Chapter 20

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      Livi's POV

     I scanned the area, nothing seems to be out of place-wait no, oh no this is bad! I need to hide! I looked around and spotted lockers, this is a foolish thing to hijack someone's locker but I need to hide. Levi could defend himself, I jumped into a locker (I lock-picked it first) and shut the door Levi looked at me in surprise but turned to the hall, at first nothing happened but I knew this was a trick, *gasp!* Here they come! "Okay so would you rather order a cheese burger or french fries from the cafeteria?" "Pffft, dude I won't want to order anything from the cafeteria!" No! I am NOT joking! They are dangerous, I swear! "Hey, look there's a stray student right near the lockers," "What do we do? Herd him to his wittle classes to continue them?" "No, I got a better idea," whisper whisper whisper "Hahaha! That's a great hilarious idea! Let's do it!" they went towards Levi, hmmmmm should I save him? Or let him be? Let's see...there was that one time he humiliated me in front of everyone, oh! And that other time he tried to take over the Rainbow Squad. I don't think I will want to save him after this, I peaked over and felt a stab of guilt, well, maybe as soon as I think they're going to do something brutal then I guess I'll step in "W-what are you guys doing?" shivered Levi, Oh gosh I can't watch, I covered my eyes and heard laughing "Hahahahaha!" then I heard a BANG and then panting and gasping "Hahahaha! I almost have too much fun! What do we do now?" the other guy had an evil grin and grabbed Levi by the collar, oh no they're going to punch him! I think maybe I should step in now. I jumped out the locker and ran the other way before I saw Levi giving me a sad look I almost felt bad for what I was going to do, when he was about to punch Levi he shut his eyes.

    Levi's POV

     I can't believe Livi is going to abandon me after all of those happy memories, okay maybe there were some negative ones as well but mostly good ones! I promise! I shut my eyes tight but the punch never came I opened them again and saw the guys fainted on the ground "What can I say? I'll never abandon those that feel like family," came a voice and a figure jumped down, it was Livi, I didn't want to hug her but I just can't resist it "Thank you thank you thank you!" she pushed me away "Your welcome but it took a lot of convincing for me to want to rescue you, you know," but she did smile at me and looked at her victims (the people that she knocked out conscious) "Hmmm," she examined their pockets and looked at their logo "They look like they serve as the SA Company International Academy's hall monitors," "That's what I was about to-" "Of course you don't know that! I have to figure out everything don't I?" suddenly there was a bell ring "Oh did you hear that? That means we have to head to class, I have fighting class what class do you have?" "Um first I do know what the bell means and second I have art-" "Art class great! You're going to be the next Bob Ross one day! Keep up your lousy work and be the next one! Bye!" and she was gone "Bye, good luck on your fighting class, hope you learned some tactics from it," I said to no one in particular, well look like I need to head to class anyway, I went to the classroom and it looks like most of the boys are in the same class as me and so are some of the Rainbow Squad's girls...great well at least I can handle them we have: Lucri, reminds me of Luca I think they have the same annoyingly-lovable personality so she shouldn't be trouble. Lavender, kind of like Livi but a little stronger, gee I don't know if I can handle Lavender if I can't handle Livi. And Jax, she looks sad right now but she's weird, low-tempered, and would act grumpy without Dora around and it looks like she's not around, great. Hopefully I can handle them all oh wait one of them is coming to me, it's Lucri she smiled happily at me "Hey, do you need help on painting? You seem like you were thinking of some people," how did she know? "Um no thanks I don't need help, actually," I didn't want to give her any trouble but to be honest I wish I'd ask for her help, Luca isn't here right now and I don't even know what the teacher was rambling on about. How am I going to paint my canvas when I don't know what I am supposed to do? I got an idea maybe I will see what Lucri is doing I don't think she'll mind. I peaked my head at her canvas (luckily we're right next to each other and she's painting very carefully on what looks like...a bat's wing? Easy! I didn't know that the teacher was going easy on us. I painted a bat on my canvas and just in time too "Alright class! Time's up! Put your paint brush down and submit your painting in," I am going to get an A+ for sure! I thought as I handed it in the Ms. Doodile looked at it and gasped "Levi! I can't believe you-no not only did you do that! You did something else!" I was confused, what did she mean by "You did something else?" I did nothing but paint a bat "Well, class I guess I should tell you your grades: Lavender: D, Lucri: A+, Jax: B+, Sora: D-, Jaxx: B, Light: A, and Levi: F-," what the- "Ms. Doodile! I have a question! Why did I get a F-?" "Because Levi you were supposed to draw a dragon using shading as your element," a dragon?! I must've thought that the wings of the dragon were bat wings or something! But before I could argue with the teacher I heard the bell ring and it was time to get my books and study at my dorm (this school is so fancy they let students have their own dorms) and when I went to my locker and opened it Livi came along "Woohoo! Fighting class was amazing! I got an A! What did you get Michael Angelo?" I gulped but I knew there was no escaping it "I-I-I got a F-" she looked at me with a confused expression "Wait what? I thought you knew art," "Well, I wasn't paying attention and yeah I think you know what happened next," she looked at me sadly "I am so sorry," is she actually being sympathetic? "For being just a loser! Haha," nope, of course not but then she hugged me "I gotta go, see you later," okay maybe I do think of her as my sister and so what if she's annoying? She is lovable.

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