Chapter 41

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         Lilac's POV...(12 Years Ago)

    I woke up to see white. Everything in this place is white. I tried to call out to anyone who would listen but unfortunately I don't think anyone is here "Hello? Could anyone hear me? I am in a room and need help to get out!" no one came to help. It's almost like no one cared that I don't know where I am-wait a minute...I think I do know where I am. I looked down and saw that I was up in the sky and...floating? I didn't realize I was floating. Is that LIGHT?! It is him! But how could I go to him from up here? Well, I could float off the ground in the sky so maybe I could float down to the ground? I'll give it a try. I started diving for the ground and it worked, surprisingly. I was diving and finally landed next to Light. "Light! I am here! It's me Lilac your sister-Light?" he was sobbing and putting his arms around something. A grave. My grave. My name is on the grave. How did I die? Why can't Light seem to see me? How do I get him to see me? What did I turn into if I died? The answers came as quickly as the questions came in my head. I died because I was fighting in a war. Light probably can't see me because I am invisible. I don't think I could get him to see me unless I have help from someone who could see me. And I think that I am a ghost. I almost passed out in that last answer. I am a ghost. Okay when I was little I thought being a ghost is cool, I thought ghosts were cool. But people didn't say anything about other people not being able to see, hear, or touch you as a ghost!  *Rustle Rustle Rustle* What was that? I looked at a dark area between the trees and at first saw nothing but when I was about to look back at Light there were eyes staring at me. Eyes. Black ghostly eyes staring at me. I wanted to scream but for some reason I didn't. Then a smile joined the eyes and they both disappeared. I looked over at Light who was still sobbing his heart out. Did Light not see that? Is it because it might be a ghost? I think it is a ghost. I saw a ghost and didn't know what type it is. I think it's the Phantom Ghost. There is a rumor in my school where there is a ghost named Phantom. Apparently Wizard Willy the most powerful wizard of all Crystallians turned seven or eight kids into Spirit Guardians. Maybe this is one of them. To be honest I am not sure if it is Phantom or Obsidian because they are both black. While I was thinking this Light said "Oh Lilac I should've stopped you! This is all my fault! *Sobs*" "Light I am right here! You shouldn't have stopped me! You did the right thing, please stop crying!" but of course he didn't hear me and kept on crying. I was so angry and furious with myself that I screamed "WHY DON'T YOU HEAR ME LIGHT?! JUST WHY?! WHY ARE GHOSTS, PHANTOMS, SPIRITS, BANSHEES AND OTHER STUPID THINGS MADE IN THE WORLD ANYWAY?! I JUST WANT TO TURN BACK INTO A HUMAN!" I said. I felt myself starting to cry. But I didn't care. People can't see me anyway. Suddenly when two minutes passed of me crying I stood up and turned around to see a girl standing next to me. I blinked in surprise but she was gone when I opened my eyes again. Must be my imagination. I turned around to go back to watching Light only to see that the girl was watching me from behind. I got a good look at her. Black, free, hair. Black skirt with red stripes. Black necklace, red lurking on it. And she is transparent. "Who are you?" she looked at me. She seems to be looking at my hands so I looked down at them. They were transparent as much as she is "Why are you looking at my hands like that?" nothing. She didn't even respond. She just stepped closer. Then she finally stopped when she was one foot away from me and finally said. "I am Phantom," she said and studied me. "Why are you examining me?" "Because you are a new-comer and because this is very one has ever became a ghost because they died," "Well thank you that is very comforting," I said sarcastically. But she didn't care. She just kept looking. "Why are you watching that guy over there?" she asked and pointed to Light. "Oh he is my brother before I died," I said. "Aw that's sad, I left everything when I became a Spirit Guardian," "Uhm may I ask? What is a Spirit Guardian?" she stopped examining me and looked at me. "You really are living under a rock now have you? There are news, rumors, even theories of ghosts but one ghost form people will never know is the Spirit Guardians, and that is what I am," "What does a Spirit Guardian do?" "They protect an orb that is the source of their power," she replied. "They sound very dangerous," "I am dangerous and I am not the only Spirit are one as well," "Wait what?! I am?! What responsibility do I have to take? What is my power?!" she cleared her throat. "Your power give or bring something back to life and you could also heal people," she said. My heart skipped a beat. I could do those things now? "How do I activate it?" I asked. I couldn't contain my excitement! Well that was until she said "I don't actually know how other ghosts operate with their powers, I only know how to use my powers," wha-how dare she be so selfish! She only knows how to use her own powers and not others! Well to be honest I don't know how to use other people's powers as well but she has to help me somehow! "Um could you kill something or something?" I asked. She looked at me in surprised "How do you know that?" "There are rumors in my class about ghosts and you are one of the rumors," I explained. She grunted in disgust but didn't say anything. Suddenly a bird flew next to us. She looked at it. Stretched her hand and made sure that it was directly pointed at the bird. She closed her eyes and concentrated. After about 2 seconds the bird stopped and dropped dead. "NO!" I said and leaped to catch the dead bird. I caught it and I tried to heal it the same way she activated her powers but it didn't work. After a few minutes Phantom sighed and brought the bird back to life. "You really don't know how to use your powers do you?" "Yeah, I just came here," "How did you become a ghost?" "I died but when I almost died I heard a voice that said 'Do you wish to start again in life?' I said 'Yes! I want to see my brother again,' but when I opened my eyes I saw that I was in the sky and Light was down crying on my grave that I guess he made since it looks unhinged," "That is a lot to take in," commented Phantom. I nodded and. I looked at Light, I still didn't take my eyes off him yet. "You know you could stop staring at Light right? I mean he has someone else who looks after him-" "What did you just say?" I turned to look at her. What does she mean by that? Light couldn't have replaced me that easily can he? Suddenly an orange haired girl came up to Light and comforted him. I felt a stab of jealousy. I used to be the one who would do that to him in tough times! I got so jealous that I made thorns come out of the roses that were near them. One thorn hit Charli and another wrapped around Light's legs as he whimpered in pain. After that I knew I messed up. "How do I undo my powers?!" I tried to get to Light to help him get out of the thorny bushes that were now growing. But I can't because I cannot got through them. Suddenly Phantom grabbed my waist and pulled my arms towards Light and the orange girl. And the thorns suddenly stopped. "How did you know how to do that-" "Light! I am so worried about you!" "Charli what are you doing here?" "I came to check up on you," she said. Yeah right. I thought as I rolled my eyes. "I am just grieving for my sister,". She hung her head in fake-dispair (actually I think she was just trying to be sympathetic but come on! This is MY brother! And mine only!) "I don't like this Charli girl," I said. They went out of the gate and left the cemetery hand to hand. Yuck! She seems to be a simp for my brother! I can't believe all this time someone loves my brother! Ugh! I told Phantom that I should really be going now because I didn't want to see any of this anymore and I went up to the sky and found a kingdom there. I went inside the Kingdom and met someone named Hybrid. We became friends and I get to guard an orb here called the Cloud Orb. Which brings life to other people but it is not one of the seven or eight orbs. Don't worry orb I'll protect you form everyone. Especially that Charli girl...

