Chapter 25

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           Lucri POV

    We were falling and I even transformed into my dragon form but it didn't work nothing worked, we are DOOMED! DOOMED! DOOMED- we landed in a big body of water, well if falling doesn't kill us drowning in a big body of water definitely will! I embraced myself PLOP! That was awfully soft then it hit me of how we survived "Guys! We're in the Ocean Kingdom!" "Wow how can we breathe?" asked Livi as she turned into her dragon form once again "Well while we're here we could always look for the orb," said Levi "But how will the others find us?" asked Alex-wait a minute I don't see her! "Alex where are you?" "I am here! Down here," we all looked down and saw a fish that looks like Alex "How did you became a fish?" "I was swimming one time and saw a golden fish, it looked so pretty that I wanted to catch it so I touched it but then everything felt so big, that was when I realized by touching the golden fish I turned into a fish," well that is one wacky scene "We need to get a great view to find the orb, let's go up," said Livi "How?" I asked "Well...maybe if I stretch my wings it will be like I am fly-AHHHHH," as she said this she shot up high into the sky. "There she goes...without us again," said Luca I looked at him in shock "I mean-I hope she doesn't try to hunt us down," suddenly there was a small snort and a huff, I turned around to see a big shark staring at us "I really don't know if you're sister is as loyal as Levi is but-" "Shhhh!" I clamped my hand on Luca's mouth to make him stop and pointed at the shark, it was sleeping thank goodness "Now let's quietly swim to the surface before it wakes up," everyone nodded and started swimming when the worst happened "Ahhhh...Acho!" shouted Levi the shark turned it's head and saw us, it went towards us quietly but quickly "We have to get out of the water now!" I said but when the shark was very close to taking a bite out of us I felt huge talons come in and swipe all four of us away "Great now we're being carried by a gigantic bird, how can this day get any worse?!" I was about to agree with that when I saw something she didn't see "That is not a bird that's-" "Livi!" cried Luca "That's right I just saved you guys from a shark," she roared "I never thought you guys would be happy to see me after some horrible things that happened-" "Forget the horrible things that you did, at least you came in the nick of time!" said Alex, little did she know there was a reason why she was placed so dangerously in Livi's jaw and I saw that too but she couldn't Alex is friends with us and-she would of course she would do something like that "Livi don't you dare do it," "Do what?" "Eat Alex!" "Great idea, I never would've came up with that if it weren't for you," but she just laughed "I wouldn't do that sort of thing, don't you guys worry," suddenly there was a flash of purple (underwater not in midair) "It looks like we're not alone..." said Levi mysteriously but as we waited for whatever it was to come out and face us it was gone "Maybe it went away-" I began but was cut off "We found you guys!" "Gahhh!" Livi cried and dropped Alex "AHHHH!" but she swooped down and grabbed her "What are you guys doing?" "We tracked you guys down," said the purple figure who turned out to be Lavender "What the-Lavender you're a mermaid!" "Yes I am actually the princess of this kingdom," "Wow impressive," I didn't know that Lavender's a mermaid, although I wouldn't imagine it either but oh well everything worked out fine. Suddenly Alex started going on and on about her makeup and how Livi should let go of her "You should really get your jagged teeth off of my legs," said Alex as she reverted back into human again "If I let you go then you'll fall and die from the shark," "Yeah right," "You want a bet?" "Yeah I'll take one, I'll do so well that I'll win," suddenly Alex punched Livi's eye and she got really mad at Alex and started to scratch her with her legs, then the unexplainable happened Alex took out a sword "Wait where did she get that sword?" asked Levi and Alex started jabbing it at Livi's scales but of course it didn't work because her scales were as hard as obsidian "I am sorry but I have to do this...for the greater good!" but her little cheer didn't last long because Livi tossed her in the air and in her throat and we all stared in horror as we heard a loud GULP! "What have you done?!" screamed Zach but everyone pulled him back "Let me at her! Let me at her!" "Calm down Zach, if you do it you'll either fall or get eaten alive," said Luca "You're a monster you know that?! A monster! For murdering and cannibalism!" "Well to be honest...I am a dragon not a human when I swallowed Alex so technically that isn't cannibalism, and we don't know if she's alive or not because when dragons digest something it usually takes hours for it to turn know," but after she said that she suddenly had a weird look on her face and opened her mouth and we all saw Alex, alive as well, "Argh! I shall slay the beast!" she said before Livi dropped her "AHHHHHH!" "I am not going to get her and you can't make me...ooh hotdog!" then she dived for the hotdog and came back with the hotdog and a not-so-happy Alex "I almost died in her stomach!" "Babe! You're alive!" said Zach as he hugs her and she hugged him back "Well I guess you could make me get her after all," said Livi as she snarfed down the hotdog, after she's finished she looked at me and nudges all of my pockets and puts her nose in my purse "You have any more?" "No, that's the last of it and even if I did I'd use them to bribe you into doing things," she looked both annoyed and disappointed in the same time and she reverted back into her human form "Finally I was starting to think that you love being in your dragon form than you do in human," teased Levi "I only turned into a dragon because-," she paused "Because of what?" asked Luca and for once her face turned red but I can't tell if it's because someone here is her crush (yes, she has a crush) or if she's embarrassed "B-because of nothing," "We still have the Frost Orb though," said Luca as he opened his bag and pulled it out "Luca put it back, someone might come and steal it," "No one's going to steal it-" *someone snatches it* "Oh," "Hey get back here!" I shouted "Oh no you don't!" said Livi as she turns into a dragon and tries to get them but then another one came in and shot a net at her "RAWRRR!" she grunted as she falls out of the sky "Levi you dive in and cut the net with your sword," "What?! Why me?" "Because you're the only one who knows how to use a sword properly," he did a long "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!" but dove down to cut the ropes "We got you outnumbered! You only got one of us not all of us!".

