Chapter 42

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        Jackie's POV...

    I could not believe that this is happening. One minute Jaxx was sitting right next to me smiling then the next he was falling. I have to save them. Sora, Jaxx, and Charli have gone unconscious and are about to fall to their death. I have to save them but how? Think Jackie. Think! I looked around hoping to find some clues on how to save them but no such luck. Until I laid my eyes on Livi's sword. "Livi could I have your sword for a moment?" "Hm? Sure," she handed it to me. It was surprisingly heavy. Not as light as I imagined. I gulped air and warned Lucri "I am sorry Lucri but this is going to hurt!" "Wait what-OW!" I plunged the sword between her thick scales and she let out a painful roar. I thought she wasn't going to screech again but she did something much much worse. She rolled around in the sky doing barrel rolls (where she flips upside down in mid-air), backflips, and summersaults "LUCRI CALM DOWN!" Livi yelled. "Get that sword off of me! It's too sharp!" she said. Dora looked like she was fed up because she actually started trying to climb on Lucri's back. Then she did the most incredible thing ever. She got a huge string and tied it on Lucri's snout and practically controlled her. Using the string. She stopped and hovered in the air. Everyone was shocked "Dora how did you-" "I took horse riding classes when I was little okay? Now could we please continue Jackie's plan? Because the others seem to be falling very fast," I nodded "Right, Azuri I wish for a long, strong, tight rope please! Make it three as well!" "I got you!" she said. And like magic made a huge rope the size of a big anaconda snake. "It's a little big but I could work with it!" I said. I attached the three ropes onto the sword but made sure that it was tied on the handle and not the sharp blade. Then I tied the end of the ropes to Light, Dora, and me. "Alright guys we are going to sky-dive for them," I said. I got into a diving position. If I dive off so will the others since our ropes are attached to one sword. "Wait did you just say-" SPRANG! I took off and everyone fell with me "SKY DIVING?! AHHHH!" screamed Light. But it was too late. He has to aim for Charli while Dora gets Sora and I get my brother. I positioned myself in a stream-line pose and grabbed Jaxx. I was relieved when I saw that he was still breathing. But when I turned to get back onto Lucri I saw that Light was having trouble reaching Charli and that she was falling faster than Jaxx and Sora combined. I have to help him but first I am going to have to transfer Jaxx up to Lucri. "Dora do you mind getting Jaxx up to Lucri for me? I have to help Light," "I don't mind," she said. She went to me and grabbed Jaxx from my arms. She then sent Sora and Jaxx back up to Lucri. I smiled at her as she went up to Lucri with them. I then dive towards Light who was still struggling. "Need a hand?" I asked. He was surprised to see me but it didn't last long "Yes I do! I need your help to get Charli before she falls and dies," he said. I nodded. I swooped down and grabbed Charli then Light went and grabbed her other arm. We both went to Lucri together. When we got there everyone said that we did a good job but when I was about to join them. I saw Light shedding tears. I went up to him "Light are you okay? You're crying," I said. He sniffled and dried his eyes "I-...I am fine," but I knew there was something bothering him. Luckily I know how to "pry" him. I sighed "Okay, I guess I'll be going now," I was about to walk away when Light said "WAIT!" I turned around and chuckled a little bit. "Okay fine I'll tell you but you better not tell other people because I will haunt you in your dreams," he said. I smiled "Okay what is it that is so important that you won't tell anyone else?" he pulled me aside so that no one could hear us "I actually have a sister that I tried to save but when Charli was about to die I felt almost as helpless as the time I couldn't stop my sister from sacrificing herself," "And I may have told Levi this already so you're not the only one," he added. I nodded. I was fine that I am not the only one. It's the emotions that matter. If someone is not happy I better make them happy. I thanked Light for telling me this and flooded my mind with thoughts. Light has a sister? What is her name? Is she his only family member? How did she die? Does it make me a better friend when I tell this to everyone so that they could worry for him? Why doesn't he tell me these things in the first place?! I wanted to know all the answers to these questions but when I was about to ask Light we have already arrived in our destination. "We are finally here THE SWORD OFF OF ME!" yelled Lucri. Livi rolled her eyes but did as she was told "Fine, it's not like it was sharp anyway..." "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! IT IS SHARP! YOU JUST NEVER BEEN CUT BY YOUR OWN SWORD!" "Actually I have been cut with it multiple times, you don't even know-" "Enough fighting we have to get in and rescue Frost," Levi said while jumping in front of them. "What are we going to do with Sora once he wakes up?" asked Luca. "Great question Luca...let's kill him and eat him," said Livi with a smile on her face. Levi looked disgusted. Luca looked like he was going to throw up. Alex looked like she was going to faint. In fact she did. "I can't believe that you would do what a barbarian would-ahh," she fainted. "ALEX!" said Zach and he ran towards her. And good thing because she was about to fall off. "Could we just go already?" asked Livi impatiently. "We will go soon, we just have to-" "Don't tell me to wait, Lavender!" "Excuse me but I said that we have to wait for everyone to get up so that we could go," "That still counts as waiting you know-" "ENOUGH! WE WILL GO IN AND LEAVE THE PEOPLE WHO PASSED OUT HERE," said Jade. We entered the temple in silence (well to be honest it would've been silence if Livi hadn't said "Looks like someone's enthusiastic,") after we came in we both saw an orb sitting there on a podium. "Huh? An orb is here? Why isn't it protected? Oh well," Drake walked to the Orb. But something is off. Something that seems dangerous...I can't put my finger on it-oh no. Drake is falling for the trap! "Drake don't-" he touched the orb and there was darkness. Then we heard a CLAMP! I turned around and I could no longer see the light shining in the door anymore. Because there was no longer any door. Suddenly the floor under me opened up and I went in. The same thing happened to the others. "AHHHH!". I passed out because I was afraid.

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