       Charli's POV (In The Present)...

    We were flying to the Cloud Kingdom that is above the Hybrid Kingdom. When we flew there I saw clouds everywhere. There is nothing here except for one building that looks like a temple. "I think we reached our destination and that must be where Frost is kept," said Light scanning the map. He turned and looked at Sora "You doing okay, Sora?" Sora looked at him and smiled weakly. "Yeah I am fine, just a little hot...unicorns flying in the sky with rainbows and pigtails...Ugh," he said. There really is something wrong with Sora. "Sora are you sure you're feeling right? I mean you seem to be getting sweatier and sweatier by the minute," "Yeah, you are getting red also," said Jackie. Jaxx scooted next to Sora "It's okay Sora, we'll get Frost back for you," he said. But Sora wasn't listening because he passed out by heat. "Sora!" he said. But something bad happened. Sora fell off of Lucri. "Sora no!" me and Jaxx said. Everything else happened so quickly. First Livi stared in disbelief of all of this happening but then she decided to react by trying to transform into her dragon form. It didn't work so she looked down and saw that her dragon medallion is on it's grace-period "Oh come on!" she said. We were too high in the sky to dive for Sora and it would be dangerous for Lucri to dive down because that could mean everyone else is going to fall down with Sora. Jaxx was wishing for all of this to be a dream and Azuri thought he meant it for real so she granted his wish by making him sleep. He fell as well. And now we have two people falling and are about to die. I wanted to save them both but I knew that if I did I'd die. But that won't stop me. I took a deep breath and got ready to jump. I guess Luca knew what I was about to do because he said "Charli don't you dare do it," "I have to Luca! For the greater good!" I said and I dove towards Jaxx and Sora. Hitting a rock on the way and everything turned black. My last thought that I had was this: I failed them. I failed everyone. I am going to die now. Nothing could stop me from dying...I heard Light calling me and when I was about to die I felt someone or something grab me.

     To Be Continued...

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