    2 Hours Later...

      "They got us all," sighed Luca "And they are dragging us to nowhere," I said quietly "Where should we put them?" "I don't know but we have to figure something out for the queen, Herald," "Yeah we do," "I say we put them next to the dragon," dragon? What dragon? "That's a good idea," then they heaved us up onto a cart with a big net in it, well we're about to find out what they mean...Odaisa? It's Odaisa the dragon! (They found out a while back that when the dragon ate princess Odaisa she touched the orb in it's stomach and she transformed into the dragon, so she's not dead) Odaisa smiled a weak dragon-like smile when she saw us but Luca just screeched "OH GOD!" but I give him a swift kick "OW!" "Odaisa, don't worry once we get out we're coming for you," she looked up at me with hope in her eyes "Woah! How do you fly this thing?!" said voice, everyone even the Frostians (Frost Kingdom citizens) turned to look at a guy dressed all in black riding a white wyvern "Levi! Over here!" even though I screamed and shouted at him to land and save us and to come here he wouldn't, he just kept flying all over the place "How do you ride a dragon?!" good question, I don't know! "Just try anything, please," "Okay I'll try," he pulled on Livi's horns and she halted to a stop "Okay now fly towards them," "I sure will," she said without moving her mouth (when she speaks dragon she doesn't move her jaw) she flew so quickly towards us I thought they were going to break the speed record as: The Fastest Flyer In 2021 "AHHHHH!" and she hit us "Oof!" I said. She got up and roared at the Frostians, they shot a net at her face but this time she blew fire at it and they trembled in fear "Enough!" said Dora "We want you to give us back the Frost Orb, you have two why would you need one?" "Because it'll unbalance our kingdom and in order to give the orb back we have to travel to the Frost Kingdom," Dora looked at them, it kind of looks like she's trying intimidate them or something "By order of the lost princess I command that you either give it back or take us to the Frost Kingdom," Herald looked at her and laughed "You really think that a wimp like you is a princess?" "Actually she is, and I am the lost prince," said Sora "Only the prince and princess can transform into a snow leopard so unless you can do that you are not the prince or princess," at first Dora looked startled but then she shook it off "I accept," she then tries to turn into a snow leopard "Hmmmmmmmm!!!!!! Argggghhh!" she was concentrating a lot and then white fur started to form on her, I turned to Herald and saw that he had a look on his face that says "Is this really happening?!" then suddenly there was a burst of light and in it's place once was Dora but now is a white snow leopard "Oh my gosh you are the missing prince and princess!" "We must take you to you Kingdom immediately!" gushed Herald, I can't believe that worked so Dora and Sora is the missing prince and princess. We were walking for a while when we suddenly stopped at a gigantic mountain of ice "Don't tell me that's the Frost Kingdom," said Dora nervously Herald turns around and said "Wait till you see what'll happen next," then he pulled out a sword and poked the snow mountain and with one little poke the snow mountain faded away to reveal the Frost Kingdom "Wow!" "Oh my gosh I didn't know that your kingdom had geniuses! This is awesome right Livi?" "Y-yeah i-it s-s-s-sure is!" I turned around and saw that she looked cold "Are you okay?" "I-I..a-a-am n-n-n-not used to-to-to the c-c-c-cold," then she turned towards the forest "Livi wait!" "Where is she going?" asked Levi "She just wanted to stay warm but something bad always happens whenever she does it," "Then you better check on her," I ran towards the forest that Livi traveled to and in fact Levi was right but when I turned to say thank you he was gone "Where's Levi?" asked Luca "I don't know but I guess I'll be looking for him as well as Livi," I continued to run into the forest and I found Livi, she was laying down in the snow with fire everywhere "Livi what have you done?!" she opened one eye and snorted "I only set a little fire for me to be warm," "Well not only are you going to be warm but the whole kingdom will be warm as well," "That's a good thing," I facepalmed myself and that was when she realized it was a bad thing "Oh my bad,"

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