Chapter 29

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          Azuri's POV

      We were paddling our canoes as if our lives depended on it for a few hours "When are we going to get there?! My hands feel like they just touched hell," said Livi "We don't know where were going because the map flew away," said Levi "It's a good thing I raided that pirate ship then," she muttered then everyone stopped paddling and turned to look at her "What did you just say?" asked Dora and Livi looked at her in confusion "I said 'It's a good thing I raided that pirate ship then,' why?" suddenly Lavender just stared at her in shock "You don't mean the airship that we spotted on top of the Ocean Palace do you?" "Um yes that's the ship I raided, why is it so important?" she still just stared at her but then she started blurting out some questions "It wasn't even hard? I mean weren't there any guards there?" "Slow down! There were a few guards there and that bratty princess who apparently is named princess Treasure bleh! Who would name their child that?! But she did say something about her befriending someone named Lavender and said that she was going to back stab that person so that they could invade the Ocean Palace, I don't know who this Lavender person is but I hope she wasn't too attached to princess Treasure otherwise it would've been heartbreaking!" she then looked to Livi to me to Livi to me and this went on forever! Until she said "I am that Lavender person and I think she was going to invade the palace if we stayed there for too long," "Wow are you heart broken or something?" "No I am just angry a little bit," "We better keep paddling so that we could get there before nightfall," I said trying to get everyone to focus on something else. Everyone nodded "You're right, we have to continue," said Lavender firmly "Let's go," said Jade as she paddled away. Eventually we reached a land that had a lot of pink, giant candy, and sugar "I think this is it," I said and went on the grass "Come on guys let's go-" "Jade stop eating the grass!" said Drake and I saw that Jade in fact was eating the pink grass "What? Ish vary gud! You should try som," she said (with a mouthful) and handed him some grass "I think everything here is edible," said Lucri looking at a giant candy cane "Even were edible! But that is cannibalism and only a monster would eat people," said Livi sarcastically "It is getting dark," said Jackie "What are you scared of the dark?" asked Jaxx "No, but I think you are scared of me," she said and Jaxx backed away cautiously "Guys look I think I see a building," said Alex pointing to a huge pink building "Then let's go to it," said Zach everyone walked to the building which was thank goodness not too far away. We went inside and saw that it was like a hotel/apartment building "Hello, how may I help you?" "What is this place?" "This is Candy Snowbelle Apartment Building," "May we have a reservation?" asked Lucri, the register smiled and nodded "Yes and here are the keys to your suite," she handed us our room keys (some of us has to share with the others because the apartment rooms are color coded) "Aw I have to share my room with Lucri, Luca, and Levi? I thought we get a room each," complained Livi "Sorry we like to have our building organized," explained the register "Of course it is," mumbled Livi "Now we should probably go to our rooms," I said. I get to have a room all to myself and so does some other people I was about to lay down in my bed and start relaxing when I heard a crash followed by silence and then more crashes, what is happening? I walked out of my room, exhausted, to see Livi and Levi playing with each other in their...onesies? (If you want to know what they are wearing it's simple Livi is wearing a black dragon onesie and Levi is wearing a bat onesie) "You'll never take me alive!" he shrieked "Maybe I will," she said with an evil grin. Suddenly Lucri and Luca came out "Livi don't do it!" said Lucri (who was wearing a white dragon onesie, it's identical to Livi's) "Levi get out of there," said Luca (white cat onesie) "What are you going to do now Livi?" asked Levi "You'll see...very very...SOON!" then she lunged towards him and pushed him out of an open window. He was too shock to react but he fell out of the window "Help!" I looked at the others to see: a worried Luca, a smug Livi, an angry Lucri, next to a falling Levi in distress "Aren't you going to help him?" I asked "Well maybe if I feel pity for him," answered Livi "Which you don't do you?" asked Lucri and she nodded her head "He was my brother," said Luca tearing up "I don't think he's dead though," said Livi suddenly a black Phoenix came out from the window and chirped a loud angry one "What is that?" I asked "Relax it's only me from my grave," it said and it morphed into Levi "Levi you're back!" said Luca running up to hug him. He smiled and looked at Livi "I never thought you'd try to hurt me again," "Well you shouldn't have thought that," she shot back "I will try to murder you then," he said "Oh really? Try," he grabbed his sword and threw it at her, it hit her but no blood came out but it did stay on her "Is that all you got?" he looked astonished "What the-" "What's all this commotion?" asked a voice and when we turned around we saw that it was "Livi? What are you doing here?" "This is my room," "Where have you been?" "I've been sleeping in my bed," "Wait if that isn't you then who is-" said Levi but the imposter Livi interrupted him "Who am I?" it asked and suddenly and started changing it's eyes started to glow a red bloody color, it started turning big and translucent as well, it turned a pale white color and when it was done morphing it was a big, ghostly, white dragon that roared a roar that sounds like a ghost howling. Everyone stayed frozen in fear as the sword dropped from it's chest, it snarled at us and flew away "Was that a-" "Ghost dragon," said Lucri "That explains why it kidnapped me, because it wanted to be me," "The question is what is that dragon from?" "What do you mean?" I asked "Each dragon comes from a kingdom for example frost dragons are in the Frost Kingdom, Ocean dragons from the Ocean Kingdom, etc, but I've never seen a Ghost Dragon before," "I think it's in the Ghost Kingdom," said Luca "I don't think that kingdom exits," said Levi doubtfully "I think I know what kingdom it's from," said Livi and everyone turned to her, her face was pale white with fear as she said "I think it's from the Abbys Kingdom," Lucri covered her mouth "What is that?" asked Luca "It's a deadly, scary kingdom, there was once a person who decided to explore the whole world and went into the Abbys Kingdom little did he know he'll never make it back alive," "Did he die?" "Of course he did! He died a painful death by the Catabus, and he never even set foot on the Abbys Kingdom yet," Levi cleared his throat "Don't mean to interrupt or anything but what exactly is a Catabus?" "It is a three-headed cat, it's kind of like Cerberus if you think about it," Levi looked like he believed her when he suddenly bursted out laughing "A cat that seems like Cerberus? I doubt it," I looked out the window and then at the candy clock "It seems to be getting very late, we should go to bed," I said "Okay, whoever is left gets to be eaten up by the Catabus!" said Levi and dashed to his room. Time to finally get some sleep. I went to my room and laid on my bed thinking about the elusive Abbys Kingdom till morning.

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