Chapter 40

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Malachite's POV

I saw two humans but they hid. I didn't want to give them so I didn't say anything. But seeing them together reminded me of something. Something from the past...

Final Flashback Of The Wizard...

"Now everyone count to twenty and let's see what you'll find, okay?" asked Wizard Willy. He closed the closet door. Everyone was very excited except for Aerial who seems worried. "What's wrong Aerial?" "I found something out about something," "What is it?" she gulped "Mr. Willy gathered us all here because he wants to transform all of us into a ghost," "WHAT?!" everyone shrieked. So this is what he called all of us here for? To turn us into ghosts? But for what? To do his bidding? To become his slaves? Wait ghosts don't have slaves they make people have fear. Is that what he is going to do? "Ugh! I feel sick to my stomach," said Dexter. "Yeah me too," "Me three,". Suddenly I felt sick. "What's happening to us?" I asked. Suddenly we all glowed. And the next thing I knew I was standing in a room full of ghosts. Mr. Willy suddenly opened the door "Okay children you now have a job, to protect these objects," he held up seven balls "They are called orbs and you must protect them because they will power you power," we all nodded against our will. He smiled "Good now children, you must be on your way," he said and we all grabbed one orb and left in different directions. I went East and found a green land. I settled there and made my boundary. Now all I have to do is protect my own orb. I forgot about what I was like when I was a child but I now have a new desire: protect the orb.

End Of Flashback...

What was that that I saw?! Mr. Willy made us into ghosts against our wills? I think it is. "Finally, the traitor got what he deserved-OW!" Hybrid staggered back and Ura went up to him "How dare you hurt Frost! He isn't even guilty! You should be ashamed of yourself to attack someone for no reason!" she spat. He growled "Ura you don't want to do this," "I think I do," she said and shot another wave of water at him. He flinched back but tried to attack. The next thing I knew I was defending Hybrid "He didn't do anything wrong," I said. I formed my vines into a shield for him but it wasn't long before it exploded into flames because of Pyro "Frost is not guilty! You are!" Hybrid got so angry that he said "Then you all are traitors because you all stuck up for Frost!". Frost tried to get up but he fell again. "Frost get up," said Pyro as she rushed over to him. "Oh no you don't!" said Obsidian. She made a wall that was made pure with obsidian separating him and Pyro. Pyro gasped " dare you!" she shot fire at the wall and it surprisingly melted like it was butter. Obsidian first looked shocked but Pyro retaliated her. Soon everyone started fighting with each other. No side seems to be winning. Hybrid was almost going down when he spotted Frost. Frost was desperately trying to go out of the cave by trying to stand up. But he stopped it. "You are not going anywhere you traitor!" he said and picked up Frost. He fainted and Hybrid was about to fly away if only the Lost Orb hadn't come. "Who are using their powers for fighting?" she asked. Hybrid looked in shock and dropped Frost. While he yelped but stayed on the ground and closed his eyes. I saw Pyro hid but I had enough of a fight with her for one day. "Who started this fight?" Phantom asked. Everyone started blaming each other that it was their fault "Malachite did it," "No, Hybrid did it," "Pyro did it!" Phantom got very angry "SILENCE! If no one shows me any prove then you are all going to die! I don't care if you are not the one who started it, but by eliminating all of you the person who started it will be punished," she said. We all stayed still. None of us wanted to die an unfortunate death by the Lost Orb's Spirit Guardian. Eventually Crystal stepped forward and turned a rock into a projector that showed how the fight was brought out. After that Phantom was in shock "Hybrid! How could you do such a thing?! I thought you learned after I punished you before!" he shuffled his feet "I did but Frost is a traitor and so is Pyro but she got away," he said. Phantom thought for a moment "Okay, I am going to elect no one to be punished for now...but if this happens again I will punish someone very severely than death," she said ominously. Then she disappeared out of thin air. Hybrid didn't do what he was told though. He grabbed Frost again but this time Frost was too weak to fight back. He then flew to the Hybrid Kingdom. As I was about to teleport to my own kingdom I saw two humans. One black and the other purple. They were looking at me. I didn't want to attack them so I left without saying a word. I have had enough of a fight already. After that I teleported back to my lush, green home. Where I shall now protect my orb away from intruders.

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