Chapter 4

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     "Where do we go now, genius?" Alex said this as she was trying to avoid the murky water in the jungle we are now in. "We set up camp here and while we wait we will look around for the research center," "Hey what are those?" Charli suddenly pointed to what looked like the tracks of an animal "We should probably not follow those and go the other way," Levi said, as we were going the opposite way I heard a hungry growl, oh no this must be a trap! "Guys we have to turn back and follow those prints instead!" "Oh Azuri enough tricks, if we go there we will get eaten," "If we continue we will get eaten!" I didn't know what to do but I sure don't want to argue until the animal comes and eats us so I made a run for it to the paw prints "Azuri where do you think you're going?" "I think I am going to safety," "Okay you know what? Let's vote for who wants to follow me?" Sora, Jax, and Levi raised their hands "I guess the rest of you are going with Azuri?" they nodded "Well one team is going to get eaten I think that will be your team," as Alex said this her team went away, I turned to my team "Okay team let's build camp,"

3 Hours Later...

Building a camp is not what I expected it was hard, rough, tiring, and exhausting but at least this hard work can be paid off, while I was continuing my work I heard a shriek and a bunch of screaming then suddenly Alex came from the other part of the forest "There's a tiger!" "I told you it was a trap," "How did you know?!" "Because I read it from my "How To Survive" book," Alex sighed "I guess that means that your team won?" "No," Alex looked at me in surprise. "I think we both won, your team and you stayed alive didn't you?" Alex smiled "Of course we did," "Do you want to camp with us?" "Sure," the rest of the squad including Alex and I spent the rest of the day setting up our tent. Finally we are done, that took forever as I was thinking this I noticed that the sun is almost gone "Alright guys let's go to bed in our tents," we didn't pack any tents but we did cut down some trees and we called that a tent but now that the sun is gone and we are done with building the "tents" we shall go to sleep but before I go to sleep and call it a day I said "And remember do not sneak out because if you do then some animal might kill you,"

Light woke up because he couldn't sleep because of the mosquitoes that were all around the tent. He got up and decided to go out and find a place where there are no mosquitoes around to bother him but as he got up that woke up Charli "Light what are you doing?" "I am going to go to a place where there are no mosquitoes," "But Azuri told us not to get out of camp and to stay where we are," "I will return soon and I will do it quickly so that no one will notice," Charli decided to come with Light but before she did that she left behind a trail of spoiled nuts just in case we get lost or we need help then the others will know where we are by the nuts, Charli and Light ended up stopping at what looked like a spot where less mosquitoes are "See Charli we will just rest here for a little bit and when it's the morning we will tell the others about this place and we will camp here," "I thought you said that you will return so fast that no one will notice that you were gone," Light thought for a moment "I guess I did say that but I mean this is too comfy and warm to leave," "I agree with you on that one," nothing can go wrong with just staying here for a while, right? Charli suddenly wanted to sleep but when she was about to sleep she felt what SHE was sleeping on moving as if it was breathing then when she looked she saw that she was sleeping on something that is huge, orange, and has black stripes "Um Light have you ever felt what we are sleeping on moving?" "No, that would be silly," suddenly they heard a big scary yawn. "Oh, I can see what you are trying to say now," whispered Light, Charli was panicking and wondering what they were doing. They ended up sleeping on guessed it, a tiger! Don't blame them though this is a dark jungle and you tigers have black stripes on their skin to blend in with the jungle almost as if it is camouflaged. "We should slowly get off the tiger and get back to camp shouldn't we?" Light nodded but getting off of a tiger is harder to do than it looks. The tiger that light and Charli was on always moved around in it's sleep. But in the end they somehow made it out without the tiger noticing them, well that is until Light tripped on the tiger's tail with a loud yelp, the tiger woke up and it was mad, mad that someone has ruined it's great slumber it tried to pounce on Light but Light dodged it suddenly when Charli was trying to run away the tiger pounce and finally gotten her under it's claws ''AHHHH LIGHT HELP!" Light tried to hit the tiger off of Charli but it was too strong. Light was about to give up and Charli was about to run out of breath when suddenly a knife flew fast towards the tiger and the tiger ran away, startled Charli breathed and Light sighed "Are you two out of your mind?! I told you guys not to leave the camp not leave the camp!" "I just wanted to stay in a place where there are no mosquitoes around," mumbled Light, Azuri looked at Light and sighed "You could've just told me that and at least you guys are safe," Light and Charli smiled at me "Hey what are these berries?" I looked over at Alex and saw a bush with berries the color bright purple "I don't know but I am going to eat them," as Sora leaped into the bush and ate a lot of the berries I started getting worried "Sora I don't think you should eat those-" "AHHHHHHH Ahhhhhhh ahhhh- ah," as Sora screamed he went out the bush and fell to the ground "Sora!" Jax rushed over and looked at him in horror suddenly Sora's skin turned pale white "These berries are called tranquil berries, eat one and they will make you sleep for 2 or 3 days it will also make you sick and it might make you unable to walk," "Don't worry Sora we'll save you," "In order to make the medicine you must first wait for him to wake up,"

