Chapter 23

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       Livi's POV

      Crystal Kingdom, that's where we're going next? Everyone in that kingdom always makes fun of me when I was a kid but now that I am stronger I will show them that being different doesn't make you weak I'll tell that to those self-absorbed haters! Just wait till I get my hands on- "I think we're here," said Lucri pulling me out of my violent thoughts, I gazed at the kingdom "It didn't change at all!" "Not all kingdoms are going to change," said Luca "Shut up, idiot! If nothing is going to change then I'll make a change," I started walking towards the kingdom "Livi you do realize that you're the rival princess and you must stay hidden, right?" I sighed, it's true me and Lucri are rivals to the queens that are ruling the Obsidian and Crystal Kingdom it's either we end them or they take us down the decision is ours but everyday in our kingdoms when me and Lucri were little kids from our kingdoms would always pick on us, they would say I wear too much dark-colored clothing to be in their kingdom like I just broke a made-up rule, for Lucri they'd say that she's too bright to be apart of the Obsidian Kingdom it hurts so much just thinking about it! Why does Lucri have to have mercy on everything? But I guess I'll consider myself very lucky to have a sister who can fix our technology for free (come on don't lie you'll be happy to never have any power-cuts or Wifi failure) I don't think taking a family member for granted is a good thing, even though it's tempting. Oh my gosh what am I thinking? I'm here for revenge after the Crystallians (Crystal Kingdom citizen) laughed at me not thinking of dad I miss you! Stop thinking about family and start focusing on the mission! "Livi come on! You have been standing there for 25 minutes," "You have been keeping track of it haven't you Baldi?" I don't hate Levi (okay maybe I do) I just don't want him to raise up to leadership of our squad I was nothing but an unwanted princess when Azuri took me in and changed my DNA and life "Look I am sorry for whatever I did wrong, okay?" "Um for your information I don't like boys because of Lady Asher," "Let's just go already," "Fine act like you know where everything is," "Oh so you know where everything is?" "In fact I do," "That's the House of Mother Pearl, The White Castle, White Chocolate Candy Shop, The Albino Forest-" "Okay I get it you know every place here now can you lead us?" "Why didn't you say so? Of course I would!" silly him, he always thinks he is better than me when really being in Alex's squad doesn't mean that you're better than anyone else "So where should we go now, oh great leader?" "I am not trying to lead them and I don't even know this place," sure he doesn't "So where is the palace?" "I don't think the queen will want to keep the orb in the palace," "Why not?" "Because the Crystal Kingdom queen is the most smartest person in this kingdom," "What makes you think that?" "Because every Crystallian that is crowned a queen will be given a protection, and knowledge spell," he seems confused "What does that have to do with why we can't get in?" "If someone is very smart then that means that they won't just leave the orb out in the open," "So? Where else would they put it?" "In a secret passage where only the queen would know how to unlock it," answered Lucri "I have an idea," said Jax (Rainbow Squad) "What if we split into teams? One will go look for the treasure room while the other will go search for a secret passage by following the queen," that sounds like a decent plan "So who are going to be in each team?" "Team 1: Charli, Lavender, Levi, Luca, Jade, Sora, Jax, and Alex Team 2: Light, Jaxx, Zach, Lucri, Livi, and Dora," I am going to be stuck with a weakling? Oh well I might as well carry out the mission "What are we going to do?" "Team 2 is going to work on trying to find the treasure room," I went away with the rest of the team "Where should we start looking?" "Where does the queen usually go?" great question, I don't know! All I know is everything important about the queen but I don't know where she hangs out "I don't know, how are we supposed to find out?" "We spy on her," so we ran to the White Castle and looked around for the queen "I found her!" "Where?" "There, she's heading for the throne room," that is too obvious but if I was the queen I guess the throne room is where I usually am expected to be all the time. I went inside and looked everywhere from the throne to the crumbs on the floor, the queen sure does eat a lot of beans (I wonder who that reminds you of) nothing interesting seems to be on the ground I'll just search somewhere else now...WAIT! What is that I see? I went to the bookshelf and examined it, there doesn't seem to be anything in that bookshelf...what if I...I looked at some books and pulled one out suddenly a door opened "Guys I think I found the treasure room," "ReallY? We've been in this room for hours!" "You don't believe me? Look at what I've found," everyone gathered around and looked, I can't believe I unlocked the queen's secret treasure room.

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