Chapter 8

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    Levi's POV

     I woke up with a bad head ache and barely remembered anything, what am I doing here and where am I? "Oh finally you're awake!" oh it's just Luca's room- "Wait you are not Luca!" "Huh? Luca? Why would I be Luca? My name is Lucri," "Lucri?" "Yeah," strange name I wonder why she looks similar to Luca, her voice sounds a little bit like him too as I was wondering this Lucri said "Come on you should meet the others!" "The others?" wait a minute the name Lucri reminds me of someone, someone who is in a squad, Lucri Tyson...she's her isn't she? That means that I am in the rainbow squad's hideout...but she seems so docile I think we can be friends "Um Lucri are the other's dangerous? Or rude?" Lucri looked at me with worried eyes "I hope they make you feel welcome, you know you shouldn't believe everything Mr. Raja says," I guess that's true "I think you know that we are the rainbow squad?" "Yes, I do know that," "Okay but I bet you have never see them," I don't, but I didn't say anything, Lucri lead me a room and she pointed them out "That's Lavender the one in purple, Livi the one in black, Dora blue, Jax red, and I'm white," "Hi Levi," "Great to see you!" "It's too bad that we reported what we saw to Azuri," "Yeah why did you work with them?" "I worked with them only because-" "He wanted the money and badly needs it," I turned to see who said it and it was Livi "What? I was only trying to make sense, nothing bad," "Livi! Be nice!" she just rolled her eyes. Lucri turned to me "She's not used to new members," "Wait, this guy is going to join our squad?!" "Um I mean people coming here," "That's what I thought," muttered Livi. She hates me doesn't she? "Is this normal?" I asked Lucri when I know no one can hear us, Lucri sighed "Yes this is normal, she used to behave like this when everyone is used to be a new member even me," I looked down, will she hate me forever? Wait but she is not treating the others like that anymore. "Why is she not mad at the others anymore?" "Oh that's because she got used to them," so if I could befriend her somehow she won't act like this anymore? Maybe that'll work...I just have to try. "Thanks for telling me," "You're welcome," I left and went to find Livi, I found her sitting at the couch at first I sat at the opposite couch, she glared at me but looked somewhere else. I saw that she was comfortable so I sat next to her (not to close though) "Hey Livi do you want to-" I was about to ask if she wanted to play a game together and handshake with her but she pinned me hard to the ground "Don't touch me!" ouch! It hurts! I thought I was going to die when Lucri came "Levi are you okay- Livi get off of him!" "No!" this hurts a lot but somehow I managed to lift myself up a little, Lucri saw that and gasped "He's getting up! He's the only one who did that!" she wrote in her notebook but as soon as Livi looked down and saw that I was indeed doing it she punched me in the forehead "Ow!" "Livi!" "Oops I am so sorry!" everything went black.

    I woke up felt myself and found a bandage on my forehead, great the more the merrier...suddenly I heard the sound of doors closing and Jax came in carrying food "Here is some food," "Thanks," I ate the food but noticed that Jax looked tired and beaten up "What happened?" Jax smiled weakly "Livi saw I was carrying food asked why I was doing that and punched me," "I am so sorry that happened," "It's okay it doesn't hurt that much," but I saw Jax clutching her stomach suddenly the door opened again, this time it was Lucri, she came in panting and looks like Jax but when she opened the door I heard screaming punching and shouting "LET ME AT HIM! LET ME AT HIM!" "What happened?" Lucri pointed outside and I saw that Lavender and Dora were trying to take Livi into a security room but before they could Livi said "I HATE YOU LEVI I WISHED THAT YOU WERE NEVER BORN!" "Don't take what she says seriously, she doesn't mean it I promise!" "But why does she hate me so much?" "Maybe it's because she thinks that you are trying to replace her," "That might be right if I know her, thanks Jax," "Your welcome," I can't take this anymore if someone in this squad hates me then why should I be here? I have to find a way out and go back to Alex. I walked out of the room "Levi wait!" it was dark but I didn't care I walked around and felt with my hands so that I won't bump into walls, I felt a door and went in it wasn't the way out so I just sat at a corner. How do I get out of here? I wish I can go back to Alex. The door closed and someone was in the room with me "Hello! Where are you?" I shouted but felt someone knocking me to the ground "Oof!" suddenly the lights turned on and there was a broken chair with ropes that have been cut. Oh no I am in the security room aren't I? I have to get out of here. I aimed for the door, locked "Where do you think you're going," turned around to see Livi. She charged at me with her katana and I braced myself. I am going to die I am going to die...

  End Of Chapter 8

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