It took 4 days for Sora to finally open his eyes "Help..." he said weakly "Hmmm, it might take very long for Sora to be back to normal again, let's see how long he can stay awake," he started to drift off again "Sora no!" Jax tried to shake him but I stopped him. "If you wake him up from his sleep he will get more sick," "How do we make him feel better?" "We need two things: mountain dew, and water buffalo milk," "Those are all both hard to get," "We will have to split into teams again," "I will have Jax, Light, and Charli," I looked at Alex and Alex gave me a look is saying just trust me "Alright everyone else come with me, but since Jax is worried he should guard Sora and so will Drake," they both nodded. My team and I made a plan that looks like this: I go underwater to pick a water buffalo avoiding all the crocodiles and alligators that are there. I will grab onto the buffalo and try to ride it then Jade will shoot it with her darts. I was lurking in the water and found a strong looking buffalo, I grabbed it and the other buffalos ran away while this one started trying to get me off of it's face I started climbing it's neck and on it's back then a dart flew past me and on the buffalo's neck "Good job, Jade!" "Thanks, Azuri," I grabbed the milk and went up the hill. "Okay now that we have the milk let's go to camp," but when we went there Sora, Jax and Drake were gone. "Where did everyone go?" "I don't know but do we make a fire to signal everyone back?" "They could get lost so sure," as we heated up the sticks I could've sworn I heard screaming but I think that is just the jungle playing tricks on me.

With Drake, Jax, And Sora...

"Come on Drake, shoot them!" "I can't, they're too fast!" as the Komodo Dragons were almost catching up with us I tripped and fell thank goodness I wasn't the one carrying Sora, he would've gotten even more injured- OWWW, I bit my lip and looked over to see a Komodo Dragon biting me and letting go "Drake it's up to you," Drake looked back and shook his head then showed me his arm it also has a Komodo Dragon bite I tried to walk but the venom was painful I can't give up I can't. We started running this time in a slow zigzag line and we managed to lose the Komodo Dragons "Ow that bite is painful," "Yeah, it sure is," "Wait, where is the way to camp?" "I thought you remembered," Drake looked around "Hey look there's a fire," "It must be one of the teams saying they got one of the recipes," "Maybe if we followed it it can lead us to camp," they followed it "I think I see the camp," "Really?" "Yep and it looks like Azuri found the buffalo milk,"

"You guys got attacked by a Komodo Dragon?!" "Yes but Sora is okay," "I don't think he is, look," I pointed to Sora's finger and it had a bite mark "Oh no!" "I think he'll be okay," Alex came running down a hill painting "I *pant pant* got the mountain dew," "Perfect now all we need is the tranquil berry, heat up the milk, put some mountain dew in a pot and then the rest of the ingredients and give it to Sora as soon as he wakes up," I filled the pot with the milk, added the dew and stirred for 5 minutes soon that was over and Sora woke up in time "Hey Sora glad you woke up," said Jax "Give him this," I handed Jax the soup but in a cup "Drink this," Sora looked wearily at the soup but used his good hand to take it and drink it "I am starting to feel a little bit better now," "Good, now go back to rest you'll need it," Sora nodded and closed his eye. Everyone came and had dinner and went to bed. Maybe everyone can survive this jungle and wait for the rescue center. Maybe we will lose Sora or maybe he will get better, who knows? All I know is that I am going to sleep very very...soon.

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