Chapter 24

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                                                               The Legend Of The Female Blacksmith

       There was once a girl that had big dreams that no other girls had she wanted to be a blacksmith but everyone rejected her she always tries to fulfill this dream of hers "What did you wish for?" "I wish to be a blacksmith," "Beverly you know that I'll never allow you to do that," "But it's my birthday wish," "Wish for something else, darling," she was upset that even wishing to be a blacksmith for her birthday wouldn't work, but that didn't stop her from trying to be one. One day at school a boy heard that she wanted to be a blacksmith at first he didn't know what to do until the next day... "Hey Beverly I heard that you wanted to be a blacksmith?" "Oh I do, please don't make fun of me," "I'm not I was just curious," "You asked me this because you're curious?" "That and I want to help you be a blacksmith," she stopped in her tracks and she couldn't believe someone was finally going to help her make her only wish come true "Really? Out of all people you'll help me?" "Yes I will," "Great! What do I pay you with?" "Nothing, it's free," she couldn't believe that this boy was going to help her become a blacksmith for free but she knew that if she told her parents this they would never allow her to see him again, but when she came home she had some obstacles "Honey what did you do in school today?" "I learned some new art techniques," "Is that so? Well did you make any friends today?" this is in fact a very hard obstacle because even though she could just lie she'd feel very guilty about it earlier on "I did," "What is their name?" "Brian," "He's a boy? How did you guys meet?" "We met he wanted me to achieve my dream," then her mother looked at her with anger "Young lady what did I tell you about not being a blacksmith?!" "Sorry mother I just wanted to do it," "You are needed in a kitchen not forging items!" Beverly didn't want to talk to her mother anymore so she left the table and went up to her room thinking about her father who had died from making himself work too much from forging, suddenly she thought of a reason why her own mother might not want her to become a blacksmith, it's because she doesn't want me to overwork! She does want to protect me after all. She smiled to herself and slept a long but peaceful night but tomorrow once she goes to school she's going to practice forging weapons or other stuff with this new boy called Brian. Tomorrow she's going to have the time of her life learning how to make weapons. After getting good at forging weapons she became popular in her school, she was known as the female blacksmith but Brian grew jealous of her for all of this popularity, although Brian was jealous he had a...crush on her so after school he made sure that she was free and was about to confess his love when he saw that another boy had the same idea and when he confessed to her he had flowers that were her favorite, she smiled but then she saw him "Brian what are you doing here?" but before he could say anything he turned and ran away "Brian wait!" after she caught up with him he explained to her about everything the popularity, jealousy, and love confession "You should've told me all this! And also I am sorry but I don't think we're meant for each other but I still think we could be great friends," he was sad but he knew that what she said was true. Suddenly while they were playing together they heard shouting and screaming "Oh no! The Crystallians are attacking our land!" "We better help our kingdom, it lost too many land to the Crystallions! Come on we have to help," but the suddenly a Crystallian came in front of them and tried to kill them when obsidian suddenly rose from the ground and blasted the Crystallian away, Brian and Beverly turned to see princess Odaisa "Do what you must to save our kingdom," Brian was too afraid but then he saw that Beverly had an idea "Where are we going?" "We need to go to the Museum Of Dragons," "What are you going to do there? Raise a dragon up from the dead?" he didn't expect anything that crazy until she said "Yes," "You can't do that!" "I know how, I am going to make an orb and feed it to the dragon," she pulled out her orb (it was white) and a second one for controlling the beast. When inside we looked around, there was a lot of dragons to choose from "Quickly choose one," we looked around but then a quarter of the building collapsed "LOOK OUT!" they managed to run away in time "I think this dragon is suitable for the protecting the village," she climbed onto the dragon's back (it was made of stone) and tried to put the orb into it's mouth but there was a slight problem "I can't open it's mouth," "We can't break it, if we do then we can't feed the orb," suddenly she dropped the orb but a small piece went inside it's mouth "Do you think it'll work?" she asked while getting off of it, there was a vague light coming from the dragon but then it was gone "Well, we tried," she sighed and walked away when the dragon burst into light and when the light was gone in it's place was a dragon, and it's alive, it roared mightily and she pulled out her orb but when she tried to control it it flew away and ate princess Odaisa "Odaisa! NO!" cried her mother as she weeped but the dragon still did it's job, it ate and terrorized all the Crystallians and they were too scared to fight back so they retreated "Alright come here dragon I need to make you turn back into stone," but it flew away before she could turn it back into stone. Then one day a Obsidian scout came and explored the Frost Kingdom to conquer land but when they came to it they saw a white dragon with black scales scattered all over it "That's our dragon," they said and they planed an attack on the Frost Kingdom, little did they know the dragon that was once theirs chose to be with the Frostians instead of them and protected the Frostians away from the Obsidians they first thought why does that dragon want to stay with them instead of us? But there were rumors that princess Odaisa was still alive in the dragon waiting for her savior to rise up and save her.

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