reading my book! I never thought that I would get a book with so many readers! Thank you all so much! But I might post late because I am going to school on August 9 and I am not sure if my parents will let me post even when I tell them that I am trying to make a new chapter! That usually works but I don't if it is going to work all the time. I hope you understand why I might start posting late in August 9! Btw thank you again for reading my book! I appreciate it! :)

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