Chapter 39

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       ???'s POV

   I killed him. I literally killed someone. I am a murder now. I am going to get arrested and die a terrible, horrible death! Wait he's breathing, oh my gosh he's alive! But if he wakes up he'll remember me and tell people...I cannot let that happen, so it looks like I am going to have to kidnap him. I sighed, picked him up and went outside of the tent. He started grunting and woke up "Wha-where am I? Where am I going? Who's carrying me? Let me go!" he started kicking me. It hurt but I held it in "You saw me, I cannot let you tell other people about me!" "Why not?" "Because it'll ruin my mission," he went silent for a while. But I didn't care, I started walking into a cave "What is this?" "My camp," "No offense but this is the worse camp I've ever seen, I mean I am surprised that no one found you or this camp yet," "That's because I stayed hidden," I dropped him. He looked around examining everything. "This is a very huge cave," I nodded. I then sat on a chair (I decorated this cave like how someone would decorate their home) and started drinking tea. "How long have you lived here?" "For a few weeks," "You've been living in a huge cave for that long?" "Wow I can't believe it," "Believe what?" "That we haven't explored this place yet," "I mean it is hidden," "Why did you choose to kidnap me? It could've been anyone," "You were the only person in the tent remember?" "True but if that's the reason then why do you come into the tent?" "Because I um..." oh shoot how do I explain what I am doing without terrorizing them? "I was just curious and explored your tents," he cocked his head and looked at me "Uh I don't think that was what you were doing, you looked like you were trying to...scavenger for our things?" he got it right. I am a worker for a shop called Bits And Bobs. My family is very poor but the only thing they had to make more money is the shop. I don't do anything bad in there I just scavenge for anything I can get my hands on. But now that someone's about to find out it is going to make my scavenging a little more harder. "You got me, I was scavenging for materials but I wouldn't call it stealing because you could always just buy it back right?" he looked at me with an annoyed look on his face "Who would want to buy their own stuff if they could've already owned it?" I chuckled nervously "Haha..." he raised an eyebrow. "Okay fine! I am just trying to help my family okay? They own a shop called Bits And Bobs, in there you could get anything and I mean anything but I am the one who has to find the rare items, I am not trying to get your pricey orbs though!" "How did you know about them? And you could've asked us for some scraps," *gulp!* I didn't know they were the people who would give away their unwanted stuff. Do I trust him with my secret? No, not yet. "So uh what's with the tents?" I said trying to change the subject. "Oh there are more of us trying to uh camp here so we thought of camping here," hesitation, he said that with hesitation in his tone so that must mean something. Hmmm maybe he is trying to hide something from me. My parents did say that it is easy to tell that I am lying since I have hesitation in my voice. "Are you trying to hide something from me?" "No no of course not!" he said, rather too quickly that I was even more suspicious of him. "What are you and your guys doing here anyway? This is the Haunted Forest Mountain, barely anyone visits," I said. He started looking around "We just thought it was a good place to rest, I know it's haunted but it's also the only place that was closet to us," he explained then looked at me"By the way what is your name?" "My name is Octavia," "Well Octavia I think I should be heading back now-" "DON'T TELL YOUR BUDIES ABOUT ME!" he looked shocked. I gasped at myself, how did I even scream at someone like that?! "I mean, please don't tell anyone about me just please!" he started laughing "I won't tell them, I promise," "Phew, good, by the way if you want I'll give you some food for your time here, you look like you'll starve to death any minute now," I said. He chuckled and I gave him the food. He made a disgusted face because I only gave him carrots and spinach. "They aren't my favorite but I guess I do have to try to eat them," he gulped. I nodded "Visit me if you want to chat or if something's wrong! And remember you don't need to pretend like you don't belong here!" "How did you know? And anyways bye!" I waved and like that he was gone. I sat down and started nibbling on my food wondering what to do next. Should I read a book or stay here or try to see who his friends are? I mean how are there so many? They can't be royalty can they? There's no way the rumors are true because if they are then that means that my parent's shop will be either taken away from them or it will disappear as in they'll try to get rid of our shop by burning it, or taking it down piece by piece or some other worse things. My parents always tell me to never trust a person you just met. And I just met him that means that I can't trust him, he didn't even tell me his name yet! I have to go out there and find him, make sure he kept his promise which I doubt! I went out. 

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