Chapter 21

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     Jax's POV

    I woke up and checked the time, 1:06 in the morning wow I got up really early well I might as well do something, I got up and creeped out of my dorm (I didn't want to wake up my dorm- room-mate Dora) I started training but I still didn't know what to do, maybe I can swim? No I can't swim if I do then I'll go crazy (I am a pyrokinesis if you don't remember) but just a little bit! I want to know how fast I can go! I ran out of the dorm into the hallway and eventually found where the swimming pool is, okay now that I know where it is how do I get in the pool without burning myself? Maybe I'll put my feet in the water and see what happens? I submerged my feet in the water didn't burn! I smiled to myself, maybe I can do this after all! I jumped in (I was wearing a swim suit) and swam to the deep end as fast as I can go and also timed myself while I was at it, 15 seconds?! I didn't know I was really good at swimming! I went out of the pool and smiled "WOOHOOO! GOOD JOB, JAX!" What?! Who called me? Who goes there?! As soon as I said these words I slipped and fell back into the pool, AHHHHH! I HAVE BEEN CAUGHT OFF GUARD BY SECURITY! Then while I was panicking I saw the guy who was spying on me, it was Jaxx (The Squad) he had a confused look on his face but the weird part was that I saw fire in the water! At first I saw transfixed by this until I realized one problem, Oh no Jaxx is going to jump in and try to help me! But wait! There was another problem...I spent more than 5 hours in the pool! I am probably burning now, so now I have 2 objectives: 1. Get out of the pool before Jaxx comes and tries to save you 2. Find out how that fire got into the school swimming pool, I guess I'll start objective 1, I got out the pool and jumped in the deep end (that way Jaxx can't find me) and it worked! He got up and looked confused but what's confusing was that when he got out of the water (he jumped in the water with his normal clothes on, not his swim suit) I saw that his face was red, the exact same red I turn whenever I touched water and was about to burn-I think he's a pyrokinesis! But I will have to prove it first, I can't just think he's a pyrokinesis just because his face turned red so how do I know he's a pyrokinesis? Hmmmm game on, Jaxx, the winner takes it all...

     (The Squad) Jaxx's POV

    Where's Red? (Jax From The Rainbow Squad)? I thought I saw her fell in the pool, she's probably burning right now and yes I know she's a pyrokinesis because she burnt Sora on the first day although I am still mad at that I understand she's still learning on how to control her fire power, I've been there before RING RING RING RING, looks like the bell rung gotta, head to class as I was going walking down the hall someone ran up to me "Hey! Wait up!" I turned around and it was "Red? Why are you running to me?" weird, she almost ignores me everyday why is she running to me and why does she have water in her hands? "I was looking for you because I need help on-oops!" she spilled her water on me-well at least tried to because I dodged it, she looked embarrassed and her cheeks turned flustered red "I-never meant for that to happen-" "I know what you're doing," she looked at him guiltily "I am sorry I didn't mean to-" "I can't believe you wanted to make me look like I run 20 miles each day!" she stared at me in disbelief, what? Do you think that I will shame my sis? I smiled at her and laughed "I know what you are trying to do for real, Jackie," she then looked embarrassed yet again "I'm so sorry," "It's okay, I can never do such mean things to my sis," as I pat her on her head she looked at me, surprised "Y-you're my brother? I have so many questions! How many years have-why didn't Azuri tell me this?!" "Um, to be honest I didn't know this either," Azuri said through the ear piece (you didn't forget about her did you?) "Well thank you for letting me know that we are siblings," "Your welcome," RING RING RING RING! The bell, great just when my sister and I are about to become a great family reunion there should always be something bothering us, I sighed "Well time for P.E class, let's go, at least we have class together," sad Red I smiled again "Thanks, Red," "You're welcome,"

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